I have a lot of relatives

Chapter 1090 Superman needs to disappear for a while, will be recorded

"Specially give you, I will take it!"

Pan Haodong will reach out will be a bag of peach full of Dangdang, and hand it to the , the girl took hands, excitedly hugged him.

" ~~"

Dynorous silk is a mouth of Pan Haowong, excited: "Thank you uncle."

Western has a vetement, the meaning of the face, this kind of thing is very normal in the West, Pan Hongdong is not thinking, smiling and sitting on the sofa, asking: "Clark has never encountered some troubles recently."

"Well, trouble is quite big."

Recently mentioned her boyfriend happened to Louise excited heart, suddenly cooled down.

Although she did not see the superman, there was no villagers in the villages of Nairbi, but in accordance with her understanding of Clark, and how could Krak's rescue and wounded, how can they kill innocent.

Even when I was caught at the time, Clark was anger, and the most is to kill the generals, and it is impossible for unarmed civilians to start.

"Have you ever thought about a solution?"

Pan Haodong asked in a smile.

"Uncle, if we have a way, it is not necessary to let the public opinion will be fermented."

Along with Clark's voice, stripped to the waist, revealing eight abdominal Superman opened the bathroom door, from the inside out.

Lu Shi picks up three peaches and gets up: "You talk first, I will wash a few peaches."

Pan Haidong relied on the sofa and said: "Clark, if you have money, encounter this kind of thing, can spend money, please ask the public relations, please ask a few Members to speak, public opinion can quickly press."

"Uncle, we have no money."

Superman spreads the boat, with a smile on his face, as if I have no money, I am very glorious.

I don't know where he is fascinating.

Pan Haodong helpless said: "If you have the words, you are more, as long as you open, it is certain that one billion billion is definitely no problem."

"Uncle, I am actually not interested in money, do you still have any other way to get rid of trouble?"

Clark is not fake, money is notble, he really doesn't matter, if you want, you can make money, some of them are making money, take advantage of your own ability, shoot some daily saving videos, upload it to the platform, you can also harvest good The video revenue can also gather fans as a star.

Popularity will never lose to Hollywood international superstars.

At that time, just pick up the advertisement, it is a few hundred, thousands of, one hundred million, dollar bills in one year.

In addition, you can disappear, pretend to grab bank, with hundreds of thousands of knives in minutes.

Methods are more dependent.

Pan Haodong's mouth is tall: "Don't say, I really have a way."

Louis slammed the three-washing rock to go out of the kitchen, curious: "Uncle, what method?"

Pan Haitong picked his niece to pick his eyebrows: "Dimi, you said that Superman caught the crisis of public opinion, what is the relationship with my nephew Clark?"

Clark, Louis: "..."

The two have been very long, and the meaning of the uncle will understand.

Casually, look at it, said: "Uncle, I am a superman. Let me load dumb, ignore these voices, I can't do it ..."

"Yes, uncle, your idea is too low." Dimi screamed and smirked.

Although ostrich is a very good way, anyone else does not know who Superman is, as long as Clark does not admit that the trap of public opinion is reached, and it does not affect their lives.

It's just so passive.


I took a Ling Tolera in the hands of the Louis, Pan Haodong sent a bit bite, while said: "Clark, now the critical sound on your network, although it is more big, it is true that this is a framed, as long as it is Find the true fierce of the massacre, everything can be truthful. "

"At that time, although I rushed to the silk, but when I landed, I heard a few mercenary sounds. I was not difficult to find them, it was difficult to let them admit these things."

Clark's super listening can easily cross the borians, hear the help of Dew, even listening to all the global creatures.

With such a terrible hearing, the mercenary of the massacre innocent villagers is really difficult.

It's hard to make these people acknowledge crime.

Since they dare setup, framed their own, certainly not easy to tell the truth, the massacres of unarmed mercenary, which is not a cold-blooded generation?

These people were coercion, not a star the slightest difficulty.

"In fact, you admit the crime is to let these people is useless, solve the problems as well as the next one, the root of this opinion, that the rulers beautiful home, their ultimate goal is to knock down your arrogance, then think of ways you will be in the hands, willing to do things for them, they become a sword in hand. "

"I can not help them do things."

"So, you do now, is not to find ways to witness innocent, but disappeared for some time, when you do not save people all over the world, people in distress, only to find ways to help themselves, can not hack it will die, then etc. Over time, you will naturally sound promising. "

Paused, Panhao Dong continued: "Beautiful home and across the ocean is not the same place, where the need super hero worship of personal heroism, as long as you do as I say, public opinion against you, and soon will slowly disappear. "

"Clark, Uncle good idea, before you worry about their work for some time, such things as natural cooling, people call you, and then when the hero coming to save too late."

Louise uncle very much agree with this proposal, it is now the crusade against Superman, mainly occur too frequently, let 'Superman' man of God who almost no weaknesses, no longer mysterious, lost the fear.

Stage 'Superman' disappear for some time, are far better than to attend the hearing, and their alleged actor faceoff more effective.

After all, since the other party invited the actor would certainly have fabricated evidence, speeches prepared, it is inevitable pitfalls.

In this case, the disappearance is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Clark, I received before coming to a message, Batman Gotham City, find a kryptonite in the Indian Ocean, to create a spear. Kryptonite make your cells, suppression of back Kryptonian state, so you lose power power and toughness, you invulnerable skin, spear one swipe will be able to cut. "

Panhao Dong this outburst, Louise Clark instantly frowned.

Batman is an advertised justice, single-handedly repression Gotham countless criminals fierce people, if Superman Batman really is eyeing the other side also holds the break defense weapon, and that the situation is extremely unfavorable for Clark.

"Uncle, do exactly the message?"

Louise tense road.


Panhao Dong nodded solemnly.

This setting kryptonite, Superman very friendly, but the DC world sometimes is so unreasonable, a small stone can break defense, you can make Superman becomes ordinary Kryptonian.

"So how can I do?"

Clark is not a way.

At this moment, he feels that the whole world is with yourself, he just wants to use powerful ability, more people, why do everyone feel that he murdered?

Is it true?