I have a lot of wives

My Wife Is Very Many Chapter 329

After looking at this smile, King Knut felt offended.

But in the end, he didn't say anything, and his attitude was even more respectful than before.

"Yes, I understand."

He says.

Then Knut turned and looked at one of his mages: "I want all soldiers to hear my voice."

The mage immediately blessed Knut with a sound amplification magic.

Then, the king spoke up, shouting loudly to those who were still in shock, and even some devout believers of the Holy Light had knelt down and started praying. His army shouted:

"Soldiers, my friends, my dear Varangians!"

His voice was sure to reach the ears of every soldier:

"Under the protection of the great power of the Holy Light, the walls of the evil Ice Harbor collapsed!"

"This is the strongest proof that we are protected by the Holy Light!!"

"Yes, we are under the light of the gecko. Our war is just and sacred!!!"

Following the words of King Knut, the soldiers' piety and madness were all concentrated.Everyone happily held up their weapons and uttered a shocking shout:

"Now, it's time to launch an attack!" King Knut shouted: "Attack, attack, attack! Defeat all enemies who dare to obstruct our justice army!! Kill all who dare to obstruct us!! In the name of light!!!"

"In the name of the Holy Light!!!"

As King Knut's voice fell, the Varangians, Slavels, and even the most stubborn believers of the old gods shouted feverishly.It even includes many elves and dwarves-these two races rarely believed in the light before.

They believe in more of their ancestors and their gods——

But this time is different.

In the cry of "in the name of the holy light", the fanatical coalition soldiers launched an attack on the ice port city.

At the same time.Unlike the coalition soldiers whose morale exploded, the defenders in Binghai Port City and the citizens in Binghai Port were all in despair.

Just as the soldiers of the coalition army believed that they had received the protection and support of the Holy Light, the soldiers and citizens in Binghaigang City believed that they had been abandoned by the Holy Light.This is the punishment of the Holy Light.

"Ah, ah, ah! Where are our gods?! We devoutly believe in the gods of the sea of ​​ice! Why don't the gods of the sea of ​​ice protect us?! Didn't help us?! Did they abandon us?! They abandoned Are we?!"

"Liar, liar! They are all liars! The Holy Light is the true faith, we are all deceived, ah ah ah ah!!!"

"This is impossible, this is impossible?! How could our ice seaport be breached?! I must be dreaming, dreaming!!"

"I am also a believer in the Holy Light, and so am I-I can convert now, ah, ah, ah! Great Holy Light, please don't hurt us!!"

That's it. Under such a miraculous attack, everyone in Binghai Port did not have the courage to resist at all.

Face the fanatical, swarming coalition soldiers.No matter what atrocities they committed, they have absolutely no will to resist——

Just now, their morale, their spirits, and even their souls collapsed in an instant with the falling of the light meteor.

——Of course, with Lu Cheng and Saint Kato Megumi presiding over the overall situation.The brutal behavior is limited to the greatest extent-more of it is the forced conversion of people to join the group-well, in fact, it is not completely forced conversion.The vast majority of people are either laissez-faire like walking dead, or happily accepting new religions.

All the coalition soldiers accepted this setting at the first time-although the two points of not being able to kill and not being strong made them feel a little depressed.But since this is the teaching of the Holy Light, it doesn't matter.

At least the Holy Light is willing to support them in obtaining the spoils that should belong to them-of course, all looted spoils must be kept and distributed in a unified manner.

In this way, they did not hesitate to accept the latest order issued by Archbishop Lu Makoto and Saint Maiden Kato Megumi.

Under the leadership of the holy knights and missionaries, the next team moved forward.Find the person in charge of each block, as well as the rich and the MPs from Binghaigang.They are required to gather the residents of the block in the shortest time, and then baptize in the line of fire, become believers of the Holy Light, and donate all their floating wealth as the cost of the crusade to "save" their souls.


"It is not so much a war as it is a large-scale missionary ritual and looting." This is Lu Cheng's final evaluation of this matter.Miss Saintess is noncommittal on this evaluation.

"It's always better than killing. And after that, the belief in the Holy Light in the Binghai area will become the mainstream, and my mission can be successfully completed." The saint lady said in a light tone:

"Furthermore, these newly baptized people are all from the'balanced sect'. That is, Lu Cheng's sect. In this way, it is equivalent to strengthening the strength of Lu Cheng."

"Yes, that's right." Lu Cheng nodded: "After all, we have a lot to do next, and naturally the more power we need, the better."

"I won't talk about this for now." Kato Hui said to Lu Cheng, "Student Lu Cheng, I have one more question. Can you answer it?"

"what is the problem?"

"In other words, at such a critical time, where did classmate Xuexia go?"

Chapter 35 The End of the Ice Age, and Yukino's Choice

"Xuexia," Lu Cheng said calmly, "Of course she is where she should be."

"Can you be more specific, Lu Cheng." Kato Hui seemed very dissatisfied with Lu Cheng's answer.

She frowned, looked at Lu Cheng, and then said: "This kind of verbal answer seems to be completely meaningless."

"To be more specific, she has accepted the guidance of the witch before, so she found it in the temple of the Ice Sea God System." Lu Cheng replied calmly: "I have already found the secret treasure that the witch said."

"So, classmate Lu Cheng, are you going to save her now?" Kato Hui continued.

"Of course I want to go, but whether to save her or do other things depends on the performance of classmate Xuexia."

"What a terrible speech."

"It's not bad at all."


During the conversation, Lu Cheng and Kato Hui were teleported to the place Lu Cheng said.

The gloomy and icy temple belonged to the main god of the Ice Sea God, the god of storm.

It was a man with a grim expression and knotty muscles holding a trident.His upper body is human, and his lower body is a sea snake-like monster.Mastering the power of storms, thunder and lightning, and tsunamis, a terrifying god who is moody.

Even if he was given enough tributes and sacrifices, he would still overturn the ship and destroy the port and fishing village because of a whim.

In the old gods and gods, he was also called a crazy evil tyrant.

Under his rule, the people of Binghai were also portrayed as current, crazy, not afraid of life and death, and like plundering and killing.

Fortunately, the age of the old gods is over.The Varangians of the current ice sea have gradually embraced advanced and civilized...

Although the Holy Light faith itself has certain errors and shortcomings.But in any case, everyone believes that this era is better, more civilized, and advanced than the previous era.

The collapse of the Ice Sea Port not only represented the Fenris Kingdom becoming the overlord of the Ice Sea region, but also represented the collapse of the last powerful force in the Ice Sea region who believed in the Ice Sea Gods.