I have a lot of wives

My Wife Is Very Many Chapter 417

So, let's not talk about business matters for the time being, let's start with 50 million words, and make up for all the thoughts during this period of time.

As for other things, just ignore it.


Just like that, Makoto and Kato Megumi spent ten days at the hot spring.

In the end, Kato Hui ran out of strength, and the two of them took another day to rest. Then Kato Kai opened his eyes and looked at Lu Cheng with complaining eyes.

"It's too much, classmate Lu Cheng."

She said to Lu Cheng.

Chapter Twenty Nine

"What's the matter, how can I be too much?"

Listening to Kato Megumi's words, although Lu Cheng knew it in his heart, he still had to pretend to be innocent on the surface, showing an innocent expression at Kato Megumi.


Hearing that Makoto said, Kato Kee opened his mouth, and of course he couldn't say anything.Because what Lu Cheng said was "too much", it was too shameful.Even a girl like Kato who is indifferent is a little hard to tell.

"Can't you tell?

If you can't say it, let's not say it.Still have to ask Kato-san's body.After all, the body is always more honest than the mouth, right?"

"Student Lu Cheng... is bullying again."

Hearing that Makoto said, Kato Kee was a little pitiful.

"Well, well, let's not bully you first, let's not bully you first." Lu Cheng put his arms around Kato, and the two of them showed happy and happy smiles.

It's really happy.

Although there are some madness, confusion, and other messy things.But when everything is gone, all that is left is the happiness and joy from the heart.

"So, Kato, it's time to be serious now." After staying with Kato for a while, Lu Cheng asked a question: "You have been in Yingzhou for more than three months. With your ability, I If you don't believe me, just set it up.

Just like Xianyun Yehe retreats to a few monsters, then collects some commissions, and then nothing else?

Such actions are not worthy of points."


Hearing what Lu Cheng said, Kato Megumi asked calmly: "So, what kind of conspiracy does Lu Cheng think there is?"

"It's too ugly to say conspiracy." Lu Cheng smiled and said to her: "But I believe that Kato-san is such a beautiful, smart, and excellent girl. How could it be impossible to do such a thing."

You know, you are the best person to make up for the back of the palace in my mind."

"Really, classmate Lu Cheng?"

"Of course it's true~"

"But how do I feel that you have said this to other girls besides me to my dear?"

"Hahaha, Kato-san, what are you talking about? You are really joking--I promise you that I have never said anything to any of her girls except you. You are the only person in my heart.

So, I originally thought that if you were here, you would either use absolute power to become a prince, control a rich place and collect rent.Either they will use excellent wisdom and skill to cheat and cheat in a short time and become a secret boss or a big businessman.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

What is going on, Kato-san, let me know."

"Student Lu Cheng, do you really want to listen?"

"Of course I really want to listen."

"Then Lu Cheng wants to hear the truth or lies?"

"Of course you should listen to the truth. I'm not the kind of person who hates women with a small belly."

"But, I just think Lu Cheng is such a person."

"Kato, Kato~you said that again~ or else we stop talking about business and be happy for another ten days?"

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, classmate Lu Cheng."

Hearing what Lu Cheng said, even though he agrees in his heart, his body is the same.But just like Lu Cheng said, the indifferent image that Kato Megumi has always maintained still needs to be maintained.You can't be like a puppy, blushing and happily rolling into Lu Cheng's arms when he hears this, the well-behaved hafuhafu, right?

"Let's talk about it, Kato, I listen to this."

"Uh, uh. What I want to say is, Lu Cheng, how can you ensure that everyone who participates in this game likes this game?"

This is the second time Lu Cheng has heard similar arguments. The last time he heard it was from Roudanzi.

"So, Kato, you actually didn't want to be the palace, so you deliberately hid it?"

"What do you think, classmate Lu Cheng?" Kato Hui didn't say yes or no. After asking Lu Cheng back, she continued: "My goal, um, should be said to be my expectation. Second or third, that's it."

"The second or third place..."

Hearing what Kato Megumi said, Lu Cheng basically understood.

Unlike the meat dumplings, which have nothing to pursue, but simply don't want to be the boss, but actually want to do it but can't make it, Kato is still a little careful.She wants to show her strength and then continue to live a life without competition.

In this way, even if it is not the main palace.Because it has shown great power, Zheng Gong has to weigh it when he wants to engage her.By that time, my childhood will definitely be more comfortable than meat dumplings.

"Is that so?"

Lu Cheng felt that this idea fits Kato Megumi's mind and character.But thinking about it again, I think it's a bit wrong.

Is it really?

Although all this can be explained clearly.But Lu Cheng still had doubts, and still had a strange feeling.I always feel that there are still some controversy about what Kato Megumi said.

Does she really think so, or does she want to achieve some kind of tactical deception?

But it didn't make any sense for her to tactically deceive herself.There is no other use except making myself suspicious, and slandering myself after success.

This made Lu Cheng feel very confused and could not see clearly.

"Then the thing is like this, classmate Lu Cheng."

After saying these things with Lu Cheng, Kato Hui stood up and prepared to leave: "The battle is still going on, and I have been delayed by Lu Cheng for more than ten days. Seeing that there are only two months left, I I have to work hard."
