I Have Medicine

The way of the tribe (two more)

The two hundred people selected were intact and some were seriously injured. It can be seen that their strengths are also different.

After a quick glance, Gu Zuo has discovered how these people are in good health with his strong mental power.

Gongyi Tianheng smiled softly at him: "Azo, you come in groups."

In this respect, no one is more authoritative than Gu Zuo, and he nodded: "Okay."

Next, Gu Zuo raised the voice to group these people in groups, and those grouped people didn't know why they wanted to call an outsider in this respect, but when they saw their opponents, they couldn't help but admire them.

Because the result of the final grouping is severe injury to severe injury, minor injury to minor injury, intact to intact, in short, the physical qualities of the two people are as close as possible, and even their realm is relatively close-of course, the realm, can Most of them are left to the end smoothly, otherwise, it is difficult to get real results.

The members of the Gongyi family in the ring are also very satisfied. If they come by themselves, they will certainly not be so comprehensive.

Next, the two hundred people started from the intact and intact competition.This is also to give the injured people some time for treatment, so that they can feel better when they come to the competition later.

Many young talents quickly started the battle.

This time it was a two-on-two match, but because they had already exhausted their physical strength before, and their own realm did not even reach innate, so each game did not last long, and the injured ones ended faster. Too.About a few hours later, another hundred winners appeared, and all others were losers.

Immediately, Gongyi Tianheng said: "After half an hour, the first round of the previous loser, or those who have not signed up, can challenge the winner on the ring. If they can defeat it, they can replace it. The position of the opponent. It's just that everyone has only one chance to challenge, and among the winners, everyone will only accept one challenge at most. "

Such rules are fair.

Give those children who are unlucky but have good practical abilities a chance, and because of restrictions, they will not let the original winner suffer too much.

After listening to many children of the Gongyi family, their moods became clearer.

Anyway, they still have a chance!

It's just that they also understand that there are a hundred winners in this matter, but there are only one hundred chances, and there are more than one hundred of them with bad luck.

In the moment, an eight-foot-long younger brother jumped onto the stage and pointed directly at a seemingly thin winner with minor injuries: "I want to challenge you! Do you dare to come?"

The short child quickly jumped onto the stage. His posture was sensitive. He fell behind several times, but instead drove the tall child off the stage.

This little child kept his place.

Immediately afterwards, a young girl came to the stage, challenging a mediocre child. Although the child was surprised by the beauty of the girl, he quickly took the girl off the stage.

For him, beauty is obviously not as important as getting a place.

Time and time again, many children are scrambling to seize this opportunity, but after all, the winners can only win places after fierce battles, and their strength and resilience are not trivial. Repeatedly failed.

None of them can really grab the quota.

And these winners are more convincing after another round of tests.

None of the tribes present could say anything wrong.

Gongyi Tianheng was quite satisfied to see the quota confirmed.

Then he called: "Dragon twenty-one."

A black shadow flashed quickly, half kneeling on the ground.

Some tribes saw the tight muscles of Black Shadow and felt the strong power from him, they all felt a palpitation.

This feeling, even when facing the strongest branch of them, is not there!And such people are just under the young master ...

Many tribes heard the call of Gongyi Tianheng, knowing that this is the Tianlongwei under the rumor of the young master.But what they did not expect was that Tianlongwei, which the young master did not take away, also had such strength, which made them more convinced that the young master had the ability to enhance the strength of their branch children.

Subsequently, Gongyi Tianheng commanded: "Write down the names of these people."

His decision was to take three hundred people from the public ceremonial home. The one hundred selected were good qualifications and fighting consciousness, and he should focus on training.The remaining two hundred, he will use other methods to choose.

The hundred winners and the elders of their branch have found something, and they are very happy.

Others with deep thoughts thought that Gongyi Tianheng might have a deep meaning.

