I have a virtual universe

Chapter 729 Do you have anyone?

When a human leader did not dare to confuse, at this time, the two lives that were scratched from the Soviet were also quickly understood what happened.

They are C-class life, but not silly ~ force!

Just now they still stay in their own spacecraft, slaves from other life planets, then suddenly broke out, and I couldn't get a strange environment for it. ...

What's happening here?

As a slave traders in the universe, they instantly understand, this is a big man, what is the level of big , but can kill them without a good spike!

In the territory of the Universe Racious Union, they are slave traduters, they are not afraid of death, but they are not afraid that death does not mean to die, maybe, they still want to continue to live.


Two C-class students quickly perceived around, a bunch of human leaders all were weak chickens, naturally immediately excluded from the options, the rest only had inexplicable Soviet.

Needless to say, this ten eight or nine is big!

Two C steps have been looking at an eye. The next moment, they climbed from the ground, and they went to the Soviet ceremony.

"Dear strong, Tianlong Star Pirate Jackbo (Six) to you!"

The two said that the universal language of the Universe Racious Alliance, the leaders in the seat naturally impossible, but Su Sui took advantage of "Real Control", the original unfamiliar language arrived in the ear of the leader. It has become the native language they are familiar with.

Although some leaders feel that these two aliens say that "Tshen" in their hometown is somewhat strange, but compared to this, "Jacbo" is obviously attractive to them.

If they didn't remember the wrong, the two of the two aliens were put on this, and the aliens never even have the same name.


Su Zi is not interest to pay attention to the complex heart of a leader. After he heard the greetings of the two, he immediately became a color of interest.

"Tianlong Star Pirate? I know this organization!" Su Cheng slowly said that "your leader is Brazi?"

"It turns out that you know our leader?" When you hear Su, the two faces appeared on his face.

Their self-participants are hoping to win a line of life for themselves, now they know that their own boss, then things are undoubtedly more stable.

"No, I don't know him!" Su You shook his head, he went to say "I know him, because I often pay attention to the wanted order of the universe race alliance, Brany is quite famous!"

Su Zi said that "Brien is not high in the wanted order of the Cosmic Racious Union, almost bottom in the B step, but he plays the upper number of the list! It is said that he is called the 'void Brazi by others. ', Because he has a void ability that is extremely good at escalation! And Bribi has always been only on the bottom line of the Cosmic Roundary League, which also leads to the universe race alliance never got to him, so he can always List ....... "

Two people: "......."

In front of this big talk, there is a ridicule thing, don't use any ways, can live in the wannna of the Cosmic Racious League for a long time, isn't this?

It's hard to be strong for a long time, it's hard to live!

Normally, their boss "void Branet" deterrent should be quite big!

. . .

When the two have nothing very bad, Su suddenly said. "You can contact Brie now in two people now? I have to discuss him!"

I heard this, and the two were immediately ecstatic, they quickly picked up "can, can, please wait, let's contact!"

Can communicating means that things may be peaceful, they will naturally not reject this opportunity, and it is to communicate with email, it is difficult to do anything?


Under the assistance of Six, Jakeboa took out a communicator and quickly operated, just a moment, a blurred black shadow appeared in front of the two.

"Jacbo, I remember that you have just discovered a human civilization of a civilized level. Now I am collecting slaves. What do you find me?" Black shadow asked faintly.

"Boss, we ..." Jackbo just wanted to cry, and the communication in his hand suddenly sucked the past.

"You are?" Blackney looked at Su, and there was a doubtful color on his face.

"Blackney, don't panic, let's talk first!" Su is smiled, he said, "Your Tianlong Star Pirate is good in this life belt?"


Silenced for a moment, Bribi was thinking about it, he nodded faintly, then said "actually!"

"Oh? Then you must find a lot of human civilization?" Su asked again.

"Are you a person of the Gongren League?" Blackney responded very fast, he suddenly speculated the identity of Su.

Brien as a senior B-class life on the wanted order, countless years, he naturally has the opportunity to reach the existence of the Gongren Alliance, so he knows that the existence of the Rounding Union is not enough.

"Since you know, it will be good! I ask you on behalf of the People's Alliance, immediately send all the people slaves you caught back to their civilization, otherwise the consequences are at your own risk!" Su Zi's freely said a word.

"Do you let me send those slaves back to their civilization?" Blackney asked in a strange question, next second, he suddenly laughed.

"Hahahahaha, you let me send those slaves back to their civilization, do you think you are? Your People's Union is amazing, but here is the area of ​​the Cosmic Racious League, if you are giving a few people in the district The A stage is life-saving to search me, then I don't have anything else, and I have no problem! "

The laughter of Brien suddenly dropped, he said coldly, "But I am very clear that the Government Union cannot do this! I know that Sixi Jakebo has fell into your hand, it doesn't matter, you can place them casually ! But then, don't blame me, especially taking care of some human civilizations! "

Brien's ridicule is straightforward, but the face of Su. It has not changed, but he can't help but take a hand. "Sure enough, it is possible to have the existence of the wanted order of the universe race alliance! It is amazing!"

"You are laughing, even if you are a life, I don't open, how can you still?" Bribi then smiled "more, how are you?"

"I don't know, you will know it!" Su Zi said that he said deeply.

"What is your meaning ..."

Brie just wants to say, but after next second, he stunned.

A light blue shadow suddenly emerged by him, the naked eye, this light shadow began to be solid.

Master awareness - Consciousness Virtualization!

Master awareness - realization!

PS: Still toothache, eat an painkiller, try to have next.