"Master Saint, forward...forward...they...I..."

The command ship of the Empire, Atlanta was attracted by a rush of contact, and frowned slightly, "If you can't speak, don't say it again!"

"No, the sage judge, the subordinate knows wrong. This emergency contact comes from the frontline commander. The specific situation is not easy to tell. You can patiently look at the latest frontline battlefield record."

Atlanta irritably shook his hand, disconnected the link, and then an urgent contact file was automatically played. At first, he didn’t care about it. After watching for a few seconds, he understood why his subordinates could not tell "General '...You are really an unexpected opponent!"

The video interface clearly and accurately recorded the details of the battlefield on the front line. I saw that the regular formation of the 18th district army was being forced to retreat by an unignorable force. It was not not attacking, but...in the army. There is no target directly in front that can pull the trigger.

The reason for the steadily retreating is precisely because these people who turned a blind eye to the coercion and coercion of the empire were not rebel forces, nor were they capable of fighting, but a dense group of old people in sixties whose feet were like graves. These people stepped out step by step, although the speed is not fast, but they can't see the old and weak walking, it is also the first layer of protection that these old people are using their bodies to break through.

Their eyes look like death, where there is any timidity or fear, absolutely not being coerced by the'general', nor is it a bargaining chip used by the rebels to abandon, but willing to come and die.

"How did he do it?" Atlanta's puzzling self was annoyed. "Why don't the bottom ants hide and wait for death.

How do you know what generosity is?"

Many urgent letters have been sent out from the front. Although the Imperial Army is retreating, the two armies are facing each other, and it is impossible to be unharmed. People in the poor areas are throwing stones and steel bars frantically. The combat effectiveness may be insufficient, but the victory lies in the large amount. The imperial fighters are really hard to resist.

It's not that the imperial army doesn't fight back, but... who is born to be a man, who will be born with crazy killings. The previous advancement of the block line was rendered by the general environment, with the obstruction of the rebel forces, that was forced blood expansion, killing Sometimes it is not voluntary, but in such an environment, it is involuntary.

However, it is different now. These old people use their fragile bodies to forge defenses for the people behind. The battle has not really started yet, such a goal without the power of the chicken...Who would really shoot mercilessly, even with closed eyes Is the conscience really safe?Before the battle begins, the soldiers are also human, and they will hesitate.

Moreover, the current situation is completely different from the previous advance killings. At that time, it was difficult to tell who was who. Even if you deliberately killed the wrong person, you could at least find some comfort in the heart of the ruthless heart. Now that it is clear at a glance, hesitation is very emotional. .

"Sacred judge, what should we do?"

Once again a rush letter appeared, Atlanta was silent for a little bit, weighing the pros and cons. Unprovoked killing of civilians is a taboo. Even the sage referee can hardly control public opinion 100%. The higher you stand, the harder you fall. The name is a double-edged sword, a slight mishandling is very likely to cause catastrophe.

"'General', you are giving me the general again..." Atlanta muttered to himself in a pun, "You know very well that I won't let anyone leave safely, so...rather than try my best to stop it, Would it be better to count?

Checking and balancing the rebel forces' banning advancement and the poor people's struggle to survive, and cleverly turning the disadvantage into an advantage. At this time, killing or not killing has become my multiple choice?

Killing now, even if these people are wiped out, it will inevitably cause these imperial army personnel to suffer and suffer. You put the most vulnerable side of human nature on the bright side. In this way, you don’t need the poor to leave. Public opinion to evaporate can completely rely on public opinion to erupt from within the army.

And if I don't kill, the result is just as you wish..." Atlanta sneered in a low voice, "Good, you'general', you deserve to be the enemy of the Empire.

Dare to face the fundamental taboo that touches the empire.

Compared with you, the king of soldiers is a lot worse!"

After the'general' perfect planning, the soldiers on both sides of the war have been controlled in the palms of their hands. Before, during, and after the war, the psychological processes of soldiers are completely different. As long as they are used properly, they can completely hit the enemy by surprise. It only takes a long time. Less time.

The delicate balance of the situation shifted strangely once again, and the battlefield was changing rapidly, even if the sage referee Atlanta could not have anticipated it. Perhaps he guessed what the'general' wanted to do, but he did not expect it to evolve into such a dilemma.

"The Holy Bunia Empire will never allow any rebels to survive!!" After considering for a long time, Atlanta finally chose what to do. After all, the controllable degree of the fermentation of public opinion within the army is higher than the random spread of scattered people. At this point, there are not many choices you can make, you know... The sacred judge seems to be superior, but in fact it is still under one person. He can't bear the consequences of some things, and can only recover the loss as much as possible. .

