I have a world pawnshop

Chapter 564, Jinlong, Dragon Ball

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Lin Shan Moon saw Zhang Fan for a few seconds, only felt that this man in front of him, became more and more mysterious, as if it was covered with a layer of fog.

However, Lin Soft is also very smart, did not ask again, just caught Zhang Fan's hand and got it on the side of Zhang Fan.

"Yesterday, let's talk at night, I can now tell you if you can do it, I listen to you."

Zhang Fan smiled slightly, looked at the eyes of Lin Sie Moon said: "This is yourself!"

"Yeah!" Lin Shan Moon was slightly red, and his shame is low.

"Oh, three months of 50 million for me, there is no problem! This time you can calculate it."

Zhang Fan is full of confident temperament, carefully looks a few times!

Lin Shan Moon is a very handsome and beautiful beauty. It is only a little short in front of him. A long hair is black and dark, and there is a pure and generous temperament, and there is a tempting charm!

Such a girl can be uncomfortable, plus the front boss, attracting people, casually, a set of clothes black and white, but gives a stable and light atmosphere!

It seems that this girl is a contradictory combination, but it is so moving in the eyes, loves to heart.

"Oh, I have only one noon now! It is estimated that I will go to school in the future, I can only rely on me to make a man! Can you send me back to a floor, I have to go to work, I have to work!"

Lin Shan Moon holds a small fist, as if and Zhang Fan will gamble, the whole person does not but there is no pressure, and it is more relaxed.

"In fact, you don't have to spell, I can raise you!"

Zhang Fan is joking!

Lin Shan Moon is a mouth, gently playing Zhang Fan, a fist: "Less waste, I don't want to be a vase."

Zhang Fan helplessly, with Lin Shan Moon came to the parking lot outside, Xu Zunjun soon waited here!

After the gorgeous father learned that Zhang Fan came, it naturally had to arrange Xu Zunjun!

Therefore, Xu Zijun is not bored, and after lunch, it is waiting here.

"Zhang Ge, Lin Shan Moon, you are coming." Xu Zijun jumped from the car and tried his hands.

Zhang Fan nodded, three people re-bus, sit in the back of the RV, hocked Zhang Fan's arm in the back of the ride, put the head on Zhang Fan's arm, only I feel that I seem to be re-acquired Safe.

After returning to a layer of seafood hut, Wang Manager saw two people, and he greeted it immediately.

Guan Qian is a busy man. In the case of the intentional effort, today's Guan Qian is really full of firepower, and Guan Qian is a woman who is a thunderstorm, starting things, never dragging water.

In just one or two days, most of the whole layer of things, all the things, all the best!

There is no accident for this Zhang Fan, Guan Qian said that this woman is too powerful, and the power is very heavy.

But this is just right. It can also restrain the laziness of Xu Zijun, just. It is impossible to let Guan Qian have supported a huge seafood!

After learning how to regulate the order of the entire floor, Guan Qian naturally needs to put some rights. Wang Manager will be the main force!

As for Xu Zijun, this guy is not interested in other things except for the kitchen chef!

However, there is a kitchen in Xu Zijun, and there is more and more quantities of the first floor, and the traffic is 10th!

Sending the Lin Sky Moon to Guan Qian's hand, Zhang Fandu is coming to the first floor, here is a room for him, it is a book frame and a soft chair that is lying down, sitting in a chair and putting tea His mind. Put on the small golden dragon on the paving chapter of the heavens and the earth.

In the past, when I played in the mountain, Xiao Jinlong cured the singularity of the small moon, which got very strong merits.

Make this guild grew a lot, and at this time, Xiao Jinlong opened dragon mouth, spit out a crystal clear bead.

Zhang Fan didn't avoid it, I saw this bead crystal clear, very beautiful.

It seems that there is a golden vain, swim.

"This? Is it Dragon Ball?"

Zhang Fan is a little surprised, this Xiaojin Longxin is striking, according to what he knows. This dragon does not need any special attack weapons, because their body is extremely powerful, is the best weapon!

And Dragon Ball is the source of Xiaojinlong!

If the dragon bead is broken. That is likely to be hit.

And this guy seems to make this thing as a nebed beads, directly giving yourself.

"It seems that he let me get blood on Dragon Ball? What does this mean?"

Zhang Fan is somewhat confused, but the consciousness is slightly touched on the dragon ball with his fingers, and a drop of blood will flip from his nails and fall below the Dragon Ball!

For instant, this dragon ball gave him a very strong control.

His mind, this crystal clear bead glows out of the flame of the bears, swim around his body.

"Oh! Originally this guy, let me refine the dragon tolerance. I have been able to talk about it. This bead should be condensed today. It seems that this villain is not small. "

Zhang Fan is very surprised. Recently, there are many Xuan Huangqi, which is more than a lot of time. It used to see the use of Xiao Jinlong, so I know that this Xuanhuang is definitely not ordinary.

And he felt that the flame of this beads came out, almost the three flavors!

Although he didn't have a three flavors of the three flavors, he had a record of the world, and he had touched the three flavors of real fire. He can experience the three flavors of the three flavors!

Xiao Jinlong has so powerful, and the heat of this bead is emitted, it can burn a person's soul!

Since then, if you meet what troublesome people, just lose this bead, I don't know the ghost, I don't know if I don't have to do my hand like this!

"This is like a means of cultivar, but can I not repair the fairy! But who will feel more!"

Zhang Fan put Dragon Pearl to the pocket of the upper.

Xiao Jinlong is not particularly specially with Dragon Ball, but Dragon Ball is the source of life. In Zhang Fan's hand, it is very safe to say to Xiao Jinlong!

After all, the Lord of the Tiandi, but it is more infinite to the heavens than yourself!

Even the big Luo Jinxian is boy, but it is just the same behavior!

In the pocket, Zhang Fan immediately felt the temperature around his body and some tiny changes occurred.