Su Li slowly squatted down until his eyes were level with bass.

"Child Beth, it's been a long time!" Su Li said hello with a smile.

"who are you?"

Beth stepped back, a trace of confusion and vigilance appeared on his face. He remembered it was said in the book that some people like to commit crimes in chaos, and the targets are usually women and children.

"Have you forgotten? You funded me a bottle of super potion!" Su Li said with a smile.

"Super potion?" Beth's eyes widened, and he took a step back again.

He remembered, this is the immigrant liar...

After the super potion was sent out, he thought he had done a good thing and went home happily, but his intelligent assistant Xiao Hei analyzed the nature of the matter in detail for him... I was cheated!!

Su Li didn't care about Beth's wary expression, he asked, "Where are your parents?"


Su Li: "......"

This bass doesn't think he wants to kidnap or something?Still nearby?A ghost nearby!

"Ahem, since that's the case, I won't bother!" Su Li got up a little embarrassed, and then quickly disappeared in front of Beth.

Forget it, let's watch him nearby, this child is obviously not as stupid as before.

"Huh, scared me to death!"

Su Li disappeared, and Beth let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he just told the other party that his parents were nearby. Otherwise, he must be deceived by a liar again. No, maybe even worse!

Standing in the sky, Su Li looked at Bass with a blank expression on his face, with nothing to say in his heart.

It is said that one can gain one's wisdom by eating a ditch. Since the last time, how much has Beth suffered?


Su Li silently followed Beth to escort him. On the other side, the revolutionary army and the city's defense forces were also fighting fiercely.

After all, the revolutionary army came prepared, and its strength completely crushed the opponent. For a time, the city's defense forces were retreating steadily. As part of the defense forces took the initiative to surrender, their decline became more and more obvious.


Time passed slowly, and Beth had already followed the crowd to the refuge in the city, and the bored Su Li also helped the revolutionary army to attack those stubborn city defense points. Finally, when the sky was just getting dark , The battle of the ninth main city is completely over.

From beginning to end, there was no Tier C superpower to rescue. Su Li was very surprised about this. This ninth main city was not an unnamed small city, so it was so abandoned by the opponent?


With doubts in his heart, after the ninth main city war ended, Su Li quickly flew to the first main city.


Virtual universe, Glor Star, the first city, outside the city!

Su Li saw Kias on a battleship near the first main city. At this time, there were more than a dozen Tier C superpowers beside him, who seemed to have rushed back from other main cities.

"Things are going well!" Su Li smiled.

"Smoothly is a bit too much. The opponent's C-tier did not appear, and a supporting team was not sent!" Qias said, turning to look at the first main city in the distance, he said lightly.

"I don't know what the other party is brewing?"

"Haha, just tell me to fight!" Su Li shrugged, saying that it didn't matter.

"How about the Ninth Main City?" Qias asked with a change of tone.

"Fortunately, haven't you received their report?"

"Well, they said you helped a lot!"

[Then you still ask!

Although he was speechless, Su Li smiled and nodded on the surface.



After waiting on the battleship of Kias for more than an hour, finally, the out-going Tier C returned here one after another, and some still intact battleships also returned from his other main cities, making the fleet here become Getting stronger.

Things are indeed going smoothly and a little weird, but the arrow is on the line and has to be sent. No matter what the situation is, in the end, we still have to take that step.

Under the command of the fleet commander, a large number of warships quickly accelerated and sailed towards the first main city.

Su Li and a bunch of Tier C superpowers stood in the air above the fleet, guarding against the enemy's Tier C attack.

Boom boom boom!

The battleship approached the first main city magnificently, but the first main city was silent, except for some automatic defense artillery fire.

The fleet is getting closer and closer to the main city, ten thousand meters, five kilometers, three kilometers...

The atmosphere became more and more weird, and finally, the fleet entered the sky above the first main city.

Just like making dumplings, countless superpowers descended quickly.

"This is so strange, there must be a big problem!" Not far from Su Li, a Tier C superpower couldn't help but say.

"Go, go and see!"

Qias finally couldn't help it, and flew over first.

Qias flew out, including Su Li, no one else hesitated, and immediately followed.

Of course, Su Li would not be special at this time, taking people's money and people to eliminate disasters. Of course, during special times, he should listen to Qias' orders.


Entering the first main city, everyone went straight to the leader's mansion without hesitation.

This is the place where the leader lives. It is also the administrative center of Goror. It is one of the most important places in Goror.


In front of a bunch of C-tiers, all defenses became a joke, almost without any stay, a bunch of people entered the leader's mansion.


"no one?!"

Qias's face became a little ugly.


At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and the next moment, a translucent figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Qias, Morse, Setis..." The figure looked at the crowd and said more than twenty names in one breath.

Finally, he looked at Su Li.

"And you, Mr. Su Li!"

"I'm not Su Li, I'm Su Li's brother, Su Gan, thank you!" Su Li looked at the old man expressionlessly, and said lightly.

That's right, this figure is indeed an old man, and Su Li has seen him, he is the leader of Goror.

"Haha!" The leader shook his head without saying anything.

"What the hell are you doing? What about you guys?" Qias asked with a gloomy face.

"Don't worry Kias, even if it is for the future of Goror, I will not continue to fight with you anymore, you have won!" the leader said lightly.

"Hmph, it sounds good!" Qias shook his head in disdain.

"You and me are just different ideas. It is meaningless to continue fighting. Therefore, in order to preserve Gorol's power, I chose to regress!" the leader said lightly.

"You don't worry about the others, I am not lurking...because, now I am far away from the Gorol galaxy!"

"Are you running?" Qias blurted out.

"Run? No! I'm just taking like-minded people with me to find new hope!" the leader said lightly

"Whether it is the arrival of super power technology or the arrival of Mr. Su Li, it proves that other life planets exist. Since Goror is no longer suitable for our survival, it is not impossible to find a new way out!"

Everyone: "......"

MMP, even running away can be said to be so fresh and refined, no wonder he is the leader and we are not!


Qias shouted angrily, and suddenly hit the leader's phantom with a punch.


With a flash of electric light, the phantom of the leader completely dissipated.