I have a lot of wives

My Wife Is Very Many Chapter 236

"If this continues, one day, the Emerald Forest will no longer have any elven villages, but will become a paradise for monsters."

Natalia looked at Lu Cheng and said: "At that time, the monsters will definitely multiply in large numbers, and then rush out of the emerald forest to harm humanity."

"In other words, we elves are not only protecting ourselves, but also standing guard for human safety."

"Assisting us is also good for human safety!"


After the elf girl said these words, she looked at Lu Cheng nervously, as if she was expecting Lu Cheng’s approval: "As long as we give us some daily necessities, then we can resist the monsters in the forest and let them not Will go out to endanger humanity!"

"Yeah, yeah." Lu Cheng nodded happily: "That makes a lot of sense, girl, you see Ying Lili looks like a lot of approval...

But oh girl."

When Lu Cheng said the previous sentence, the elf girl was relieved.But when it comes to the post-based basis, her expression collapsed again:

"But what you said should be addressed to the big figures in the neighboring human country."

The de facto ruler of the neighboring Arbashi Principality, Arbashi Grand Warlord Lu Cheng said to her with a smile.

Chapter 15 Fudge, I am a professional


"That's true, but..." The elf girl lowered her head: "You are not that kind of big person... But wait, who are you? Ordinary mercenary adventurer?"

Natalia frowned, a little dissatisfied with Lu Cheng.

If it's an ordinary mercenary adventurer, then saying this is meaningless to make her happy?

"How much do you know about the human forces near the Emerald Forest?" Lu Cheng asked such a question.

"Uh, that..."

The elf girl's knowledge reserves are obviously insufficient.Apart from knowing that the largest human country in the world is Holy Faro, nothing else is known.

It is really difficult for a child who has never been out of the house for a hundred miles to answer this kind of question.

Fortunately, Lu Cheng didn't expect her answer, so he continued:

"This is the southern part of the Emerald Forest. There are only a few relatively small and average countries around. They can't count on it."

Natalia: "Uh, uh."

"Finally, to the east of the Emerald Forest, is the Kingdom of Winet established by the Slavells. To the northwest is Brandenburg, one of the most powerful principalities of the Holy Faro Empire.

Both of these countries are powerful countries with 20,000 or even more troops.The population is calculated in millions, and both wealth and power are enough to change the situation in Orossi.

And as far as I know, there are people in these two principalities who are interested in the Emerald Forest.Whether it is development or trade.If you can meet one of them, it will be fine~"

"Uh, but..."

Listening to Lu Cheng said that, Natalia showed a sense of guilty conscience for a less-seen girl in a backward area and a well-informed man.

She muttered weakly: "But our village is south of the Emerald Forest."

Lu Cheng: "Oh, oh, um, it's a little bit troublesome. You just heard that the human forces in the south are probably a few small nations. They don't have the ability or courage to intervene in the Emerald Forest.

Those who trade with you just want to make money. Think of your village as a leek, the one that can cut one crop.That's why we do something that has neither a big picture nor ambitious.The kind of short-sighted guy can see only a little benefit in front of him."

Natalia: "So, what should we do...?"

She looked at Lu Cheng blankly, as if expecting Lu Cheng to give her a good idea.

"South of the Emerald Forest, the closest human force is the Principality of Arbas.

The ruler of this principality has considerable strength, ability and enterprising spirit.And he is not satisfied with ruling the land of the Principality of Arbas.

If possible, it would be a good thing to bring the northern country under its control.If the benefits are sufficient, there is no problem in intervening in the Emerald Forest.

And it just so happens that I have some connections and connections in the Principality of Arbach, girl.If you want to contact the Principality, I can help~"

Natalia: "So—"

"--Then, can you take out the benefits and benefits of attracting a strong principality, Miss Natalia?" Lu Cheng interrupted her, looked at her seriously, and then asked.

Natalia: "..."

Of course, she didn't.

Her village can supply some magic items.Men, women and children mobilized together, able to draw out dozens of rangers, fighters and druids with good combat effectiveness.But that's how it is.

This thing can arouse the coveting of a greedy businessman, and it can make the "big man" behind the greedy businessman - a certain earl, or a certain chamber of commerce, give him a platform.But it is definitely not enough to attract the help of a strong principality.

"It would be great if the elven alliance of the Emerald Forest was still there now."

Natalia couldn't help thinking like this: "That way there will be enough resources to attract the Albashis to help us in the future."

But after thinking about it, she smiled bitterly again: "But if so, with the pride of the elves, I wouldn't beg humans for help..."

Thinking of this, she saluted Lu Cheng, and then said to him: "Anyway, thank you very much, this..."

"Lu Cheng." Lu Cheng introduced himself: "My name is Lu Cheng."

"Yes, Mr. Lu Cheng."

Natalia always feels that this name seems to have been heard somewhere, but she didn't think much about it, but directly thanked Lu Cheng: "Thank you very much for telling me so much, and thank you very much for saving me. Also treat me to dinner... If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely find a way to repay you."

Ying Lili: "Cough, um, um."

"--Ah, of course your companions."

When Ying Lili coughed hard to remind, Natalia suddenly recovered. When talking with Lu Cheng just now, she was too concentrated, so that she almost ignored the two human girls around him.

——She hurriedly added this, but after she finished speaking, she felt a little wrong again."Your companion" like this, it seems that Ying Riri and Kasanooka Shiwa are incidental.I don't know if it will cause adverse effects.Make them more angry.

Fortunately, the result was not bad. Both the little one and the fat one seemed to be satisfied with the word "companion" she said.This made the elf girl breathe a sigh of relief.

She stood up, and then saluted Lu Cheng and the others: "Then, it's time for me to leave."

Ying Lili: "Well, where are you going... uh, are you looking for that businessman?"

Looking at the elf girl's frown, she didn't need to answer, and with Ying Lili's IQ, she could guess what she was going to do.

"Yes..." The elf girl nodded: "After all, I have nothing else to do..."

Seeing that the girl was about to sacrifice herself for the people of her tribe, preparing to be generous, Lu Cheng laughed happily: "Hmm~"