I have a virtual universe

Chapter 316: The Disappearing Ye Mohan

Su Li, who was "dying to breathe" and "incomparably miserable", was helped by Xia Ke and walked out of the ruins of the factory. At this time, the ordinary members of the armed forces other than the toolman looked at Su Li differently.

Everyone knows that super-order is very strong, but there is no specific concept.

enmmmm, now there is it!

The wave of Su Li's ultimatum just now refreshed their three perspectives. It turned out that... can a super-powered person become like this?

"What are you doing in a daze, leaving two people here to guard, and the rest of them will go back with me immediately!" Xia Ke scolded, and then helped Su Li into the car.

The tool people naturally followed suit immediately, and the ordinary members of the armed forces did not complain.

Everyone knows that the two ministers are in a romantic relationship. Now that Minister Su Li is injured like this, it is normal to be anxious and angry.

Not to mention that the two ministers saved their lives just now, so what are the two reprimands?


The group of people dealt with the matter here without any muddle, and then quickly began to rush back.


After half an hour-

In front of the original investigation bureau, Secretary Wang waited here anxiously.

Just now she received a call from Xia Ke, and she already knew that there was a super-powered person in that factory, and she knew that Su Li was seriously injured and dying.

After Secretary Wang waited and waited, finally, several cars came quickly from a distance.

When the car stopped, Xia Ke helped Su Li, who was pale, to walk out of it.

Secretary Wang came over immediately.

"How is Su Li?" she asked.

Thinking of Su Li's previous request, Xia Ke hesitated for a while, and then said, "It's okay, it's just that the destrength is too serious, and I have suffered some internal injuries. Just two more days of rest will be fine, well, more days of rest!"

"How about going to the hospital? I'll contact Su Li with the best doctor!" Secretary Wang suggested.

"No, no, I am a super-powered person, ordinary doctors are useless, they can't pierce my skin!" Su Li said very "difficultly"

"And I know my own situation, that is, it is best to enlarge and squeeze too hard. Just rest and rest!"

"Those two wanted criminals are so strong? They forced you to such a degree?" Secretary Wang asked with some confusion.

"No, it's more complicated than this, and it's too much involved. We need to talk to the director!" Xia Ke shook her head and asked.

"By the way, where's the chief? Didn't you inform her?"

"This one......"

There was a trace of embarrassment on Secretary Wang's face. After hesitating for a moment, she whispered, "The director has not appeared for many days, and I can't contact her."


Xia Ke was slightly surprised.

"The director seems to have something important to do. Two days ago, he told me to maintain the order of the investigation bureau, and the people disappeared!" Secretary Wang said helplessly.

"Originally, the Detective Bureau was already on the right track, and the director left for two days without hindering it, but who knew this happened?"

Xia Ke: "..."

"What the hell is it, I have to ask the director to tell?" Secretary Wang asked.

"In the super-order that appeared this time, there is a high-class super-order!" Xia Ke said lightly.

Secretary Wang: "......"

MMP, how did you survive?


Five minutes later, Su Li was temporarily arranged to a lounge, and Secretary Wang hurried to find Ye Mohan after a few words.

No way, the matter is too big, Director Ye Da must be able to tell.

"Director Ye is not here, really..." Xia Ke thought for a while, but didn't think of an adjective to describe the situation.

"It's so irresponsible!" Su Li smiled.

"Can't say that, maybe she has something urgent!" Xia Ke retorted.

"No, I probably know what she did!"

"Huh? You know?"

"Three months ago I sold a lot of C-level super meat to Feng Qi, and then I found out that our Director Ye Da has been eating this stuff!" Su Li thought for a while, then continued.

"And almost never stopped!"

"The chief went to break through the D rank?" Xia Ke's eyes widened, so guessed.

"Even if it's not for breaking through D Tier, it should be to find a place to practice on your own, it will be more efficient!" Su Li said.

"If Director Ye really becomes a Tier D superpower, what shall we do?" Xia Ke asked.


Su Li glanced at Xia Ke a little strangely, not knowing what she was talking about, even if Ye Mohan became a Tier D, what should happen.

"I mean, will Director Ye leave the East China Sea Investigation Bureau, there are very few D Tiers in China?" Xia Ke said.

"Well, is it possible that I can still become the director of the East China Sea Investigation Bureau?" Su Li said to himself.

"Bah, what do you think?" Xia Ke was very speechless, not counting Su Li's true strength. Based on his superficial situation, he could not become the director of the East China Sea Investigation Bureau, right?

After all, the East China Sea is a megacity in China, and it ranks high, unless the head of the chief is out of mind, otherwise...

"Look at my record this time, sturdy, right? One E+ plus four ordinary E-tiers were all killed by me!" Su Li said, shaking his head.

"Being a human being, I always have to dream a bit!"


Su Li: "......"


Su Li chatted with Xia Ke for a long time, but Secretary Wang did not return.

"No way, I'm going to do some business. If Director Ye comes, tell her that I fell asleep because I was too tired!" Su Li said.

"En, you go!" Xia Ke nodded, and at the same time wondered in her heart whether she should also practice, after all, Secretary Wang's efficiency is really speechless.

Well, it may also be due to Director Ye hiding too well.


Virtual universe, infinite star cluster, Zidal system, Messi 7th area, Chris star ring, Sky ring galaxy, Grodall star, a hotel.

Su Li's sudden appearance shocked Simon who was staying watching something.

"My lord, you are back!" Simon immediately got up and said hello.


Su Li nodded, and then asked, "No accident happened during this time, right?"

"No, everything is normal!" Simon said, and couldn't help but want to complain. You have only been away for a few hours now. What can happen?

Sleep longer than this!

Su Li nodded, and then slowly walked to the side of the floating chair and sat down.

"What were you looking at? With relish?"

"Um, it's the slave package launched by Grodall Star, Miss Jessica asked me to help her pay attention!" Simon explained.

"Slave package?"

Su Li twitched the corner of his mouth. Has the development of this thing reached this level?They are all bundled!

"My lord, I just learned that recently there will be several large slave auctions in the central market. Would you like to go and see it?" Simon asked suddenly.

"No interest..." Su Li stopped in the middle of speaking, "Well, I just want to see what this so-called auction is like!"

PS: The first one.