You can search "I have a world of pawnshops to search novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"If there are no fishing personnel participating in the competition, they cannot enter the competition area. The competition is going on here, please don’t interfere with the unrelated personnel...

Zhang Fan and the others were just curious to have a look, but they were stopped by embarrassment. Hua Yueying quit, can the owner be stopped outside?

"We are all fishing contestants, why can't we go in?"

"You don't have fishing tackle, and you didn't bring any mission equipment, please leave, or I will call someone!"

The law enforcer who stopped them, with the back armband of the Fish King Tournament, would be serious and unwilling to accommodate, and there really were people over there.

When I first saw Hua Yueying, my eyes were straight, so beautiful, and this girl was so beautiful.

"Miss, do you want to participate in the competition? I have temporary spare fishing gear over there, which is very simple. Anyway, the competition focuses on participation. It doesn't matter whether there is a result or not..."

The man who walked over with a flat-headed man in his 20s and 30s looked at Hua Yueying and laughed, his enthusiasm was simply too much.

I also introduced myself as the director of this fish king competition, and I can give them some help.

"Our King Fish Competition has actually been held for five years. For the whole year, our King Fish caught a whitefish of more than 30 kilograms, and this year may have better results."

With the help of this director, they soon got temporary fishing tackle and played with the professional anglers.

After they played, they attracted a lot of attention.

The main reason is that Huayueying is too beautiful, and Xu Zijun is also handsome and disreputable. It depends on these two people, it is more interesting than fishing.

Zhang Fan glanced at the twenty or thirty people present, each with long guns and short cannons. The fishing equipment was dazzling. Some people had special chairs on which several fishing rods could be fixed.

Some fishing rods are very long, and there are even several fishing hooks, and some even have more than a dozen kinds of fishing lures. Next to each professional angler, there are piles of equipment.

Even if Zhang Fan is a layman, he can tell at a glance that these professional anglers have very expensive equipment, and the variety is dazzling.

And the three of them are actually a fishing rod and a box of earthworms. They don't even have a bait to attract fish. They are the most shabby group of all the contestants.

So they attracted countless eyes, and some onlookers sneered at them.

"This kind of equipment and level also come to the competition? Isn't it funny?"

"Are there any mistakes, do they know the meaning and rewards of this Fish King Contest?"

"This is too sloppy. Any kind of cat or dog can participate in the competition. I had known that I would also bring the hook, so I promised to come in."

"Protest, how come such an unprofessional contestant was also selected? This is to lower our grade..."


Various voices and curious eyes gathered on Zhang Fan and his group.

There is everything. There are staff members in the Fish King Tournament, and they sent them a copy of the rules of the game. The rules are very strange. They are required to fish today, that is, to catch that kind of whitefish.

The bigger the fish, the better. The biggest participant in the audience is the winner of this year's Fish King Tournament.

In addition to some medal certificates, there is actually a year of rewards of 5% of Xujiahe's income, which was almost half a million yuan last year.Biquge Novel

For ordinary people, it is a very considerable income. It's just the first time I saw the Fish King Tournament. It was actually this way and reward, and Zhang Fan was a little curious.

However, some staff members explained that there was a reason for the original Fish King Tournament.

The Xujiahe lake is unusually wide and there are many forks around. Because of the good water quality, the fish raised are very popular. However, Mr. Xu, the contractor here, discovered a strange thing many years ago.

This is because the lake is large, the water quality is good, and it is suitable for fish farming. However, a huge amount of fry are cast every year, but when the fish is harvested, there are very few, and the loss is extremely large. Then he asked experts to investigate and found out.

In this Xujia Lake, there is a kind of white-mouthed white fish that is particularly fierce, because this Xujiahe has not dried up for dozens of hundreds of years, and some of this white-mouthed white fish has a body size of 70 or 80 catties or even white catties.

This fish exclusively eats fry, and only if this fish is picked up can other fry in the lake survive.

However, after long-term observation, this large-mouth white fish is very cunning, and it only works best by manual fishing every year, so the owner of the contracted fishery came up with this trick.

To give the winner's share income is also the hope that the kind of winner can often even station here to fish.

"So our Fish King Tournament is evaluated by catching the biggest white-mouthed white fish. If you really can't do it, you can quit..."

The staff member was a little bit slanderous at this time. At first glance, this group of people came to the competition without knowing anything. He still needs to explain?

Isn't this a waste of time?

"Quit, you really sit for a day, if you can't catch a fish, you will be laughed at..."

There was a contestant wearing a red sunhat next to him, which would give a gap for the bait on the hook, and seemed to be kindly persuading Zhang Fan and the others, but the tone and expression made them look awkward.

Make it clear that you look down on people at all.

"Who said we couldn't catch fish? I don't know how many fish were killed..."

Xu Zijun said angrily, as a chef, the fish soup he made is extremely delicious, and I don’t know how many fish have been killed, but when it comes to fishing, this is really not good...

"This is fishing, fishing, hehehehe, fishing is not a simple thing, you can't just take a bamboo pole..."

The contestant in the red hat sneered twice, sat down somewhat disdainfully, and threw the fishing rod out. He used a very long imported fishing rod of seven or eight meters.

That exquisite fishing rod looks very professional.

"Would you two try fishing? I played it when I was a kid, but I haven't fished for many years. I'm afraid it won't work..."

Zhang Fan pointed to the fishing rod and motioned for the two of them to try it, but when Hua Yueying waved her hand repeatedly and said that he would not, Xu Zijun also said that it is okay to kill fish and stew in soup. Fishing, this is really not!

It didn't look like they were fake, Zhang Fan didn't refuse, and sat down on the bait to prepare for fishing.

No matter what people say, since it is here, there is no reason to go dingy. Anyway, it's all about playing, fishing and catching fish are all right.

Although the equipment is simple, as long as you fish with your heart, there will still be gains!

So Zhang Fan was very calm and didn't care at all. Many contestants and onlookers around were laughing and cursing, while Hua Yueying on one side squeezed her fist secretly.

These contestants are really annoying, dare to laugh at the owner?