Afterwards, Gongyi Tianheng continued: "There are still two hundred places, no matter whether there are three branches in the branch, you can choose the places by yourself. If you can withstand my assessment, you can also give a quota. If the assessment is not enough, , The quota will turn to other branches, and if the number of children brought is insufficient, the quota will also turn to other branches. "

As soon as this remark came out, the reaction of the tribes was different.

Those who brought more people were very happy, and those who brought less were very regrettable, but some of the children failed to be among the branches of this hundred places, but they were very grateful for the decision of Gongyi Tianheng.

As a result, all are more respected.

Afterwards, all the branches recommended their children whom they liked, and let them step forward one by one, to be checked by Gu Zuo, and then tested by Gongyi Tianheng.

In fact, it is mainly to observe their physical qualities. If there is no big problem with their personality, then they will stay.

At some later time, all candidates were determined, with a total of 300 outstanding children, with an average of three or four places in each branch.

Many branches see the final result, and there is no opinion.

At this time, Gongyi Yan's expression calmed down, calming the many people in the excitement.Immediately, he said: "You are too happy to be too early. Next, there are still a few things to be reminded first."

Gong Yiyan also told these tribes about Qingyunzong's Qingyunzong, from Qingyunzong through the road of death to the central continent.Of course, the status of Gongyi Tianheng on the other side, as well as things that might endanger the clan because of the battle in the future, etc., have not been missed.

After he finished speaking, he said: "My son, after many hardships and difficulties, only got a wonderful treasure that can break through the shackles and bring some people. But after all, the ability is limited, and everyone who stays may be risking his life. It ’s dangerous, it ’s impossible to say that all the tribes are in trouble! "

However, although Gong Yiyan said, the following tribes did not have any unpleasant feelings after listening, but said one after another:

"Not to mention that it is just speculation, not necessarily true, even if it is true, it should be."

"The young master has made some achievements and asked me to share the benefits with the same race. In case of danger, it is naturally also the burden of the Clan. How can there be a reason that we can only share the sweetness but not the pain?"

"If there is no young master, our family has no opportunity to rise, and now we can let this great opportunity pass because of unknown dangers!"

"The young master never forgot me to wait, and I can't live up to the young master when I wait!"

Gong Yiyan said: "Good talk!" He said, "However, your safety is not my concern. Now there are two more appropriate methods for you to choose from. One, you are turned into zero. , Disperse the industry on the bright side, change the name and surname, so that no one can find; second, my son should make a deal with Qing Yunzong, move some people there, protected by Qing Yunzong, but how much I am afraid that the Qing Yunzong is not as comfortable as when I was the master. And if the enemy in the future cannot even resist Qing Yunzong, there is also the scourge of genocide. "

"Naturally, if you don't want to choose two roads ..." he said dignifiedly, "My son is concerned about whether the Gongyi family can gain a foothold on the central continent, and the heaviest family will last for generations. All the other tribes must make way for him. If someone catches my clan in the future and threatens me, no matter what his status, that person will make way for the interests of the Tu tribe and become abandoned. But my public ceremonial Yan can Guarantee--"

Gong Yi Tian Heng said: "My Gong Yi Tian Heng guarantees that if someone dies because of this and waits for me to learn something, go to heaven and go to the earth, he will take his head and sacrifice his soul to the tribe!"

After listening to many people, their expressions were solemn.

However, no matter what path they choose, they all agree with Gongyi Yan.

They knew that the young relative's close relatives must be protected, because the close relatives are the ones who most affect the young master, and once something is lost, it may be difficult to make decisions with the interests of reason and family.As for the other tribes, the young master group is also thoughtful. The most talented among them have been taken away and cultivated. Even if they are completely destroyed, this branch can continue and become stronger.

Besides, all of the above are only the worst plans, and it is not necessary that such a tragic thing will happen.

Gongyi Tianheng smiled again: "Naturally, if the brought people can transform into strong men, they will have enough resources to seize their resources and reunite with them."