I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 395

"Yes. But Yingman's real name is a simple tool person. After the virus infects her, she has acquired her thoughts and memories, and can dominate her from time to time."

Rorschach explained in detail:

"The real name dominated by the virus is the real Eve. Eve will choose Adam, and then launch the fourth Apocalypse, which will solve all the humans on the earth, let the humans exist in the crystal in the form of memory, and realize the alternative eternal life.

At that time, Adam and Eve will create new humans."

"How to create it?" Thrush asked.

Rorschach glanced at her without speaking.

The thrush was stunned by the reaction, and after a little thought, her little cheek suddenly became a little ruddy, and she stuck out her tongue and took a puck.

"Eve is her real name, so what about Adam? Who is it?"

Shinomiya Ayase asked again and got the topic back on track.

"Adam has two, one is genuine and one is alternate."

Rorschach glanced at Chao Shenya and said:

"The real name is Yingman’s younger brother, Yingmanji. The alternate is Chao Shenya. Ten years ago, the fourth revelation should have exploded, but Yingmanji rejected Yingman’s real name, the latter Out of control broke out because of a mental breakdown, the body shattered to death, and also caused a lost Christmas event.

262 Your circle is really messy!Lolicon damn it!

"Eve... is dead?" The thrush was taken aback and asked: "Did the will of the Apocalypse virus follow along with it?"

These things may be known as a military division's quarter meter, but Chao Shenya never told them these people.

"Of course the virus will not die. Although Yingman's real name has disappeared, but the soul is still there, the virus and her soul are entangled.

Afterwards, the tomb-keeper instructed Shuichiro Shuichiro Shuichiro, Sakuraman’s real name, to use the genes of Sakuraman’s real name to make a copy of the body that can connect his soul, intending to resurrect his real name in the new body, and reopen the Apocalypse. This copy is... ."

Rorschach glanced at Yu Qi and continued:

"Before the soul of the real name was transferred to Ji Qi, Ji Qi was brought out of the test base by your funeral house, and then slowly developed consciousness. This is the truth."

"Qi's identity... is that what happened..."

Shinomiya Ayase understood causality.

"Wait a minute," Thrush jumped out, "Shindo Shuichiro, I know, the chief of the antibody, but who is the grave guard? I have never heard of it."

"The guardian of the grave is not a person," Rorschach explained: "It is the organ that determines the will of human beings-divine consciousness, that is, the will of biological elimination."

"I don't understand." Shimu's delicate eyebrows frowned slightly, "Can you make it easier to understand?"

"It's fine if you don't understand, you just need to know that the grave guard is your enemy."

Rorschach did not explain much.

Nonsense, he doesn't know it himself!how to explain?

The setting of the tomb guard sounds the same as the Alaya in the Moon World, but it does not have the power of Alaya at all.

The advantage is that it has strong immortality and seemingly unlimited life span.

But in terms of strength...how strong can an existence be defeated by Yingmanji?

Rorschach felt that he could destroy it at will.

"So, Ya, do you want to free Sakuraman's real name from the shackles of the virus?"

Shinomiya Ayase looked at the silent Chao Shenya.

Chao Shenya was comparing the details he knew from Rorschach's description.

Undoubtedly, Rorschach knew more comprehensively than him.

After such an explanation, many of his doubts were solved.

Hearing Shinomiya Ayase’s question at this moment, he nodded calmly:

"Yes, it is this wish that has supported me for so many years."

Chao Shenya showed reminiscence, and a touch of grief flashed in his eyes:

"Real name... She is very scared. Before the Lost Christmas incident broke out ten years ago, she asked Ying Manji and me for help. At that time, she was the real woman. She was afraid of the erosion of the virus and wanted to escape the control of the virus. , It’s a pity that Ying Manji called her monster and pushed her away. At that time, I didn’t have the strength and I couldn’t do anything to help. I could only watch everything happen..."

Chao Shenya looked at Rorschach, then lowered his head and asked in a very sincere tone:

"My Lord God, I only have one wish, that is to save my real name and liberate the consciousness of my real name from the virus. For this, I can pay any price, even if you want my soul."

"Keep your soul for yourself. As long as you help me get things done for the sect, I can not only liberate her real name, but also bring her back to life."

Rorschach said in a very casual tone:

"But I don't have to worry about this in advance. I need to use the Apocalypse virus later. Rescue of Yingman's real name is just a matter of convenience.

Hearing this promise, Chao Shenya was relieved.

Rorschach's power is undoubtedly more trustworthy than his own uncertain rescue plan.

"By the way, one thing forgot to say."

Rorschach suddenly added:

"The way Eve chose Adam was through kissing."

"Uh...that is to say, did Sakuraman's real name kiss his brother and Ya?"

Shinomiya Ayase asked in surprise.

Kissing with my brother...what a messy relationship!

There is Ya, is it the target of cheating?

very messy!

"Yes, I have kissed all of them." Rorschach glanced at Chao Shenya. "Besides, before Yingman's real name died, she was only twelve years old. Your leader has missed the twelve-year-old girl for ten years and regarded the other party His woman wants to hug her."

Hearing that, the thrush was a few steps away from Chao Shenya, a little defensive.

She is only fourteen years old, very close to twelve, it is not good to be targeted.

Shinomiya Ayase's expression also became a little more subtle.

She didn't expect the object she was looking forward to... there is such a side.