I have a world pawnshop

Chapter 631 is quizing, you also match

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This is the case, it is often extremely pleasant, so it is often very good, so as long as I choose to give the town Yuan Da Xian face, all things can be talked!

Sure enough, just after this sound falls!

I saw it in the temple, the Town Yuan Daxian opened his footsteps, leisurely came.

I saw that Zhenyuan Daxian appeared, many people were relieved.

The old man loves the face, now the Buddha is already facing face. This matter should be able to make a dry to Yu Yu. Everyone can return to the sky, return to the Buddha, and the road to the West is able to carry out!

However, just in Guanyin Bodhisattva, many Tianbing Tian will sigh the holy and still low.

I saw that Zhenyuan Jianxian suddenly snorted, and then he domineered.

"Ci Wai people, what do you forget? In front of me, you are a small generation, you also say that I respect me three points, so arrogant!"

The surrounding people suddenly made a big mouth!

Good guys, this kind of Ci channel can say that many people don't want to hear a vocabulary.

This is a goodwill, and it is a very taboo thing that is a very taboo of the Buddha.

With the Tongyin, it is now more and more high, even if the seniority of the same generation is already familiar with and accepted Guanyin, there is now the status of the Buddha Buddha today.

But this town is a big immortal, I turned out this matter, this is clear whether it is not to give face, deliberately provocative?

None of this incident, the town of Yuanzi actually uncovered the truth of this Guanyin, and many of the heaven, many don't know the god of the gods, I have a round eye.

Especially those who have been promoted to the Tianbing, but only tens of thousands of small tribers, one glance looked at the anger of Zhenyuan Daxian at the moment, almost Zhang Da's mouth, in a shocked state.

And Guanyin even has a big compassion, it has been unveiled old, and it is also a gloomy, looking at the eyes of Zhenyuan Daixian gradually becomes four shots.

The Town Yuan Daxian did not put it in his heart, and the sleeve robe said, and the cold voice said.

"When the floods were robbed, even the two saints in the West, but they did it with this respect, and that the so-called Buddha, but my later lives! And your Ci channel, to call Then come to Buddha as a master! You have tens of thousands of years with this respect, dozens of thousands of years, what qualifications you have, in this seat, I respect me three points? "

The people around you are secretly, this town is big, it is really not to leave!

However, no one dares to refute the export, because the fact is this.

This town is a big scary, but the ancestors of the land fairy, once in the flood season, with the six saints in the Zijing Palace in the Dazu, listening to the high people of the ancestors.

If it is not a peaceful peace, it is not willing to stir into the flood robbery, you can say that the reputation of Zhenyuan Da Xian, even if it is compared to those queues, several saints are not more let.

But unfortunately, the Zhenyuan Da Xian, after his friend, Hongyun was killed by the blood sea, the old Zu Hongmei, as a bit of death, as a heart, unwilling to doping into the ruin of the flood.

It is also missed that a big robbery, although he is not lost, nature has not been benefited.

But no one dares to question, this town Yuan Daxian's generation, whether it is below the six saints that have been sacred!

So the Guanyin is at this moment, in the Township Dorm, even if you look down on the posture, but in the face of the big god who has a longer far more than his master, there are some Mengloy.

And Zhenyuan Da Xian, also not intended to give him a face, say:

"Little a Buddhist quasi-holy, actually dare to be so arrogant in front of this, if you are in the wild, I am afraid that it is almost a gift."

Zhenyuan Da Xian played, and the people around him suddenly suddenly.

Especially the many sky!

One almost fainted, shocking.

The people who teamed the Town Yuan Dianyan, but what A cat, dog, this is one of the Western Buddhism.

In today's Buddhist gates, in addition to the two saints, people who can control power is her, because if they don't know what the reason is, for this Buddhist ferry, it is in a placed attitude.

The two saints secretly plan each other, and it is naturally governed to control all the eighty-one difficult arrangements.

However, this now, this is the first view of the audio Bodhisattva, which is a little famous in a three-story, and the dog's blood sprinkler is not left.

This is really a lot of breath, it is simply awkward.

Guanyin listened to the scene of Zhenyuan Daxian, and the same is quite ugly, and she knows that she knows that.

The original prime passenger will be a man, paying into one of the essays, in order to explain the twelve real fairy, because there is a teacher's relationship, this kind of teacher's generation, than the Zhenyuan big fairy is just a small!

So in the face of the old power of the Town Yuan Daxian, naturally want to say a teacher!

But now, but today, it has already been rebellious, and it has become a disciple of the Buddha, and the two saints under the Buddha. So the Tao Yuan Daxian took him with the original identity. This is completely in trouble.

After all, everyone knows that today's views are only the Buddhist view of the world, not the so-called Ci channel!

Zhenyuan Da Xian lifted out this matter, it was completely in the face of everyone.

Wooden saw this scene, in the heart, there was a mistake, not from the mouth.

"Town Yuanzi, you are big and courageous! Although you are very high, you don't think you are virtue, and also dare to compare with my Buddha. You are looking for death!"

Zhenyuan Daxian suddenly moved his eyes, and the endless pressure in the heavens and the earth fell, and the five-line array after the body was bombarded.

Such a big movement, let the wooden scorpion, almost fall from the cloud.

The people around them are like laughing, staring at this little fart, and the eyes are like a fool.

The wood is quite arrogant. He is a small generation. I don't know what happened before the beginning of God!

In addition, it is difficult to get more disasters after birth. Being brainwashing in the view!