I have a lot of wives

My Wife Is Very Many Chapter 352

At those times, I had no worries about no one under my hand.But it's different in this world.

Yinglili and Kasuga no Oka are both, temporarily useless.

Does it mean that you have to use a large number of original ex-girlfriends?

But this always feels a bit wrong.I always feel that this is a bit... bullying.

But it is a bit difficult to run a country solely on your own.

"It depends on Xiazhiqiu and Yinglili. If they grow up faster, they can help me more...Forget it, I don't want that much." Lu Cheng said. Press down.Then he closed his eyes and started to sleep.Sister Sayuri in the bad, she won't get greasy no matter how much she rubs, it's really a good material.

After kissing Sayuri's profile face, Lu Cheng thought so in his heart.And fell asleep full of expectations.

Then on the second day, the adventure of Ying Riri and Kasanooka failed again.

Chapter Eight

"You...let me tell you what is good?"

Looking at each other uncomfortably in front of them, Ying Riri and Kasanooka who seemed to be pushing the problems to each other.Lu Cheng couldn't help sighing, and looked at them two with hatred of iron and steel.Kasumigaoka and Yinglili became more anxious.

"The opponent is just a sea dragon. With your strength, you can easily defeat it, right?"

"Say so..." Ying Lili couldn't help muttering: "If the fat fox was earlier and defeated the enemy on the other side, it would be fine."

"Student Ying Lili, we have already agreed on the tasks we assigned before."

Listening to Ying Lili's words, Kasanooka Shiyu, who was complained by Ying Lili as a "fat fox", naturally quit:

"According to our previous task assignment. Those murlocs should have been your task, right?"

"What?! Obviously we said before, I am responsible for the ones above the water surface, you are responsible for the ones below the water surface, are you shirking responsibility now?"

"But those murlocs are above the water." Xia Zhiqiu continued.

"It's under the water!"

Lu Cheng: "Okay-okay, I basically understand what's going on."

Lu Cheng interrupted the two of them, watched them continue, looked at each other with unconvinced eyes, and stretched out his hand, facing the heads of Xiazhiqiu and Yinglili, and each of them knocked as punishment.

Then I watched Puppy Dog and Fat Fox pretending to cry while screaming, while looking at themselves aggrievedly, and couldn't help sighing.

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.


What to say.

What should be said, Lu Cheng had told them more than once a long time ago.

To unite, to cooperate with each other.Take care of each other.

Only in this way can the task be completed and succeeded.

But saying so, when did Kasumigaoka and Yingliri do what they said?

Even if there were several times, they vowed to Lu Cheng that they would never dismantle each other, dislike each other, and each other like this and that, they would definitely accomplish the task.

But the end result?

Is the final result a failure?

This happened more often, and even Lu Cheng couldn't help but start to doubt.

Did you make a mistake?

Could it be that Kasumigaoka and Ying Lili are not as strong as I thought?They don't actually have so much talent and potential.The reason why Lu Cheng values ​​them so much is simply because Lu Cheng himself is lustful?

"No way?"

"Should not be?"

"Obviously the strength of these two guys has been improving..."

Yes, after such an increase in suspicion, it will soon be offset by another kind of "evidence."

This kind of evidence is that the strength of the two little fools has been improving all the time.And it improves quite quickly-

Of course, they are not as powerful as Xuexiaxuenao's step-by-step, direct rua achievement legend.But now that he has passed level 30, he is considered a backbone adventurer.And from the beginning to the present, the two people have only received training for a few months.Even if there is a famous teacher like Lu Cheng, he can be regarded as excellent——

Oh, by the way, Lu Cheng said before that Xuexiaxue would grow into a legend and it would take twenty-five to thirty years.There is a prerequisite for this, that is, her growth without outside interference.No Lu Cheng stepped in to help.Otherwise, a three-year or two-year period can be ok.It's just that Lu Cheng at that time concealed this series of things badly, which made Xuexia Xuena very helpless.


It is precisely because of the rapid growth of the two little idiots that Lu Cheng did not completely abandon them, and still barely retained a little bit of expectation, hoping that these two little idiots can grow up quickly and grow up to help them. Degree.


Since the strength and talent of the two of them are fine.Then there can only be one problem-that is, there is really no possibility between them.It's as irreconcilable as ice and fire.Let Lu Cheng, who wants to be together with Nine Heavens, fail to achieve his wish.

"So, what next, is it to educate them separately?"


In the next few days, Lu Cheng did separate the two of them to accept single-player missions.It turns out that the success rate of the two of them in accepting single-person tasks has indeed increased.but……

"But at the same time, these two guys also showed a considerable degree of discomfort during the battle."

Lu Cheng analyzed the combat experience reports of the two of them, and then couldn't help thinking like this:

"Actually, these two guys get along... actually quite happy?"

"Their cooperation is actually pretty good?"

Lu Cheng couldn't help thinking like this.And began to seriously analyze these intelligence data and combat data.Finally came to a conclusion-

"These two guys, actually, work well together???"

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this "cooperation very well"-that is, they really get serious and really help each other.

There is another prerequisite for them to do this, and that is to give them enough pressure to make them have enough crisis awareness.

In this way, they will quickly let go of their prejudices, support each other, and tide over the difficulties as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, they will tear down each other and then boom.

This has produced some interesting phenomena.