I have a lot of relatives

Chapter 457 Octado

"Rocky, why not tell the mother, do you want to kill my friend, kill me?"

Tor walked into the Tall Palace, and he worked.

Fliki heard that he had a sudden change.

Tor and Rocky are her nourishment, and the hand's hand is a meat. Now the two raised smelters have erupted, and she must be uncomfortable than killing.

"Dry mother, I am, don't worry."

Pan Haidong gently hugged Flijia and whispered.

When he heard his words, Fli Jia's nervous look, really soothless. The affinity of the son is more than her two parents, it seems to be much more reliable.

"I am just executing the final order of my father."

The Rocky Chicken is moving, thinking about such an excuse.

"You are really trick! All the way, never changed."

Tol is not a fool, it will think that the father will be esteem, expel him, but I want to realize that I can do a benevolent Jun.

Kill yourself?

is it possible?

I really have this idea, why will it expel?

O'Do is ready to sleep, kill him directly, isn't it more brittle?

"No matter what, please allow me to make the last thing for the gods."

Rocky has already killed Laofeng, as long as it is destroyed to Try Haim, you can get enough merits and sit in the San King of the Asaard.


He didn't hesitate to raise the eternal gun, and he was coming to the good brother Tor.

Then, turned to see the mother Flijia, suddenly, and disappeared without trace.

"Dry mother, I will stop him."

Pan Haodong Saicai Fliki, showing instant transfer of Dafa, directly came to the end of the Rainbow Bridge, waiting for Rocky.

At this time, Tony has sent a severe frozen Hemdar to the Xueli, and the Rainbow Bridge transport room is free.

Rocky may take some time to come over.

Because he is riding on the way.

"Rocky, stop!"

Pan Haidong held Tianhong Sword and blocked Luoki's way.

Rocky jumped from horseback, burning in anger: "Let me open, don't force me to kill you."

"Benefits, you don't take it."

The eternal gun is indeed very powerful, can increase the combat power of Rocky, but only this.

As long as the person who takes the eternal gun is not Odin, whether it is Rocky and Tor, it is not enough to threaten Pan Haowong, he has this bottom gas.

"Then I become all you."

Rocky lifted the eternal gun and used the cold weapon as a hot weapon, and fired the uncomfortable golden beam, and the eternal gun was in his hand, and he could only use it as a high-fire gun.

Unlike Odin, you can break the dazzling golden light, defeat the frost giant.

"Boom ~~"

The dazzling golden light is coming.

Pan Haodong has a shackles, and the speed has a little obstacles, but it is very easy to avoid the beam.

It is said that the eternal gun has a rule class attribute that will be a percentage of the target ', can penetrate anything in it, and then fly around the owner.

Just happened, it is necessary to be affected by rules.

Although it is very weak, it is sufficient to prove the special attributes of the gun, and the powerful, Pan Haodong must be careful, the only thing to rest assured, maybe Rocky does not know the specific effect of the eternal gun.

After the Rocky was hit, he took a gun to the guns and launched the melee attack.


It is simply a magician, giving up your own advantages, running the past and the warriors.

Therefore, Pan Hongdong is very paralyzed with him, then grabbed his ankle, and left the right madness, and fell a few hundred, until the thunder is rushing to rush, only to hold his hand.

"Rocky, he ... he won't there?"

Looking at lying on the ground, it is not moving, and the corner is hung by the tears, Tors is some can't bear to look straight, sympathize: "You are too embarrassed."

"Children who are not obedient, let him give him a profound lesson."

Pan Haidong took the hand.


Tor sighed.

Let Pandaratory Locky, it is good. Anyway, he will not go to re-trick, Rocky in the gods, such a meal, let it go, or light.


The transfer room suddenly shook.

Pan Haowong's consciousness looked at Rocky, whispered Rocky, has turned into a phantom, and it is really not prepared, slipping into the delivery room.

"Damn ~~"

Tol, Pan Haowong quickly ran into the delivery room.

Unfortunately, a late step.

The transport mechanism of the Rainbow Bridge has long been launched, projected from high intensity, with a destructive energy, although I don't know what kind of damage to the attack, it can be sure, the frost giant is very casualties.

"Rocky, stop."

Torgee shouted.

"Sorry, you are late."

Luoku is cold, without feelings: "Rainbow Bridge will grow up until it is destroyed from Dayon Heim."

Tor Yang got a hammer and destroyed the transfer hub, but the beam sent by Rocky.

"Tol, the ability of the transport room comes from the Rainbow Bridge, wants to end the disaster of Dayton Heim, can only destroy the rainbow bridge."

"Okay, I am going to smash, you drag the rocky."

Tale did not hesitate to run out.

Rocky saw this scene, face the face to distort, whistle: "It is you forced to me."

After finishing, I slammed the eternal gun.

'Rule attributes of the necessary target' broke out, the Toli belly is worn, the dragon is tiger, and the dragon is turning into a dead cat, and the soft fell on the ground.


Pan Haidong quickly made it predecess to cure, and will pull the death of Tale, pulled back from hell.

"You should die! You should die!"

The eternal gun is thrown in the bottom of the Lokhessence.

However, this time, the eternal gun did not hit anyone, but turned into a stream, flew to the king of Odin.

Subsequently, I saw Odin to control the sky, flew from the Golden Palace to the Rainbow Bridge, and did not hesitate to raise the eternal gun, and the shock source continued to output the rainbow bridge.

Hanging in the transportation room of the Shenfang edge, lost the undertaking of the Rainbow Bridge, and instantly fall into the following star empty.

" ~~"

Pan Haodong mentioned Tale and jumped out of the delivery room.

Rocky has no action.

Although O'Ddin came to the Rainbow Bridge Port, I extended the eternal gun to let Luoki grabbed the gun, but he didn't mean it, but the lookup of the look: "Father, I can do it. It was destroyed by them. Father, I ... this is done, it is for you, for everyone, the frost giant is like war, picking up the war, they should not live in this world. "

"NO, Rocky."

O'Do's denial, Locky is aszeted.

He released his hand holding a gun.

"Rocky ~~"

Some of the killing of Rocky killing Tale, without hesitation, but was only returned by Odin.

Rocky has rolled into the swirls formed by the explosion, Tor jumped into things without repair ...