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The howling of the wolves became louder and louder, and the old patriarch no longer allowed everyone to pick up firewood, at most he was only allowed to pick up those dead branches under the hibiscus tree.

Because the wolves did not know when they were besieging them.

It was too easy to be taken away by wolves in the dark.

For safety, they must not be put in danger.

A large pile of firewood with a lot of people made everyone feel safe. The old patriarch kept stuffing wood into the bonfire while still praying.

"I hope those wolves don't come over. A bonfire is being added over there, and the tent we set up will be placed in the middle of the fire..."

There were three or four tents in the middle of the fire. At this time, no one was sleepy. They all squatted beside the fire. It seemed that only flames could give people a sense of security.

There were also a few villagers with the patriarch. At this time, they were holding shotguns, and they stood guard not far from the fire, because they were afraid of wolves attack!

Suddenly a voice came, and the villager raised his gun suddenly and shouted into the darkness.

"Whoever is there, I will shoot without making a sound..."

In fact, this is just their habit, in fact, here, how can anyone get rid of them?

The wolves cannot speak.

They only attack people!

"Xiaoshan, is the mountain here? Xiaoshan, I am Wang Ju..."

In the dark, there were people who were really talking in a panting voice. The voice sounded a bit familiar. After I heard that it was Wang Ju, the man holding the gun quickly took away the gun, but hurriedly shouted.

"Koyama, your mother is here, hurry up, come and take a look..."

The people over the bonfire were also startled. Several people ran over with searchlights on their heads. When they saw the appearance of the people in front of them, they were all startled.

At this time, Xiao Wu was covered in blood, and his clothes were hung to rot.

The remaining few people were also extremely embarrassed, as if they were fished out of the water, they were holding each other, panting, and when they saw them, several people fainted.

Xu Zijun and Xiaoshan hurriedly carried the people to the bonfire. Xu Zijun fed them water while Xiaoshan was dragged by Wang Ju and cried and laughed.

They survived desperately, and they were lucky to survive this time.

"Mountain god, we met the mountain god. We were going to be eaten by the wolves, but in the end the mountain god saved us. The wolves miraculously returned. There were no one. There were thousands of wolves, too. Too much, too much..."

Wang Ju drank hot water by the bonfire, his tears never stopped.

When I thought of almost missing the hill, when I thought of their searchlights extinguished, she clearly felt the wolves blowing in her ears in the dark, and almost licked her own face with her tongue, the bottom of her heart was Fear after a while.

If it were not for the last mountain god to appear, they would all die!

"How come there is a mountain god? I just heard the sound of a wolf cry..."

Xiao Shan slapped her mother on the back to calm her mood, because her mother was too excited at this time. If she was so excited, she might have hallucinations.

"There are really mountain gods. Through the moonlight, I saw, saw, and heard the mountain gods shouting, I, I, saw the back of the mountain god..."

Wang Ju insisted that it was the mountain god who rescued them, but Xiaoshan didn't say much at this time. Xu Zijun over there checked everyone's injuries.

After removing Xiaowu, there were scratches on his body, and the most of the remaining people were scratched by the branches on the mountain, and the others had no obvious scars. This was a blessing in misfortune.

Among these people, Wang Xiaoju and the others hadn't eaten dinner yet. At this time, they had already lost a little bit of strength. They were lying on the grass, just looking at the hill, but couldn't move their body at half the rate.

Xu Zijun knew that a few people hadn't eaten, so he would be busy getting everyone to eat.

Only when you are full can you have energy!

The old patriarch intends to shoot two rabbits with a shotgun, so that everyone can have a bite. If not, just dig some wild vegetables here and make some soup. But before the old patriarch can do it, Hua Yueying over there exclaimed. Everyone hurried over to watch.

There was also Wang Ju, who looked at the beautiful fairy-like Huayueying in a white dress with a little surprise, and the surprise on her face couldn't hide.

"How come there are goats? It's weird. Look at this wound or wolf bite. Tsk tsk, is it really the mountain god who gave us a gift?"

The old patriarch was surprised.

Didn't see the wolf, but saw a wild goat that hadn't died yet?

There is still blood on the neck, and it seems that the tooth mark was bitten by the wolf, but the wolf bit the goat and didn't eat it. Throwing it here, is it really a mountain god?

"Look, there are rabbits and pheasants over there, oh, what's the matter?"

Hua Yueying pretended to be surprised and yelled a few times. The old patriarch over there hurriedly picked up all the prey, praying to the mountain and thanking the mountain god for the gift, only Hua Yueying covered her mouth and smiled.

Hahaha, what mountain god, mountain god is among them!

At this time, Zhang Fan at the top of the tree also came down. He was still holding a wooden stick in his hand. He stood by the small river and beat it against the river. Soon fish floated up, most of them Palm size.

It was just right to grill the fish with wooden sticks. Xu Zijun made fish soup for the too big fish.

As for the goats, pheasants and rabbits, they were all cleaned up by the old patriarch, and they were directly grilled on the fire.

Everyone who was originally nervous, at this time, one heart was put down, and then there was no sound of wolves in the surroundings. The surroundings were quiet, and even the nightbirds could not hear.

The old patriarch was a little uneasy at first, because they had never encountered such a thing in the mountains.

But at this time, looking at the goats, rabbits and pheasants roasted on top of the fire by them, his heart suddenly became settled. This is the mountain god blessing them, and they will not be in danger.

"Oyama, my mother really dreamed that you came back, and you finally came back. Seeing you look like this, it's worth my death..."

Xiaoshan's mother kept touching her son's hand, very happy, she couldn't see enough from left and right.

Not only did Xu Zijun stew the fish, he also put the bones of the lamb into a pot and simmered, and he also brought a lot of wild vegetables. After washing them, he directly put them in a hot pot, just like a hot pot.

People who slack off, smelling the scent of mutton, are roasting on the fire, and there is no sound of wolves at this time, and their minds are relaxed a lot.

"It's so fragrant, it's so beautiful, I thought that one day I could still eat the lamb that the mountain god gave us..."

Looking at the tumbling mutton soup, Wang Ju said with emotion, but when she said this, her eyes were all staring at Huayueying!