"'General', do you take this step, are you ready to tear your face with the empire in advance?!" Atlant felt the haze of'failure' in his heart, and slightly sneered, "I lose, it will only put you in a situation Even more dangerous, with the courage of the Lord, how difficult would it be to erase the entire 18th district.

In my life, it’s worth it for you, the first generation!


You acted too hastily."

Unexpectedly, the situation of winning stably was turned into a miracle in the hands of the'general'. Inadvertently, it caused Atlanta to lose ground.

It's just that, as Atlanta said, losing is only one person's defeat, and the price the'general' needs to bear is an inconvenient sweep.

In the face of the real power gap, no matter what means will be futile.

Atlanta took a deep breath and sat swayingly in the command position, smiling intently, "Thank you, this time I really benefited a lot!"

In the ever-changing situation, there are very few people who clearly control the key to victory and defeat. The sage knows that the final game has been lost as a result, but...the people on the front lines of the war do not have such awareness, and sometimes hesitate. But it needs a reason. Since the holy decree has ordered it, then there is really no need to hesitate.

Da da da……!!

The final battle begins.

The war is coming.

Facing the defense of the human body without the ability to resist, the empire's army gave an order to endure the torment from the bottom of his heart, and pulled the trigger while closing his eyes.

All the ammunition was swayed, and the pace of these tens of thousands of people was slightly restrained. All the people in the front row fell, and the people behind still resolutely added.

The passing of countless old people is stimulating the grief and indignation of tens of thousands of people here. This is not a tactic, but these fallen people, knowing that there is not much time. In that case, why not leave the hope of living to those who need it more. Well... true selfless dedication is enough to resonate in many ways.

The firepower of the empire is still strong, but this time, they can't defeat anyone!

The distance to break through is still getting closer.

There are tens of thousands of people, and it takes a lot of time to kill. As long as there is no fear, no matter how strong, the invincible enemy will understand what cowardice and fear are!

"Ah...Are they crazy?!!!"

"Attack, attack..."

"Change the ammunition, they are close again"

The mighty imperial army was shocked by such a scene, and the attacking wrist was already trembling quietly. As a person who reorganized the army, who had thought that one day would be frightened by the poor. Gradually, the attack became more and more reckless under pressure. , It is not a deliberate behavior, but the army has lost its proper sense in the loss of emotional control.

At this time, Chao Xiao Rin couldn't bear to turn her head away, but the obsession in her heart forced such an idea of ​​escape, and she couldn't live up to the efforts of these people.

Not only the Holy Bunia Empire, but also the rebel forces in the 18th district itself have never seen such a scene, especially when they learned that these people all sacrificed voluntarily, the shadow of the rebels squeezing their hearts suddenly passed away. The accumulated anger is gathering and waiting to erupt.

The rebels at this moment are equally willing!

The real guardian.

Isn't that true?

When the human wall gradually couldn't resist the offensive and tended to collapse, and the breakout distance had reached the best moment, Chao Xiaolin knew that he had to make a move.

"Follow me, rush!!"


Hidden in the crowd, the rebel army suddenly launched a counterattack with the best distance to break through, causing the imperial soldiers who were already emotionally out of control in the front row to crash directly. They were too late to replenish their ammunition, and they encountered fatal at the first time. Threats, as a last resort, in this encirclement and suppression of the 18th district, it was the first time to face the enemy and lose its position.


Da da da……!

The fierce roar of war made the Holy Bunia Empire feel the cohesive strength. Accompanied by the roar of tens of thousands of people shouting at Xiao Rin, they stepped away from the ankle that lifted the shackles and rushed out!


The fearless charge of tens of thousands of people, not afraid of hardships, no chaos, and the same goals... If you observe carefully, you will find that you are extremely frightened. Among the people, except for the elderly who dedicated themselves to win the best fighters, children, The women were closely guarded and clustered in the safest place. The war-sweeping rebels turned into sharp knives to tear the enemy apart, and the young men spontaneously stood on the edge to resist any attack.

Half the survival rate.

The cohesive willpower makes selfishness and self-interest no longer exist. Everyone thinks the same, and they will leave the opportunity to those who need it most without hesitation.

"Holy referee, our position is lost, they want to break through!" The battle report from the front line came, and there was an incredible shocked gesture in the words.


Atlanta frowned and smashed the wine glass in his hand, faintly ordered, "Remove the block line, increase troops, absolutely can't let them break through!"


At the same time, the gallop of the'Nightingale' was also detected by the imperial detection system, and it was directly transmitted to Atlanta's ears. "Report, it is the Nightingale. He is coming. The speed is very fast. The target... command ship, saint judge Your lord, his goal is you!"

Atlanta dismissed it and said, "'General', it's almost the same for you to come personally. Send a woman to challenge the sacred judge, want to buy time with this?

Do you look down on me too much?


The'Sky Wheel' is ready, and the sage judge will go out himself!"