I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 425

And the goodwill is not low, to the point where he wants to be on him.

Under this situation, he can understand that the friendliness is up to the standard.

What Rorschach was really surprised about was that the system was awesome this time.

He thought that he would extract superpowers like "pretending tenderness" that are useless for eggs, just like Rin Tosaka and Ilia did.

For example, "singing", "three nos" and the like.

Unexpectedly, I got something pretty good.

"Guardian? So I guessed my real name wrong..."

Rorschach suddenly felt a little regretful, he was quite confident about his guess.

Jiqi's void inherited from Yingman's real name, so it was a sword.

And the reason why Yingman's real name is a sword, Rorschach guessed, was mainly because she wanted to escape the erosion of the virus, so she wanted to cut her connection with the virus deep in her heart.

The mind filled with this longing becomes a sword that can cut everything after being materialized.

This is his reading comprehension.

As a result, the system gave a standard answer-the sword represents the determination of Sakuraman's real name to guard Sakuramanji.

The will to guard makes her mind tough like a sharp sword, cutting through thorns and thorns for the one she loves, slashing all obstacles and enemies, even if it is the enemy of the world.

"That's right. This is in line with Form Two. The Form Two crown is not for nothing."

Rorschach thought of this, no longer entangled in this matter.

Turned to the so-called "guardian sword" became interested.

When this super power was given, he had an extra instinct.

"Come out! The guardian sword! My sword is to slay the enemy."

Rorschach raised her right arm and shouted.

Anyway, no one, he let himself go.

After the sound fell, the void trembled.

The space is squeezed and distorted like a sponge.

The two dimensions of mind and matter are connected, and Rorschach reaches out to the center of space distortion.

There, he took hold of the "guardian mind" that was materialized in his heart.

From the depths of his soul, he drew a long sword.

It was a sword that resembled the shape of Qi Qi's void.

But the appearance is more domineering and public.

And it is not in the shape of a Japanese sword, but a double-edged sword.

The length is about 1.5 meters, and the blade width is 8 cm, which looks a little huge.

The sharp blade was shrouded by the golden sunlight coming in from the window, but it reflected a faint blue cold light.

The light made people shudder.

All things that are exposed to cold light, such as floors, sofas, coffee tables, windows, etc., have dense cracks.

Rorschach quickly controlled the blade to converge to the blue light, and restored the damaged floor, windows and furniture.

What surprised him was that when he recovered the material, he encountered a lot of resistance, and the divine power consumed was many times that of the normal state.

"So domineering?"

He was a little surprised.

The power of this sword is exactly the same as its domineering appearance.

Rorschach teleported into the air and removed the roller she created last time from the mall.

Then he raised his long sword and slashed at the road roller.

The whistling wind blew.

The roller split in half instantly.

The part of the cloud behind is also divided into two.

However, this is not the end.

The blade seemed to wield a will to destroy.

Vow to kill everything.

Under the aftermath of this kind of power, the road roller that had been split into two shattered continuously, leaving only a little dust in the air.

The rest of the matter was chopped to a level smaller than atoms.

"Guardian Sword...is the name wrong?"

Rorschach couldn't help twitching when she saw this scene.

In the cut just now, all he gave was his arm strength.

It was just a wave.

This is exactly a weapon made for destruction.

"System, is it better to change the name of the "Sword of Destruction" to this superpower?"

Rorschach asked the system slightly jokingly.

Unexpectedly, the system really responded to him.

[The guardian sword will be in such a state, it is entirely due to the host itself]

"What do you mean?" Rorschach was taken aback.

[Normally speaking, the so-called guarding is to protect something from harm. The focus is on defense, and attack is only secondary.And the principle of "Since it is difficult to solve the problem, then solve you" pursued by the host has caused the guardian sword to have the same changes as it is now. It has no guardian ability, only the destructive ability to solve the root cause of the problem]
