I have mine in my dream

Chapter 41 I'm Behind You

"Put away your dirty thoughts." Fan Ling said irritably.

Li Yu was very wronged: "How can I have any thoughts?"

Fanling snorted, "Don't think I don't know."

While talking, Li Yu's coat was also taken off.

He looked at Wang Fugui and Yuan Wuquan, they were hanging their coats on the tree.

There are sparse little trees around the tomb.

Li Yu and a few people hung their coats on the tree and opened their sleeves with branches, looking from a distance as if someone was standing here.

After the coat was hung up, Li Yu took a look, but he was startled.

Li Yu asked Fanling: "Is this a substitute?"

Fan Ling hummed.

Li Yu was very suspicious: "Can this thing fool you?"

Fan Ling said: "How high do you think the resentful spirit has IQ? If there is our breath on the clothes, it will mistake it for us."

Li Yu said, "That's not right, we are nearby, isn't our aura heavier?"

Fanling looked at Li Yu with admiration: "You are really getting smarter."

For some reason, Li Yu felt that her expression was a bit ill-intentioned. He looked at Fanling warily: "What are you going to do..."

Before he finished his words, a needle of Fan Ling had been stuck in Li Yu's neck.

I didn't know what material the needle was made of. It was so cold that Li Yu felt that his whole body was going to be frozen.

Fan Ling said: "Don't worry, this needle just seals your vitality and makes you look more like a dead person."

Then she pointed to the grave next to her and said, "Okay, you just sit here, sitting in front of the tombstone."

Li Yu sat down and asked anxiously, "What are you doing?"

Brahma Ling said: "We are going to pretend to be the dead here. In this case, the attention of the Wraith Spirit will be removed from us."

She pointed to the words on the tombstone and said: "You have to read these words, you have to make a sound, as if you were reading your own life."

After speaking, Fan Ling picked up a broken bowl in front of the grave and let Li Yu hold it in his hand: "This should be the bowl for the supremacy. You take it."

Li Yu looked at Fanling suspiciously: "Aren't you trying to fix me?"

Brahma Ling said uncomfortably, "Am I so bored?"

Li Yu nodded seriously.

Next to him, Wang Fugui couldn't help laughing.

Fan Ling stomped his feet: "Milky Changsu, you still have a smile on your face, you are the one who attracted the resentful spirit."

Wang Fugui looked innocent: "Is it too early to draw conclusions?"

Yuan Wuquan said to Li Yu: "The Brahma Spirit didn't lie to you. We have to read the tombstone. It is best to memorize it and say it without thinking. We must first believe that we are the dead in the tomb before we can deceive the resentful spirit. "

"There may be hallucinations in a while. Let's set a contact code."

Fanling said enthusiastically: "I will think about it. The code is...I am behind you."

Li Yu shuddered.This Brahma spirit, the secret signals that are so awkward.

Yuan Wuquan recognized the code: "After a while, no matter what you see or hear, don't believe it. Only by saying this code can you be yours."

Li Yu nodded.

At this time, Wang Fugui, Yuan Wuquan, and Fanling, the three of them had found their graves and sat down, and then began to read the tombstones.

The moon was exposed, and there were three people reading tombstones like chanting scriptures. In this gloomy graveyard, it was indescribably scary.

Li Yu took a deep breath and began to read the tombstone.

"Fang Shuiding, a person from Fangcun Village of Eucalyptus, born in 1938 and died..."

Li Yu read these words over and over again, trying to imagine himself as this person named Fang Shuiding.

But no matter how focused he was, the sound of grieving spirits' footsteps kept coming from his ears.

Li Yu wanted to cover his ears, but hesitated for a while and let it go.

He closed his eyes and said over and over again: "Fang Shuiding, a person from Fang Village in Eucalyptus..."

Suddenly, the footsteps of the resentful spirit disappeared.

Li Yu's heart tightened, she couldn't help but open her eyes and glanced in the direction of the substitute.

This look directly scared him into a cold sweat.

He saw several people hanging on the crooked little trees.

By the light of the moon, these people were clearly Wang Fugui, Yuan Wuquan, Fanling, and himself.

The four men stretched their hands flat, their shoulders were high, their necks drooped, and their heads drooped on their chests.

They seem to be four prisoners on death row, tied to the cross.

A night breeze blew, and the four people began to sway, sway...

"An illusion, it must be an illusion, it must be." Li Yu comforted himself in his heart.

He couldn't help but look at the Brahma by his side.

As a result, he was shocked.

Brahma is gone, and sitting next to him is an old lady in black.

The old lady had white hair with rusty hairpins stuck in it.She read in a soothing and weird tone: "Tian Cui'e, an ancestral home in Guqiu Beizhong Village, married to Fang Village in 1937 and entered Fang's family tree."

"Illusion, this must be an illusion." Li Yu whispered over and over in his heart.

At this moment, Tian Cui'e suddenly turned her head, smiled at Li Yu, then opened her toothless mouth, and said slowly: "This is Tian Cui'e, Fang Shuiding, do you remember me?"

Li Yu was sweating profusely and nodded hard.

Tian Cui'e seemed very satisfied with Li Yu's performance, and smiled approvingly at him.

Li Yu saw that Tian Cui'e was thin and thin, it was basically a piece of human skin wrapped in bones, and even the outline of a skeleton appeared on that face.

This is really horrible.

Li Yu suddenly had the urge to turn around and escape.

Li Yu finally did not escape, he held back.

Now Tian Cui'e mistakenly thought that he was Fang Shuiding. He sat here and could still pretend to be, but if he escaped, it would be all exposed.

Li Yu glanced at Wang Fugui and Yuan Wuquan and found that they had also changed.

Yuan Wuquan became a young man with half of his face missing.His voice from reading the tombstone was a little leaky: "Fang Heng, a person from Fangcun, collided with a muck truck on the way back to the hometown by car..."

And Wang Fugui became a girl.The girl's complexion was extremely white, fat and bloated. She was sitting on the ground, sweating continuously from her body, and a small piece of the ground was already wet.

Li Yu heard the girl say in a hollow voice: "Fang Zhaodi. At three years old, playing alone by the river, accidentally fell into the water..."

Li Yu took a deep breath: "Illusions, this must be all illusions. They must be too devoted to reading the tombstone, so they have become the image of the dead."

Li Yu looked around and saw that no one noticed him, so he quietly took out the phone.He wanted to see if his image had changed.

Turning on the front camera, Li Yu took a picture of his face. The surrounding light was too dark to see anything.

When he was about to put the phone away, he accidentally touched the camera button with a click, and then the white light of the flash.

Tian Cui'e next to him, Fang Henghe Fang Zhaodi not far away, all turned back in unison.