I Have Medicine

Big first step

All thoughts were quickly suppressed by Gu Zuo.

At present, he can't deal with this one, and since he can't deal with it, it's best not to let the other party see a little clue.Such a clever character, I am afraid that even if he is a little malicious towards the other party, he can be easily noticed. Fortunately, his spiritual realm has reached the middle, and he can be manipulated finely. Otherwise, the strangeness of the moment just now will be caught. The other party is aware of it.

Gu Zuo concentrated his thoughts and focused his attention on the following Dabi wholeheartedly.

Now, it's time to introduce the Dabi link.

These elders are very noble, and naturally they will not say anything personally, and a seemingly young pharmacist came out, also at the heaven level, but with insufficient qualifications, it is appropriate to explain here.

"The competition for hegemony is the same as in the past. The number of hegemony points and the number of hegemony points are used together to decide which side forces will ultimately win the position of hegemony."

"The whole is divided into three steps, one is to choose medicine; the other is to refine medicine; the third is to fight against the spirit!"

"When choosing medicine, you should ..."

The voice was not very loud, but it was clearly sent to everyone's ears, so that everyone who participated in the competition could hear it clearly.

Gu Zuo is naturally the same.

The link seems to sound very few, and it is simple to say, but he feels that there must be other things in it.

There is not much nonsense for young heaven-level pharmacists. After announcing these, they directly stated: "The first step is to start the selection of medicine! In this level, there will be countless medicinal herbs that you can use as much as you can. All medicinal materials can be used for refining medicine. If they are not captured, they cannot be used when refining medicine! "

When Gu Zuo heard this, he felt that there must be something greasy in it.

Next to Nie Hong's eyebrows frowned: "Actually, this kind of rule ... It seems that things are going to be a bit difficult afterwards. Brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, I have to do my best to fight for it!"

So everyone was refreshed and prepared.

Immediately afterwards, the entire venue changed dramatically.

In just a moment, all the warriors were moved out of a circle, and so were the other onlookers. The only ones staying in the field were the prefecture-level pharmacists who participated in the battle for hegemony.

Gu Zuoneng felt that there was a vague power overshadowing all the people who participated in the Dabi from going out of this circle. At the same time, the whole circle of light dimmed as if a new sky suddenly appeared, and this sky In the past, there have been dramatic changes.

Xingzi!The sky is full of stars!

Gu Zuo was shocked.

However, when he released his mental power, he found that it was not stars, but white light balls that flickered like stars, and each light ball contained one or several medicinal herbs.

Nie Hong and others also stared at each other.

They are not stupid, and at this moment they suddenly thought of something.

Gu Zuo sighed in his heart: Only pick the stars ...

Of course, this time probably not picked by hand.

This is indeed the case.

Next, the young heaven-level pharmacist explained the rules of this link: "Capture the light sphere with spiritual force, and the medicinal materials naturally enter your own lockers. You will get a hegemony for each kind of elixir Point, every other medicinal material can get a big point. The elixir is all meteors, you should carefully consider and get more! "

After that, he waited for several breathing time.

After everyone should understand, this heaven-level pharmacist once again said: "The duration of the first step, half an hour, everyone please!"

After three breaths, the curtain moved that day.

As if suddenly came alive from the statue, many of the stars above turned into streamers, traversing from the sky, and many flashed faster and moved slowly.

Gu Zuo didn't dare to neglect. When he moved in the sky, his mental power turned into three beams, and he rushed towards the sky quickly!

But he also moved a little carefully, because he valued the medicinal materials very much, he did not use much mental energy, and although the movement was fast, he was very cautious, mainly flexible, not simple and rough.

The changes that followed that day proved that his approach was correct.

Many people want to quickly win the medicinal herbs, so they all want to get started first, all want to pierce as many light balls as possible, but they did not expect that when the mental power is stirred up between the stars The medicinal materials in the light spheres were broken by mental force, and when the light spheres collided with the light spheres, the medicinal materials in the light spheres that voluntarily hit the past would also be broken!

In a flash, so many medicinal materials have been destroyed, and this phenomenon has made most of the pharmacists who participated in the Dabi most ignorant.

There are also pharmacists who are careful about everything like Gu Zuo, whether intentionally or unintentionally, at this time, their hearts are slightly relaxed-they have successfully obtained the medicinal materials.

