I have mine in my dream

Chapter 50 The Way to Get Rich

To know if the leaves are useful, you need to experiment.

Li Yu would not eat these leaves. If they eat them for good or bad, they will not even have a chance to save their lives.

Give it to your relatives and friends?That is even more impossible.

For strangers?If something goes wrong, you will not only have to feel guilty for a lifetime, but also bear legal responsibility, which is even more dangerous.

Finally Li Yu decided to start with animals.

The invention of a new drug in modern medicine often starts experiments with animals.After animals are used, there is no harm before doing experiments on humans.

So Li Yu rushed out, planning to buy some animals for experiments.

But...what should I buy?

Buy a guinea pig?Buy a monkey?These are unrealistic, and they cannot be dealt with.

Finally, Li Yu aimed at the aquatic product market next to the community.

Li Shui bought some fish at the aquatic product market.

Experiment with fish, after all, there is not so much empathy, you can play it.More importantly... cheap.

The fish seller asked enthusiastically: "Do you want to kill the fish for you?"

Li Yu smiled and shook his head: "No need."

The boss’s knife has been raised. Seeing Li Yu's refusal, he was a little puzzled: "Looking at your young age, do you know how to kill fish? I tell you, you must be skillful when you kill. If you accidentally use fish gall, broken……"

The boss was a bit too enthusiastic, and if he was allowed to talk about it, he wouldn't be able to get out for half an hour.

Li Yu coughed dryly: "Then what, I didn't buy fish for food."

The boss looked at Li Yu blankly: "Not for food? It can't be for fun."

Li Yu smiled: "Almost."

He paid, took the fish and left.

The boss looked at Li Yu's back and fell into deep thought: "Young people nowadays, maybe something is popular. Have you started raising grass carp as pets now?"

The boss looked at the fish in his big basin, "How much money can I make from selling fish? If you sell them as pets, will you make a lot of money?"

For a time, the boss sketched a new business model in his mind.


Two grass carps, passed through the gills with a rope, were directly carried home by Li Yu.

When he got home, the fish was dying, after all, it had been out of the water for too long.

Li Yu found two large basins, filled them with water, and put two fish in them.

The fish came back to life temporarily with water, but still looked sick.

Li Yu folded his hands and said to the two fishes: "My name is Li Yu, and you are also called Yu. It seems we are destined. You are born to be eaten by someone. It is really pitiful. If you help me today, Let the experiment go smoothly and I will release you all."

After giving full respect to the experimental animals, Li Yu began to experiment.

He divided the leaves into two parts, the green part and the black part.

Feed the leaves directly to the fish, the fish may not eat it.

Li Yu simply smashed the leaves with a juicer, poured water and stirred them thoroughly, and poured them into two empty beverage bottles.

After the leaves were crushed and melted, they turned into two different bottles of liquid.

One of the bottles is green and the other is black.

But after a few seconds, they all became colorless and transparent, as pure as water.Even the residue of the leaves can't be seen.

Li Yu unscrewed the lid and smelled it, but found no smell.The two bottles of water are almost indistinguishable.

He hurriedly labeled the water bottle, one bottle was written "green" and the other bottle was written "black".

Li Yu carried two bottles of water and walked to the basin.Pour green water on one of the fish first.

After a few seconds, the fish became fierce and fierce, fluttering back and forth in the basin, and almost came out several times.

Li Yu wasted no effort to catch the fish, otherwise, the tail of the fish kept shaking like a top, splashing Li Yu all over the water.

The movement of the fish alarmed Li Jiangfeng and Li's mother who were taking a nap.

They walked to the kitchen and looked at Li Yu strangely: "What are you doing?"

Li Yugan laughed: "I bought two fishes casually..."

Mother Li looked relieved: "I know you sell fish? Much better than your dad. He is just a hand-off shopkeeper and knows to wait for dinner all day long."

Li Jiangfeng: "???"

Mother Li said to Li Yu: "Why don't you let the fish seller kill the fish for you?"

Li Yu said: "I don't plan to eat it now, I keep it useful."

Li Jiangfeng's eyes lit up: "Would you like to entertain your friend who gathers medicine? When will he come? I have to thank him."

Li Yu said vaguely: "It's coming, it's coming."

In the past few days, Dad has asked his non-existent friend several times.Li Yu felt that this matter could hardly be kept secret.

But... it can be counted as a day if you hide it.In any case, Li Yu will not let his parents know that he often sees ghosts at night.That might worry the old man to death.

Mother Li said, "If the fish is not going to be killed, put it in the refrigerator. If the temperature is lower, the fish will not be so lively."

Li Yu responded and said to his parents: "You go and rest, I can come here."

Anyway, Li Yu persuaded his parents to go back to the bedroom.

Then he took out the black water and poured it to another fish as a control experiment.

The fish vomited a few bubbles, wiggled its tail a little, and then began to turn its belly.

Is this dying?

Li Yu quickly poured into the green water, and the fish that was dying slowly came over.

This shows that Li Yu's guess is correct.These two kinds of leaves are related to each other.

Black leaves make people weak, while green leaves make people energetic.

However, this result is still very rough.If you want to make money by selling leaves, you must get an accurate value.

How much green water you drink can make people excited and how long, and how much black water you drink can make people depressed and how long you have to calculate clearly.

Only in this way can you make money.

Li Yu felt that he needed more experimental subjects, so he put two fish in the refrigerator and went out to the aquatic product market, planning to buy more animals.

He was not worried that his parents would eat fish. After all, they already knew that this was what Li Yu planned to keep to entertain guests.They will not move.

Li Yu went to the aquatic product market a few times and bought different kinds of fish, and bought some crayfish and crabs.

When he returned home excitedly, he smelled a scent of vegetables as soon as he opened the door.

Li Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw an unwelcome person.

Wu Wei.

Wu Wei was sitting at the dining table, eating and drinking.Li Mu and Li Jiangfeng both sat on the sofa with sullen faces, and no one paid any attention to Wu Wei.

Obviously, Wu Wei had already broken the hearts of Li Jiangfeng and his wife for not allowing Li Ying to accompany him to the hospital.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yu heard the sound of cooking in the kitchen.

He glanced inside. His sister was cooking inside.

Hehe, these two people are really interesting.It's really out of sight.

Wu Wei really didn't see anything outside, drank a glass of wine, ate a bite of the dish, and said to Li Yu with a greasy mouth: "You can fish, where did you buy it? Good fellow, it thumped in the refrigerator. It’s like taking stimulants."

Mother Li stood up with a green face, looked at Wu Wei dissatisfiedly, and then said to Li Yu very apologetically: "The two of them came just now and shouted that they were hungry. I ignored them and asked them to find food by themselves. Who is that? Knowing that they killed your fish. By the time I found out, it was too late."

Li Yu smiled at his mother: "It's okay, we don't have common knowledge with them."

Li Yu sat in front of Wu Wei, looked at him carefully, and thought: Where can I find a living person to do the experiment.Didn’t this volunteer come here?