I have a lot of wives

My Wife Is Very Many Chapter 302

The other party didn't seem to be surprised by Lu Cheng's new identity.

"Soldier, I am going to see Your Majesty Knut." Lu Cheng then said to him, "Can you lead us?"

"Of course, it is my honor."

The other party said without hesitation.

But at the same time, Lu Cheng also noticed.Before this, the two fast horses galloped away at the fastest speed.Presumably, he must rush the news back before Lu Cheng arrives.

Lu Cheng didn't say anything about it.Just smiled gently and patted the cavalry captain on the shoulder.After that, he returned to the carriage and continued on the road.

"They... well, your prestige here seems to be quite high?"

"It's okay." Lu Cheng replied.

"Gotland...that seems to be a very important commercial city? Did you do anything there?"

"I didn't do too much." Lu Cheng said calmly: "Regulate and regulate family disputes, treat diseases, and drive away some harmful organisms." Lu Cheng's tone understates, making Xuexiaxue feel a little bit doubt.

If just doing these light and meaningless things, can Lu Cheng really gain such a high profile, and so much support and prestige?

"But, there is no need for Lu Cheng to lie to me in this regard..."

She just thought all the way forward, and then saw a large number of flags and endless camps.

The coalition camp has arrived.

Chapter 18 The Barracks of the Varangians

Looking from outside the camp, it can be seen that the monarch is a man of strict military management.

The fortress was built with rammed earth and wooden walls, and looked very strong.And still used magic to enhance defense.At the same time, a large number of soldiers patrolled with bows, crossbows and muskets.

A little further away, you can see a large number of soldiers on the school field lined up in a neat line for training.

Most of them hold spears and oval shields.Formed a dense phalanx and practiced.

There are more warriors holding battle axes and round shields, fighting each other one-on-one, or in small-scale many-to-many.

There is also a shooting range not far away.There are many people who use crossbows and muskets for shooting training...


These troops are gathered together, not just for training.Xuexia Xuena also saw more "entertainment" facilities.

There were guys who gathered together and threw javelins for the game--some guys threw not javelins, but huge stones.These people were topless, showing strong muscles.It looks pretty strong.

Some people are cheering.Some people are gathering together, drinking and laughing with their horn glasses.Others are arguing with vendors.Maybe you want to buy food, or something else...

Yukoshita Yukino saw a woman in a coquettish dress beside the merchant.Needless to say, she could also guess what the occupations of these women were.

"This is a medieval-style military camp." When she thought so in her heart, a few eagles crowed from the air—these were a group of warriors riding huge griffins across the sky—this group of griffins The appearance of the knight made Yukino Yukoshita reconfirm that the continent of Oros he traveled through was a fantasy world.


When the convoy arrived at the gate of the camp, the people who got the news had already waited a long time.

Those nobles, who were gorgeously dressed, with beautiful gems inlaid on the hilt and scabbard of the saber, talked quietly, a little excited, a little expectant, and a little nervous--

When they saw Lu Cheng's gorgeous carriage, many people couldn't help but exclaimed "Oh?!"It seems unexpected that the archbishop would take advantage of the money.

Such a magnificent carriage, some of them can't afford it even if they sell it.

"Among them..."


Lu Cheng shook his head: "Knut is not in the crowd."

"But this is also normal. He is the king after all, so he has to take care of his own face."

Xuexia Xuena: "...oh."

Xuexiaxuena continued to observe.At the same time, Lu Cheng handed her a sentence: "You stay here first."

When Xuexia looked over with a curious look, Lu Cheng answered her: "Your current identity is not suitable for going out."

"So next, let me talk to the king first, and then tell him the news of your arrival. Then I will look at his statement.

If he welcomes you, you can proceed to the next step.If it is not welcome, we will think of another way.is that OK?"

"Then please, classmate Lu Cheng."

Although it is actually still a bit worried.But under this circumstance, Xuexia Xuena could only wait so helplessly.

She waited like this for nearly four hours.

During the period, she and Lu Cheng's holy knights were arranged to camp by the Varangi.At the same time, food and water were provided.

There is no problem with eating and living.The only thing is to worry about Lu Cheng's negotiation with the king.

"Hope for a good result, classmate Lu Cheng." Xuexia Xuenao secretly prayed.At the same time, the banquet to welcome the archbishop was going on happily.

Varangians from all over, as well as Slavel.Those who have seen Lu Cheng, or those who have not seen Lu Cheng.Almost everyone has heard of his name.And his deeds.

It was not only Lu Cheng who was in the northern ice sea before, resolved the generational hatred of the two tribes, cured a large-scale plague, and eliminated the legendary giant octopus monster.

At the same time, in the recent period, the active performance of the archbishop in the south has also been introduced to the ears of the Varangians through a series of means.

The bards transmit Lu Cheng's poems.Spies, spies, adventurers, and merchants also passed all kinds of half-truth and vague information and news.

A series of information is dazzling.Only truly smart people can know the truth behind things through such fog.

For example, King Knut.

When he learned about "Archbishop Lu Cheng's visit", he immediately became energetic and he also heightened his vigilance.At the same time, I couldn't help but doubt it:

"What is this guy doing here?"

Although, when Lu Cheng came to the north to preach, the two got along well.But if he can, King Knut really doesn’t want to see this guy again—

Because it is too strong and too popular.

After converting to the Holy Light Church, while enjoying the Holy Light service brought by the church, the Varangians also had to face the problems that any monarch had to face——

That is the dispute between religious power and monarchy.

A too strong, too popular archbishop stayed in his kingdom for a long time.Just thinking about this kind of thing made King Knut sleepless and unable to eat.