I have a lot of wives

My Wife Is Very Many Chapter 154

While she said this, she sat down beside Lu Cheng in her own mind: "What should I do to deal with opponents with strong magic resistance?"

"The first is distance." Lu Cheng said: "The second is the intensity of firepower. The third is the intensity of teammates or summoned objects. Mage's fighting methods are usually like this."

"Understood~ It means that from now on, I only need to hide behind and put some magic on it, and I will leave the work of bleeding and sweating to Eiri, right?"

Ying Lili: "Eh eh eh?!"

Lu Cheng: "In a sense, it is indeed understandable. This is also one of the reasons why the caster thinks that he is more noble than other professions, and that the caster has a poor reputation in the adventurer circle."

Ying Lili: "Eh eh eh eh eh?!"

Kasumigaoka: "I don't care about that kind of thing~"

While speaking, she sat next to Lu Cheng, clinging to Lu Cheng's arm: "As long as Lu Cheng can continue to like me~"

Ying Lili: "Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh?!"

Lu Cheng: "Then I announce that Ying Lili vs. Kasugaoka, the first battle will be won by Ying Lili."

"Oh oh oh." Xia Zhiqiu clapped his hands feebly.At the same time, Ying Lili, who was forced to open business with Lu Cheng's arm raised, was not at all happy with the victory.

"I have to work harder in the future." She thought: "Next time I am defeated by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, she will definitely laugh at me twice!"

At the same time, Xia Zhiqiu was thinking: "I have to study the magic given by Lu Cheng seriously. Otherwise, if I lose to Ying Lili next time..."

For a time, the two girls were full of fighting spirit.Let Lu Cheng feel very pleased.Healthy competition. Healthy competition.This is a good thing to be able to supervise each other's progress.

"That's it~ Is there any problem?" Lu Cheng smiled and looked at Kasumigaoka and Yinglili.After both girls did not answer, they announced: "Then disband.

Continue to class if you want to go to class.If you want to go home to train, go home and train."

Xia Zhiqiu: "Yeah."

Ying Lili: "Yeah~"

Then the two girls stayed beside Lu Cheng, the former holding Lu Cheng's arm, and the latter sitting on Lu Cheng's lap.No one moved.

Lu Cheng: "..."

"I said, you two can be dissolved."

Xia Zhiqiu: "Hmm."

Ying Lili: "Hmm."

The two girls agreed very happily, but still did not move.It seems that they want to stay with Lu Cheng more than going to class or going home to study.


"Hey loudly."

So Lu Cheng knocked their heads one by one.The tears that knocked Ying Lili into his eyes, and at the same time, Kasanooka looked weak and wanted to fall into Lu Cheng's arms.

"You two..." Lu Cheng was a little helpless.But then, Kasumigaoka and Yinglili are plausible.

Xia Zhiqiu: "I don't need class or something? We study in class for the sake of achievement, a way out, and going to society in the future.

But now because of the elements of reincarnation, our future has nothing to do with these.The abilities and knowledge acquired from another world are enough for us to live a life far beyond others in the daily world."

Ying Lili: "Yes, yeah."

Xia Zhiqiu: "If you don't want to be suspicious, there is Lu Cheng's suggestive magic. We can move freely, right?"

Ying Lili: "That's right."

Lu Cheng: "However, we still need a peaceful life in the daily world."

Xia Zhiqiu: "Yes~so I will continue to write novels. This is my hobby. It is also a means of stress reduction after practicing adventure. Class is not~

Or Lu Cheng can see it as we are now happily becoming members of society.Now an adventurer part-time novelist."

Ying Lili: "I won't give up drawing comics."

Xia Zhiqiu: "As far as cultivation is concerned, this is very important~ But compared to my own practice, I should practice with classmate Lu Cheng, the effect is better~~"

Ying Lili: "Well-wait-Shiyu Xiazhiqiu!" She subconsciously nodded in agreement with Xiazhiqiu's words, but immediately felt something was wrong:

"What do you mean by cultivation?!"

"Hmph~" Xia Zhiqiu happily took Lu Cheng's arm: "That's what you think, kid Yinglili~~"


Fifth update

Chapter 15 A Warm Afternoon with Pet Girls (six more)

Ying Lili: "!!!"

"Alright, Shiyu." Seeing Ying Lili looking like she was about to cry again, Lu Cheng said helplessly to Xia Zhiqiu:

"Don't always make fun of Ying Lili. Senior sister."

Ying Lili blushed a little happily listening to Lu Cheng speak to herself.

And seeing Lu Cheng guarding Ying Lili, Xia Zhiqiu was a little jealous: "What, Mingming Lu Cheng also likes to tease Ying Lili..."


Looking at Shi Yu's jealous appearance, Lu Cheng felt a little funny again, and couldn't help but stretch out his hand to stroke Xia Zhiqiu's hair.

As Lu Cheng stretched out his hand, Xia Zhiqiu also revealed her ears and tail.While stroking her long hair, she can also touch her ears, making her dangle her tail comfortably, soft and furry against the back of Lu Cheng's hand.

"Ah, I want too, I want too."

Seeing Xia Zhiqiu being touched by Lu Cheng, Ying Lili also hurriedly said this, yelling and dangling in Lu Cheng's arms, as if she was really noisy like Loli.

"alright, I got it."

Lu Cheng's other hand stroked Ying Lili's small head.Let her show a silly "hehehehe~" smile again.

It's so nice, a warm life with a cute pet girl.This is the reason and result of Lu Cheng's efforts.

One of them leaned on Lu Cheng's chest and the other leaned on Lu Cheng's shoulders.Enjoy the warm spring breeze and warm sunshine.It's like a family.

"In the future, will we be so happy?"

After a long while, Xia Zhiqiu asked Lu Cheng expectantly.