I have mine in my dream

Chapter 71: The Difficult Heart Demon

A hundred years ago, Jiulong Village split into two parts because of the killing of evil spirits.

The original site became a huge cemetery called Crow Ji Cemetery.Near the original site, they built a new village and renamed it Crow Set.

And Li Yu's consciousness was trapped in the evil spirits of Baiyun, witnessing the scenes of the crow gathering a hundred years ago.

When Bai Yun was nine years old, he promised the villagers to help them chant the sutras and pray for blessings and eliminate the evil spirits in the village.

Later, she was taken to the crow set cemetery, and was locked in a room with fetters.

Under the coaxing of the villagers that day, Baiyun swore a heavy oath that he would never leave until the village's troubles were eliminated.

For the next few years, Bai Yun kept chanting Buddhist scriptures in the room.Except for the villagers who deliver meals, she rarely sees people.

Occasionally I can see outsiders, who are also masters invited by villagers from other places to help Baiyun answer the doubts in the Buddhist scriptures.

After Bai Yun reached adulthood, he had a deep understanding of Buddhist scriptures, so these masters would not see him.

She spent the first half of her life chanting sutras. Apart from eating and sleeping, she was studying Buddhism.This kind of life is very pure, like pure and pure water.

But the purer the thing, the easier it is to be contaminated.

From a certain day, a voice appeared in Bai Yun's heart.

This voice has been bewitching her, telling her: This is a cell, and you are just a prisoner in the cell.These villagers have been using you.You are a poor man.

Bai Yun has been resisting these sounds.

She believes deeply in Buddhism. Whenever a voice appears, she only needs to read a scripture to calm her mind.

In this life, Bai Yun had never practiced, but as her understanding of Buddhism became more and more thorough, she naturally developed a cultivation base.

However, as the cultivation level increased, those voices appeared more and more frequently, and it became more and more difficult to get rid of them.

One day Bai Yun suddenly realized that these voices were actually his own demons.It is the demons that appear under the influence of evil surroundings.

Generally speaking, once the demons appear, they should stop chanting, stop practicing, and calm down in a different environment.

But Baiyun couldn't do it.

She could not leave the Crow Collection Cemetery, nor could she stop chanting for blessings.

Therefore, she can only fight day and night with the inner demon, praying that the evil here will be eliminated as soon as possible. In that case, the inner demon will lose the support of the evil and will naturally gradually disappear.

And when Bai Yun was fighting the inner demon, she didn't know that the resentful spirit of Baishan had been wandering outside the cemetery.

He was grieving and wanted to find his sister.

But the whole village was shrouded by the sound of Buddha, and the resentful spirit could not enter at all.

He can only cry day and night outside the village, hoping that his sister can hear, but he has been in vain.

Perhaps in a few years, the resentful spirits of Baishan will dissipate in the world under the wind and rain.

However, Baishan, who seemed to be pitiful and tragically dying, actually gave him a chance.

An old man in Crow Ji died of a sudden illness. When the villagers were mourning him, there was a pouring rain.

The road was muddy and difficult to navigate. The villagers tried to take advantage of the day to force the coffin to the cemetery several times, but they failed.

Until dusk, the rain finally stopped.

The villagers quickly carried the coffin and walked towards the cemetery.

In the tradition of Crow Collection, the corpse cannot stay at home overnight.Because their souls have been contaminated by evil spirits, they will become resentful spirits after death, and then become ghosts, making their family uneasy.

And the funeral cannot be at night, because there are more grieving spirits in the Crow Collection Cemetery.Although it was suppressed by white clouds and no ghosts were formed, once the resentful spirits were disturbed, the consequences would be equally disastrous.

At this time, the sun was halfway down, and the villagers trot all the way carrying the coffin, trying to get things done before dark.

Although the rain has stopped, the road is still muddy.

The villagers slid step by step, running very embarrassed.

And Baishan, who was attached to his body, knew that this was the only chance.

There will never be such a good opportunity in the future.

Seeing that the villagers were about to enter the cemetery.

Bai Shan left the body and got out of the ground.

There is still a little left in the sun, but the yang energy erupting from this red sun is not something that the resentful spirit can bear.

He suddenly felt as if his whole body was being scorched by the fire, so painful that he almost lost his soul.

He gritted his teeth and rushed towards the coffin with the grievance in his heart.

Finally, the moment the villagers were about to enter the cemetery.The white shirt entered the coffin and attached to the dead person.

He was successfully taken to the Crow Set Cemetery.


That night, Bai Yun had been restless.

The demons appeared repeatedly and kept tempting her.

According to the previous method, Bai Yun wanted to obtain peace through chanting.

But this time, it was extremely difficult. Bai Yun sat on her knees in front of the Guanyin statue, chanting the scriptures until midnight, and was unable to suppress the demons.

At this moment, another person suddenly appeared under the shadow of the lamp.

Bai Yun was startled and stood up suddenly from the futon.

It was a young man, familiar, but Bai Yun didn't dare to recognize it.

After a long silence, Bai Yun asked in a low voice, "Are you... Baishan?"

The man suddenly cried and said, "Sister, my death is terrible."

Bai Yun felt a sudden pain in his heart and couldn't help walking towards Baishan.

But the resentful spirit of Baishan backed back and screamed: "Sister, don't come over, I can't stand your righteousness."

Bai Yun paused, and asked like a knife: "You are young, why..."

Baishan said miserably: "For the past ten years, I have been working hard, hungry and cold, and in poor health. After a beating, I burned for three days without drinking a bowl of medicinal soup. After I died, I was buried in In the wilderness outside, there is no grave."

After Bai Yun heard this, the inner demon could no longer suppress it.

She screamed: "You all failed me, you all failed me."

At this moment, the heart demon occupied Bai Yun's heart.

She looked up to the sky and laughed, then opened her mouth and sucked the surrounding evil into her body.

Years of cultivation, coupled with the devouring evil spirit, turned Baiyun into a master among the demons in a short period of time.



Li Yu only felt an uncomfortable sound in his ear, as if his body suddenly surfaced.

He opened his eyes and found himself back in the real world.

Wang Fugui was still lying on the ground poisoned, Fan Ling and Yuan Wuquan were both injured, and they kept calling out Li Yu's name with the sword in their hands.

And Li Yu herself, still strangling her neck by the banshee, stood on the ground in an awkward posture.

Li Yu was able to wake up because the banshee took a deep breath and sucked away the evil spirit from Li Yu.

She looked at Li Yu with a gloomy expression and said quietly, "Have you seen all of them?"

Li Yu nodded slowly.

The banshee sneered and said, "So, don't you think the villagers deserve to die? Don't you think you deserve to die too?"

As she spoke, the strength in her hands increased a little bit, and Li Yu's breathing suddenly became difficult.