Without any fancy moves, the two giants just started a fight between you and me.

At this time, this alien space that was judged by the Spirit Palace Master to be sufficient to carry the two people fighting, but in the constant fighting between the two, issued an overwhelmed "groan", countless cracks centered on the two giants, constantly It spread to the surroundings, and it didn't mean to stop at all.

If this continues, the fragmentation of this space will become an inevitable event!

Spirit Hall Master: "..."

At this moment, the Spirit Palace Master was hiding in the corner of the space, looking at the two fighting people from a distance, and couldn't tell what it felt like.

The ghost knew that a good "friendly" competition would turn out to be what it is now. Although he gave himself the authority of referees, now he dares to go to the battle center to stop the two?

I don’t know if others have the courage, but he will never do this kind of thing!

Although they are both Tier A beings, the gap between the three of them is incredibly large, especially when the other two are fighting with all their strength. At this time, go to the battle center, maybe he will be GG directly...


Not to mention the thoughts of the Spirit Palace Lord, on the other hand, the battle between the two sides has gradually stabilized!

As Su Li had expected, the countless rules that hovered around the gale nebula were really not beautiful. Under the action of these rules, the originally ordinary energy body broke out with an astonishing speed!

Su Li's Super War God inherited his speed, but the current Super War God is far behind the opponent in this respect.

Fortunately, his power still has the upper hand, and in some inconspicuous places, he often uses energy manipulation to beat the drums, so that the battle situation will not fall to one side, from the beginning to the present... he stubbornly follows Fight with the Great Sage!

As for the words "He really has something to say" that the Great Sage Hefeng kept shouting halfway through, Su Li directly ignored it. It was just a little bit of a delay in his plan, and he couldn't hide his eyes!


Although he didn't feel the strangeness of the opponent during the battle, who knows the truth?Maybe the other party needs time to brew a big move!

All in all, this is definitely the right choice to not let the other party delay time!



The battle continued, and the two sides fought more and more fiercely, so that in the end, Su Li's Super War God and Hefeng Dasheng's Storm Nebula both became illusory.

"Let me finish my sentence, can't it?" He Feng Dasheng raised his paw and scratched Su Li, while taking the opportunity to ask.


Su Li was silent, his backhand hit the opponent's head with a sword.

It's a pity that this sword is just an ordinary dark energy sword, if it is "aura", it is enough to end the battle directly!

The Great Sage: "..."


There was another fierce fight between the two sides.

"Stop, I surrendered!" Suddenly, the tired voice of He Feng Dasheng rang in this space.


The weapon in Su Li's hand suddenly stopped the trend of whereabouts. This is a discussion. Of course, there is no need to fight for it. Since the Great Sage of Hefeng has surrendered, then the battle is over!

Although his dark energy God of War is not an opponent of the opponent's Storm Nebula, he has been using energy to manipulate and cheat, quietly disintegrating the opponent's Storm Nebula, making the battle appear evenly matched.

If the fight continues and the two return to close hand-to-hand combat again, He Feng Dasheng will not be his opponent anyway. In this case, He Feng Dasheng can't help but admit defeat. It is really nothing strange!


After a while--

The Great Sage of Hefeng lifted the "Bust Wind Nebula" and took advantage of the situation to come to Su Li.

"Let me finish!" He Feng Dasheng said directly.

Su Li:??!

"In the 80 million years I was stuck in A+, only the first 30 million years, I had realized the'Hate' to the extreme, but due to physical factors, I couldn't try to be promoted to the gods of the universe!" said Hefeng Dasheng

"So, in the following time, I will put all my energy into the'Bust Wind Nebula', and you can see the effect!"

"What then?" Su Li asked blankly.

Although from the current situation, the Great Sage Hefeng really has something to say, and he is a little confused, but this does not make things change, the battle is over!

"You are very strong. If you don't have the'Bust Wind Nebula' accumulated by time, I am not your opponent! Your participation in this battle can greatly increase the winning rate of the Universe Race Alliance!" He Feng Dasheng continued.

"So, I was ready to give in!"

"Are you joking?"

Su Li didn't believe the words of the Great Sage Hefeng. At that time, he hadn't shown his dark energy god of war. This guy obviously occupies an absolute advantage. It's strange to admit defeat!

"Of course it's not a joke!" He Feng Dasheng sneered.

"Since the two of us can compete for a place, why can't I compete with others for a place?"

"I don't believe that the Spirit Palace Master can find three A+ lives as strong as you in a short time!"

"What do you mean?" Su Qizhong was slightly startled. There is nothing wrong with the words of Great Sage Hefeng, the Spirit Palace Master seems to be in trouble!

"Unless he targets me, otherwise, it is totally reasonable for me to find someone else to compete for this place!" He Feng Dasheng said, and he cast his eyes on the Spirit Palace Master who was flying towards here.

"I believe that the Universe Race Alliance will not target me, right?"

Spirit Hall Master: "..."


Su Li was speechless. He touched his chin and looked at the Great Sage Hefeng thoughtfully. This guy is not a good person. He has found a loophole in this matter. I am afraid it will be difficult for the Spirit Palace Master to stop him from attending this time. The battle!

The Cosmic Race Alliance is rules-based. From the very beginning, they were unwilling to let the Great Sage Hefeng participate in this battle, but they couldn't directly refuse it.

Although there are hidden dangers in the Great Sage Hefeng, he himself did nothing, and he is still a member of the eleventh level of the alliance. Without any evidence, he directly rejected the Great Sage Hefeng, which is undoubtedly contrary to the principles of the universe race alliance. !

This time is the same. He and the Great Sage Hefeng this time, the spirit hall master gave the reason that "the number of places to participate in the war is not enough, the two sides compete for this place", then if the Great Sage Hefeng proposes to "compete" with others ?

I am afraid it is difficult for the Spirit Palace Master not to agree. After all, three places are placed here, and one is competing, why can't the other two?

And with the strength that the Great Sage of Hefeng demonstrated in this wave, I am afraid that the normal A+ will be beaten by him... Of course, it is not ruled out that others may also have a hole card!


"Virtual, the battle just now is not a waste of time, you let me really recognize your strength! With you and me, we will win this battle!" He Feng Dasheng finished, he did not He hesitated, went directly to the Spirit Palace Master, tore the space along the way, and left here.

Spirit Hall Master: "..."

"Win? What happens after you win?"

Su Li thoughtfully looked at the back of Great Sage Hefeng leaving.

PS: One more.