I have a virtual universe

Chapter 727 Slave

After you withdraw from the virtual universe, he did not hesitate to learn about what happened this day through the intelligence of the silver shadow.

"I found a human civilization, and other foreign people also found this civilization?" Suwei looked at the information of the spaceship smart transmission, and his face appeared on his face.

This is a human civilization that has just entered the Starhood era, because there is no uniform reason for it yet, and they still have a unified external call.

This civilized scientific and technological development level is between the earth civilization and the civilization of Colol, and barely reached the standard of extradition into the Gongs Union. It is most important that there are other outsiders to discover this civilization, and seems to have no sense, so, No matter what is, he has to go to this civilization.

"Let's take a look!"

Su Li left himself, the next moment, he directly ordered the smart on the silver shadow, and went to this civilization!

Silver shadow flying boat flashed a slight radiant, very fast -


As a subtle space fluctuated, the entire banned boat disappeared in the original place.


A few seconds -

In a suite of the sustalation of the sun system, a space fluctuation suddenly appeared, followed by a silver shadow, the boat that has just disappeared in the distant starry sky.


Su Zi's figure appeared in the silver shadow, and he waved his hand, and he took the silver shadow in the boat.

"Is this planet?" Su Zi's eyes passed through the layer space, and he found that a planet full of vitality in an instant.

At the same time, he also discovered two "Blue Slim" annular spacecraft on the outer track of the live planet.

Su Zi is impressive to this spacecraft. There is such a spacecraft in the exchange list provided by the Cosmic Racious Union. Its price is very low. The best will not exceed 100 contributions. It will use this spaceship, generally C-Order or identity status is quite life with C step life.

If the D level is raised, the B step is impossible to use this.

Taking into account the level of technology development of this civilization, there is courageous in this civilization, and the d-order is probably not enough, at least it is a C step.

and so.......

"Is it two C-class life?" Su Zi shook his head, Mosbei said, because he was the first time to trade with the Royal Assortunity, so the Royal Union would give him a fairly easy task.

Now, in addition to looking for human civilization a little trouble, other things do not have a half-point difficulty, let a A +-level super person to bully C-class lives ... Hey!

This is also almost the same as lying down.



Su Tiao took a step, and the space was changed, he appeared on the life planet.

Since there is no deliberate positioning, Su Zi found that he directly appeared in a quite warm small room.

[It seems that the aesthetic beauty of this civilization is quite similar to our planets .......] This idea has emerged in the heart, but at this time, it is awkward from the snoring. .

Su Tong is not slow, he smiled and looked at the people behind him, and it was a little boy with a fifteen or older boy.

At this time, the little boy was applying a white powder on his face. Suddenly, the sudden appearance of Suiye made his movement stissible, and a small piece has not come to the uniform white powder sticking on his face, let him It looks a bit funny.

"You, who you are?"

The little boy uses the dialect of this civilization, but Soviet is still understanded, his senses have extends slightly, and learn the language here with countless exchanges.

"Don't be afraid, I am just a passerby!" Su asked smiling "So, this little gentleman, what are you doing?"


Su Yes did not reliably, but his slightly dispersed breath but let the little boy went down to the heart, he hesitated himself, then replied directly

"I am preparing to participate in the sea election of the choice of the 'Mei' competition this afternoon!"

"Select the 'US' contest?" Su smile on his face slightly marked, and his consciousness quickly connects the network of this civilization.

Soon, Su Li knows what the so-called "choosing 'Mi' Competition" does it mean.

A day ago, the country of this civilization suddenly issued a statement, claiming to hold a global nature of "Select 'Mercure" in this competition, the age is not limited, gender is not limited, as long as it is confident to himself The person can participate, the most critical is that as long as it will be promoted to the previous thousand in the end, the reward can make this civilization.

Such a game, because there are countless countries in their own stations, so even many people feel that they feel, they are not counted.

This is one of the young boys in adolescence.

At the same time, Soviet I have found some other interesting things, such as three days ago, two "monsters" live suddenly appear, and secretly schedule the most powerful country in this civilization, in the stars, they are easy The fleet of this country is proud and will "fight the gray" ...


"It turned out to be a slave vendor!" Su is guess in the heart.

In the more "barbaric" infinite star, the slave traders can be seen everywhere, and Su Zi even participated in the slave auction and took a few slaves.

However, in the area of ​​the Cosmic Racious Union, the slaves become very rare because the Slave is not allowed to be striped by the universe race alliance. Whoever dares to do this, who dares to do this. !

In the area of ​​the Cosmic Racious League, few people dare to provoke his authority.

However, very little does not mean!

There is a market if there is a market. This is not a matter of strictly prohibiting the elimation, or there is still a small done that is not afraid of death.


What happened to this planet now is actually a technique for slave dealers.

Civilized civilizations, slavers, first use force to remove civilized rulers, and then choose high-quality slaves to pass through various ways, even if this civilization is noticed by the Cosmic Race, they do not necessarily find this. Things, even if they find this, it is difficult to find out because there is a long time.

Moreover, slavers know the bottom line of the Cosmic Race Alliance. They did not cause much damage to civilization. They just took some unpatisfactory ordinary life. This even in the universe race alliance, it is not too much. Big sin.

Therefore, some people often make it a lot of customs, escape, ...


There is no doubt that this so-called "choosing the 'US' contest" is a method of slave dealers to pick up quality efforts, but it is very effective.

Even the fifteen-six-year-old boy can't help but try it, it can be seen.

PS: One more.