I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 35

Just halfway through the dinner, the system phone’s prompt sounded:

[The system detects that the members of the friend group are in a dying state, and now releases a single task to the host]

[Single-player mission: Rescue Kissout

Task description: Your friend Ji Si Xiute is currently in a state of dying and is about to lose blood and die. Please go to the story world immediately to rescue Ji Si Xiu Te, help her recover from her injuries, and relieve her happiness.

Task reward: 1000 points, one chance to evolve the undead]

The mission is finally released!

Rorschach looked surprised.

Hope for the stars, hope for the moon, finally, hope is coming, the flowers waiting are almost thankful.

But immediately he felt something wrong again.

what?Is Kisty Xiutet his friend?

The two only talked a few words, even if they said flatly, they are not friends, right?

"Forget it, now is not the time to care about such small things!"

Rorschach couldn't help frowning when she saw the description of Kies Xiut's dying state.

Kise Xiute really is in the beginning of "Hurt Story"!

Because only in the early stage of "Hurt Story", did she have the experience of almost dying due to excessive blood loss.

And from the system will release the task, it can be judged that the behavior of Ji Si Xiutuo has really changed because of the appearance of the system phone, which caused the butterfly effect, which caused her to escape from the vampire hunter. The hiding place may have changed.

In this way, she would no longer meet Araramu who had always saved her.

Otherwise, this crisis will not be considered a crisis, and the mission will probably not be released.

It was not Rorschach's turn to rescue her.

After realizing this, Rorschach's eyes twitched.

It's so special that he guessed right!

It seems that being selected by the "Ten Thousand Worlds Dating System" has not only advantages, but also certain disadvantages!

Rorschach asked the system quickly:

"System, how do I get to the world of Monogatari? Kisty has never invited me, and I don't have a cross card now."

[When performing the task of rescuing the members of the friend group, the crossing channel is temporarily forcibly opened, without accepting the invitation, and without crossing the card]

"There is such a good thing?" Rorschach breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay with this. It's not too late, just send me over."

As soon as the voice fell, a white light instantly enveloped him.

PS: ╭( ′ooo′ )╭? Monthly ticket + recommended ticket.

New book period, please support more votes!

There will be updates in the afternoon.

Open a reward before the shelf

As the title, according to the book guest tradition, the reward is offered, and it will be closed before the shelf.

I planned to open this week before the reward, but because I suddenly rushed to click and favorites first, I was instantly stunned. Wouldn't it be dead if I opened it again?

But in order to urge your own codewords, think about it or open it.

However, because Tietou's codeword speed is not very fast, it is not comparable to my sister-in-law Tentacle Monster, so here is a slightly higher reward specification.

200 monthly tickets are changed, 200 blades are changed, and 20,000 rewards are changed.

Current raw data-monthly pass: 252 blade: 119 reward: 22500

The reward is only to urge one's own codewords, because once they are free they will become lazy, which can be said to be a common problem of the author.

The basic update is 3 changes every day, and the extra is to add changes.

Start adding changes this afternoon.

Just sauce purple

026 Guan Gong Fights Qin Qiong

When Rorschach opened her eyes again, she saw a dark and humid environment.

It was night, and the brilliance of the street lights dissipated a little darkness.

There was the sound of gurgling water next to him, and Rorschach glanced at it. It was a small river that was not very clear. Plastic bottle trash floated over the river from time to time.

He seems to be at the bottom of a small bridge. The street lights illuminate part of the river bank, but the bottom of the bridge is covered by shadows.

"Huh? Not a subway station? The location really changed!"

In the shadows under the bridge, Rorschach looked around and reconfirmed that his guess was correct.

In "The Story of Hurting", the first encounter between Kistler and Aliang Muli was at a subway station.

No matter how you look at it, it is not connected to the subway station.

Rorschach felt a wet and sticky feeling under her feet, and subconsciously changed her position.

A faint smell of blood was immediately smelled by him, irritating his nasal cavity.

You won't step on the blood...

Rorschach squatted down and took a look. Then the faint street light was shining, and he saw a pool of dark red matter that was about to solidify.

That is blood, no doubt!

"Kiss Xiutt?"

Rorschach tried to shout, but no one responded.

This makes him a little nervous, will he not catch up?

He quickly looked forward in the direction of the blood stain.

The street light in front of him did not shine, and it was dark, but he vaguely caught a human silhouette.