I have a supermarket in the end times

Chapter 113 Single Bicycle

In the blue sky, Chaoyang jumped out of the top of the mountain, lacking the darkness before dawn, sent light for this road in the valley.

Unknown birds, in the mountains on both sides, ignore it, and I've neglected. It is still singing for the result of the result of the result.

Suddenly, a ribbon of a six wheel armored car, which broke the harmony and beauty of this valley instantly.

Money is sitting on the main drive position, while holding steering wheel, while watching holes, the situation is observed.

This round armored car is a money flight, with a supermarket agency contract, from the hand of Tangshu Chen.

This is also his more than two days in Jiuling Mountain.

You must know that in order to get the customer base in Jiulling Mountain, Qianfei will give the supermarket agent contract for free to Tangshi.

After he saw the 8 × 8 wheel armored car, he suddenly changed the idea.

So, he took a supermarket agent area and found the Tang Tawkees.

The soup of Tang Tang Chen clearly told him that 8 × 8 round armored cars couldn't give him. However, there are several 6 x 6 vintage wheel armored vehicles in the brigade, but it can be used for trading.

I got a wheel armored car, he put two shovel installed on the front of the front of the car, re-let the people in the repair to the wheel armored vehicle.

The shovel is loaded, and it has passed for two days.

In these two days, there is still no news from Ai Ye. In desperation, he can only south.

Early in the morning, I have eaten money flying after breakfast, bid farewell to Tongchen, driving a new round armored car rushing out.

The car just rushed out, and immediately stunned the zombie.

That is like a tide zombie, rushing to the armored car driving.

Experienced money flying, facing the zombie in the face, there is no panic.

Fusing the steering wheel, stepped on the throttle at the foot, and the armored vehicle sent a roar and rushed into the zombie.

Although those zombies don't want to put money, but helpless, this round armored car is thick, fast - full speed can reach 100 kilometers per hour, plus two shovels that are installed, money flies The armored car will soon break through the surrounding of the zombie.

The money that rushed out of the circle and immediately slowed down the speed.

According to his plan, he and the Tang Tawkees, by the money to drive the armored car, and will attract the zombie to plug in the zombie. Even if it is attracted, it is also possible to give the fortress to reduce a lot of pressure.

Money flies slow speed, in fact, it is waiting to catch up with zombies.

I haven't seen the zombies left, right, etc., I still don't see the zombies.

This, Qian Fei knows that he and the Tangshu chapel are completely empty.

Obviously, the controller of this group of zombies has far more than other zombies, just don't know, whether it has returned to the level of humanity.

Qian Fei saw the plan to fall, and did not entangle, but the driver armored car, continued to south.

However, this time he did not choose to walk high speed, but turned to the national road.

The things that the Jiulling Mountain fortunate let him understand the benefits of this powerful gathering area for supermarket upgrades.

He is ready to look at the way in the south, so you can look for some other aggregated areas. I am afraid that it is delayed.

Maybe because the zombies in Changjiang are gone by the high-grade zombies in Changjiang, the money flew over the armored car. After a few hours, I have to go out of the mountains, even a zombie Never encounter.

This kind of zombie is gathered, and there is a good or bad for surviving human beings.

The advantage is that there are many scattered, or a small survivor aggregation area, which can finally find survival resources.

Of course, this bad is also obvious.

Some gathering districts with poor defense capabilities. If it is stared by large zombies, it is almost the disaster. The reaction is slightly slow, it is the next place where the full gathering area is covered.

Of course, this is the benefits of money than the harm.

Without the block of zombies, his journey of his south can be more relaxed. Moreover, due to the survivors of the search for resources, it is also looking for a gathering area, and the development of supermarket agents provides a small convenience.

Run along the 105 National Road, left the mountain, enter the plain, and then leave the 105 National Highway in a three-crossing, and his armored cars, turned to the West.

It is not that he doesn't want to continue, but 105 will enter the Changjiang City after this. He doesn't want to go to the old nest of the zombie. Even if the current Changjiang City, the number of zombies may have been low.

When the money opened the armored car, when I entered the county of the zombie, I finally saw the survivor again.

This is a six group, all men. All the weapons in his hands, and let the money side of the sky is that one of them, there is actually holding a sniper rifle.

Six people have just come out from a shop in the store, and the materials found in their hands. But they first went out, I saw the armored chariot of the money.

The money is coming, and I laughed over six people, then asked, "I listen to something, is there a survivient gathering area near this?"

Six people stayed at Qian Fei and his armored cars, and then gradually, and conducted a short exchange. Then a middle-aged man like a leader, opened his mouth:

"It has been going to the west of this car. If you encounter the fork, you will be able to see a reservoir. There is a gathering area."

Middle-aged man said, paused, then said, "But I don't recommend you to go there. We are ready to go south, I heard that there is a bigger gathering area over there. And I am also very friendly for us."

"What do you mean, the west part is not very friendly for survivors?"

"It's not a less friendly problem, they are just ..." Middle-aged man said this, stopped, and also changed: "For example, we have left, but also say this."

"How many people are there in the west part? Can you tell me about their situation, I can use these things to exchange."

After Qian Fei said, took out a 5.8 mm 03 assault rifle bullet threw the past, "You should use this kind of bullet with the gun?"

The survivors of the sniper rifle, picked up the bullets, first looked at it, and then used hand and screamed, the face could not be surprised.

"Can you use it?" Middle-aged man looked back and asked his companion.

"It can be used, and the weight is slightly smaller than the special steel core, but the superapel is bomb. This should be a new general bomb, you can use." Sniper puts the bullets in the bib in the bib, answer the way.

"So, transaction. What do you want to ask, we know anything." Middle-aged man said to Qianfei.