Gu Zuo now knows what to test for this level.

Not only to test the cognition of medicinal materials, but also to test the flexible use of mental power, to test the importance of medicinal materials and so on.Now that he is one step ahead, he is naturally willing to let him go. He decides to get the sky stars out as much as he can assassinate the goldfish!

Thinking like this, Gu Zuo did the same.

Because he had no confusion at the beginning of his mental power, but now it is simply to control it, divide each spiritual power into two, and quickly shuttle among the countless stars, he has specially divided two Mental power filament, specially used to capture those meteors and obtain the elixir inside!

Because of his preparation, and his mental strength and concentration, Gu Zuo kept capturing, and he was storing more and more medicinal materials in the locker-the locker was behind him, which was originally just a small cabinet. Now, with his storage, it is getting higher and higher, almost straight into the cloud, forming a very high jade column.

In Dabi field, there are so many jade | pillars, high and low.

Everyone can see that the jade behind some pharmacists has been increasing, but suddenly it collapsed by half at an instant. This is another rule in this link-if the medicine in the light sphere is destroyed, Then not only can't get the medicinal materials, but also randomly recall the same amount of medicinal materials already stored in their own lockers as a punishment.

Such a rule naturally made some reference pharmacists unprepared, and when they found out, when they came to adjust again, they were in a hurry.

Because Gu Zuo was careful not to damage the medicinal materials, Jade | Zhu Zi has never collapsed, and his achievements went straight up. Among all the reference members, he gradually became one of the highest.

Moreover, he never made mistakes. You chased me with those people, did not flinch, and even rushed to the first place, but was quickly caught up, and then he surpassed again.

But anyway, Gu Zuo also captured the attention of countless people.

Countless eyes are also on him.

Gongyi Tianheng stood outside the circle, deep in the eyes, and a bit hot again.

This is his Azo, so dazzling.

There used to be a lot of cover-ups, but they have to be hidden, but now they are released, so that people can't move their eyes.

In the field, Gu Zuo is still working hard.

The time limit of half an hour is getting closer and closer, he dare not slow down even one point, because he is one point slower, the rest can score a few points faster, and the advantage he will easily maintain will disappear immediately!And he dare not pay attention to other people, because when he pays attention to others, he will be distracted, and once distracted, he will also fall behind.

One kind, two kinds ... eight kinds, ten kinds ...

Gu Zuoyue tried his best to make his thinking clearer.

Slowly, behind him the jade | column increased faster, so fast that at least two or three people who could have competed with him were left behind, and now they can keep pace with him, but only one!

Gu Zuo is getting faster and faster, faster and faster!

Finally, in the last second that half an hour was about to arrive, he manipulated six spiritual power filaments and rushed towards a string of stars-in an instant, the spiritual thread broke the skin of all the stars, but there was no injury A hint of the star inside, and at this moment, he got dozens of medicinal herbs, so that the jade | column was raised again a large amount!

And at this moment, the first step of Dabi is over!

The refining pharmacist who was in parallel with Gu Zuo originally rushed at the last moment, but he rushed without Gu Zuokuai, and the timing was not good enough, so that at this step, the medicine he obtained was not enough Gu Zuoduo, let his jade column, one or two meters shorter than Gu Zuo.

After the bells, the sky disappeared, leaving only the people and the lockers behind them.

At this moment, all pharmacists have the intention to observe these jade | pillars, and then it is clear to everyone's achievements.

Nie Hong's first reaction was to look at Gu Zuo.

Somehow, when she saw Gu Zuo, she had some hunches. This time their comparison will surely rely on Gu Zuo!

Therefore, she can't wait to know Gu Zuo's achievements.

Gu Zuo's jade | pillars are as high as hundreds of feet or more, and the medicine cabinet above has two or three thousand layers, that is to say, there are also tens of thousands of medicinal materials he obtained.

Among them, the white medicine cabinet contains ordinary medicinal materials, while the red medicine cabinet contains magic medicine.

Nie Hong bit her lower lip and counted quickly.

White medicine cabinet ... Twenty-three thousand three hundred eighty-nine ...

Red medicine cabinet ... two thousand one hundred and sixty-three ...

The more she counts, the brighter her eyes are.

Actually, even more than 2,100 hegemony points were obtained from the beginning!

This is really amazing!