I have Nine Female Disciple

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-one chapter is really a parallel

Looking at the sad look of the moonlight, Jiang Chen's heart is tight, hurriedly rushed.

At this moment, there is a leader of the moonlight, plus the Jian Yun is scrapped, and this will come back and no one blocks.

During the way, the two after the dozens of interest rushed to the mountain.

The mountains of the first mountain, there is a palace, but not very big, compares to the palace of other mountains, which can be described as simple.

However, this does not affect the prestige of the first mountain in Kunlun Xian Mountain.

"Your father has been detained in the main hall, you go in and see him." Sighing at the moonlight, looked at a woman outside the palace, a brow, said: "You won't stop it?"

"Since I come up, why should I stop it?" The woman is light, and it is back to Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen knows that once again, this person is the mountain owner of the first mountain!

At this moment, Jiang Chen has no idle work to pay attention to the first mountain, and rushed into the main hall.

However, in the moment of pushing the gate of the main hall, Jiang Chen was completely impressed.

The building is very good, it is not a glorious, but it is also an atmosphere.

And, there is a hot spring in the hall, wearing a fairy, and a fruit tea tray is placed around.

In the hot springs, there is a white hair man, leisurely lying inside, on both sides of him, two faceful women are taking him.

One person stuffed fruit to his mouth, one person gave him ...

This is enjoying it!

Jiang Chen is forced, he looked at the white hair man, until the past has been a long time: "Father?"


The voice came back, this white hair slowly returned, when I saw Jiang Chen, my face suddenly had a smile, said: "Good boy, you finally come back."

"You are ..." Jiang Chen now has no mood and his father is old.

He pointed to the two women around you, but also referred to this hot spring and asked: "You are ... being suppressed?"

"The external claim is suppression, but here is Kunlun Xian Mountain, how can I really suppress me." Wan Jia said: "You see that I am not living well ..."

As soon as this is, Jiang Chen's eyes are black, almost have no dizziness!

Laozi is so worried that you, I am afraid that you can't live it. The fire is coming, the result ... You are so happy! ?

At the beginning, Laozi was forced to the community, helplessly opened back, you ... The result is here to enjoy a few times! ?

"Lead, I am unparalleled!" Jiang Chen's mouth, got up and down, said: "Do you have something?"

"Do you look like something like?" "Wan Jiashi asked.

At this moment, Jiang Chen fried, if this is his pro, he hates can't rush to fight him!

"Moonlight! You just under the mountain, what is the situation of the sad look !? Are you knowing that my father is okay ?!"

Jiang Chen looked at the moonlight behind him, I saw this guy, smile, tears, I was coming out.

At the same time, the first mountain owner also gone in, glanced at a very much, said: "He is your pro, you also lie to the child, I also cheated several times ... You can be a close."

Wanli smiled and got up from the hot springs, and instantly arrived at the first mountain. I grabbed her waist and said: "This can't blame me, you know, the play can be very tired. Three kings found that I really want to be suppressed. "

Jiang Chen is very messy at the moment, looking at his father, and then look at the first mountain master, and the two goods will be together! ?

I want to be the original, I'm rejection of the first mountain!

At that time, the first mountain owner's attitude toward Jiang Chen was very bad!

But now, everything before, is all illusions!

"The world is awake, only the old man is forced ..." Jiang Chen smiled.

However, look at your father's dragon, Jiang Chen is relieved.

"When I went up the mountain, I felt a big thing, but I didn't expect it ... I will come out ..." Jiang Chen said.

"Child, just cultivate it, let's take a lot of time, you can give you a point for you." Ten Railure said, referring to the first mountain owner in the refers: "This is your five mother."

"Five Niang? You special ..." Jiang Chen was again messy.

Jiang Chen knows that his father's fault, but it was for him, but he never ghed!

Since Jiang Chen's biological mother died, Tanjia will be single in several times.

But now, he went to the lower world to return to the tenth, how to come back, there is a five mother! ?

So, in order to remove the finger, remove Jiang Chen's mother, now he is above ... there are four maides! ?

"I said that the old man ... Have you ever thought about my feelings?" Jiang Chen turned a white eye and said: "You are like being suppressed, you are distinguished from hiding to come!"

"Low-key ... low-key ..." Tany's face is also thick, waving, said: "You still have four brother sisters ..."

"I am rubbed ..." Jiang Chen was speaking, secretly said that this guy really is his father?

This is not a general pit!

However, Jiang Chen has not said that it is only because he knows, he is also very pit!

"It's so pit, and my son is fine. I heard that you have a lot of people in the lower bound." Moonlight said: "Sure enough, a virtue."

"Let me quiet ..."

Jiang Chen's brain was groggy, and he left directly.

He didn't understand, it was also a little messy ...

Going out from the main hall, Jiang Chen is boring face, accompanying the Qingtu, walking toward the nine mountains.

Along the way, Jiang Chen's eyebrows wrinkled, although he was killed by Tanji, but he did not expect this.

"Since the old man is fine, it is not born, then ... natural is a jealous of three big swords ..." Jiang Chen dark road, you can turn it again.

At the beginning, the strength of Tanjia is better than the fairy king!

At the beginning, the last battle, if there is a mysterious person, Wanlong Gate is not necessarily lost!

So, I have never been out of the world, most of them are jealous of the mysterious people!

"That mysterious person ... who is it?" Jiang Chen secretly.

That mysterious man is to cover the culprit of Wanjiamen!

It's a pity that the mysterious people have not appeared after the mysterious people, and they have never seen it. When Kunlun, Kunlun is also going, but there is no trace.

"The uncle, what are you thinking?" Qing Mu looked at the brow's crumpled Jiang Chen, could not help but ask.

"I think about me." Jiang Chen turned a white eye and said: "Dear! I am unparalleled!"

Said, Jiang Chen's look suddenly, looked up and looked down on the foot of the ninth mountain, there was a rigback!