I have a lot of wives

My Wife Is Very Many Chapter 143

He has got what he wants most.

"Hehe, hehehehe, hehehehehe..."

He smiled happily, as if the world didn't care about him anymore.


"How do you feel, senior sister~"

At the same time, Lu Cheng looked at Xia Zhiqiu happily.

"Master Lu Cheng, can you talk about something else?" Xia Zhiqiu looked rather embarrassed.


But obviously, the evil-minded Lord Lu Cheng would not let her go so simply.He approached Xia Zhiqiu with a very happy look: "Tell me about it, Shiyu-senpai~"

"That means..."

Kasumigaoka was a little helpless: "I didn't expect...no, it should be said that Yinglili and I should have thought of it a long time ago. In the eyes of that guy, we are just convenient props...at least when that guy is determined to When his wish is fulfilled."

"That guy hardly thinks about us-not that he is dull. It is that he has no empathy at all. What he did is all for himself."

"The reason why he gets along with me and Yinglili is not because of our friendship or anything else. It's because he likes me and Yinglili's work. Helping us is because he wants to see Ying Lili and I continue to create things he likes. Just like those kings who sponsor art..."

Speaking of this, Kasuga no Oka has his teeth: "I and Ying Riri, unexpectedly will like that guy because of that guy's help completely for our own purposes..."

"I'm like this, and so is Eiri. Doesn't that guy know the evaluation of otaku among the general population? If you want to directly disclose Eiri's hobby, doesn't he know how much damage Eirili will cause? I don’t know if others know that Ying Lili is an otaku, they will look at Ying Lili with colored glasses and laugh at her, will Ying Lili hurt?"

"He thought about it, or he didn't. But in any case, the end result is only one. He only thought of himself. It is not good for Yinglili to involve Yinglili in a game, and Yinglili himself does not want to participate at all. War. When Eirili refused, he said Eirili had betrayed him."


"It's so pathetic, Ying Lili."

"Sister, you..."

Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

He originally thought that Shiyu-senpai would be upset by the guy's deception, use and harm.However, he didn't expect that Xia Zhiqiu just said a little about his own affairs, and more of it was to complain about Ying Lili.


From the perspective of "causality", An Yilun was also completely removed.

The current monthly ticket is 2200, the blade is 2600, and the reward is 2200, which is 11+13+11,35 more.In other words, I want to update 20 chapters today... I must not finish writing, crying

Chapter 6 Loli’s Love Don’t Be Feared (Ten more! Seeking subscription!)

"Actually, you really like Yinglili, right?"

Lu Cheng looked at Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu seriously, and then asked.

"how to say……"

Listen to Lu Cheng asking her like this.Kasumigaoka was a little embarrassed: "In fact, it is... After all, Ying Riri is very cute..."

Well, that small and innocent twin ponytail, indeed.Even girls are.It's like my own sister.

Of course, the premise is that Ying Lili will not hinder her love.Otherwise, she won't be cute.

"That's true. Humph." Lu Cheng smiled happily, and then looked at Xia Zhiqiu: "Of course, to me, the senior sister is also very cute~"

Kasumigaoka: "Master Lu Cheng~"

Hearing what Lu Cheng said, Xia Zhiqiu was of course very happy, but also a little embarrassed.The feeling of wanting to post with Lu Cheng became stronger.


at the same time.

Ying Lili, who went home first, was in a bad mood.

It is not the same as Kasanooka's unexpected "I love Eiri Li".

Ying Lili doesn't like Kasuga no Oka.At least now Ying Lili doesn't like her.It's as if all dogs don't like foxes.

"I'm back, Eiri."

Seeing her baby girl coming back, Sayuri welcomed her happily: "Did you have a happy time at school today? Have you made any progress with Makoto Koji~"

Next, I didn't need to speak with Ying Lili, and watched Ying Lili look very depressed and about to cry, knowing something was wrong.

"What's the matter, did Koji Makoto bully you?" Sayuri rushed over and asked in a panic while holding Ying Riri's hand.

"Hey, mother..."

Ying Lili fell into Sayuri's arms: "No, it's not Lu Cheng, it's..."

"Is it something else? Didn't Makoto Kolu help you?"

"It's not... it's Lu Cheng, he..."


"Is it Lu Cheng?"

What Yinglili said confused Sayuri.


But because Ying Lili cried very sad, Sayuri couldn't ask too much.I can only comfort Yinglili first--

Although I haven't figured out why Ying Lili became so sad because of what happened, it must be right to assume that it has something to do with Lu Cheng for the time being.

Now that we have assumed this, we just need to work hard in this direction.

"My family's Eiri is so cute, Makoto Koji must like you very much~"

"Koji Makoto likes my Eiri Li so much, she will definitely not let Eiri Li suffer a loss~"

"You have to have confidence in yourself, and you will have a good result with Makoto Xiaolu~"

In this way, Ying Lili poured chicken soup, and at last I calmed down Ying Li Li, and then Ying Li Li made a whirlwind to tell the matter.

"Yes, it's Xia Zhiqiu, that guy..."

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu...?"