I in Douluo Continent is six years older than Tang

Chapter 69-Angel's Divine Light

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Douluo Continent: My Three-year-old Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!Standing in the white temple, Wu Siyi's face was a little surprised, but more should be at a loss.

This is the last day of his third exam for the angel. If passing the first exam is luck, and passing the second exam is persistence, he hasn't got a clue at all in the third exam.

Very panic, this is an indescribable panic. Since that time I saw Bibi Dong in the Raksha Temple, Wu Siyi’s third assessment was like letting go of himself, completely free from the word fantasy, with Wu Siyi wandered all over the mainland.

This kind of feeling is like knowing that the test is going to be taken today, but not knowing what subject is being tested. That kind of deep confusion makes Wu Siyi completely unsure of the angel's third test.

He doesn't even know what exactly is a pass?

Wu Siyi raised his head to look at the towering angel statue in front of him. The statue exudes a faint platinum halo. It is not known how much taller it is than the statue in the angel temple. More importantly, the statue exudes endless divine power, vast as the sea.

Wu Siyi didn't move. He really couldn't tell whether this was a fantasy or reality, but he knew that this was an assessment, and he rushed forward, and it was easy to fail.

"Don't be nervous." A sweet voice resounded through the hall, it was the voice of a woman, or the voice of a goddess.

Wu Siyi turned his head to look for the sound, but could only see a ball of radiance. The goddess' body was completely covered by golden light, and he could not see anything except the six wings behind her.

Angel god?A thought came out of Wu Siyi's mind.The breath of the goddess was holy and pure, making Wu Siyi completely unable to think of other thoughts.

"I think you must be worried about your angel assessment." The goddess spoke. Her voice was full of magic and it was easy to relax and calm down, but Wu Siyi didn't dare. He was afraid that one step would be wrong and the angel assessment would fail.

"Don't be nervous." The goddess once again said to Wu Siyi, "Your Angel's Seven Tests will definitely be completed, and there is absolutely no possibility of failure."

"How do I know that you are not lying to me." Wu Siyi looked at the goddess vigilantly. The latter was most likely an angel god, but there was no rule that gods would definitely help his candidates.

"Lied to you?" The goddess paused for a second after hearing this, "When did I lie to you?"

Wu Siyi heard the clue from her words, the tone of the angel talking to him, as if they were old acquaintances.Wu Siyi couldn't help putting away the grudge in his heart and said: "I have seen you?"

"No." The goddess turned off the subject without a trace, looking up at the endless starry sky, her eyes flashing as if she had seen something.

Angel Shinto: "There is no time to chat with you, Wu Siyi, remember what I said next. The Seven Tests of Angels are not the end of you, on the contrary, this is your beginning. The Seven Tests of God's Position cannot allow You directly become a god, but it can help you grow. Your god status has already been fixed, so there is only one way to prove to become a god, and there is no trick."

The angel god’s speech was getting faster and faster, and she seemed a little anxious. Her eyes kept flickering in the starry sky, and she quickly said: “Remember, don’t forget your heart. Let everything be natural. I will help you. We will help you." Guangxi Biquge www.gxgqt.org

After that, the angel god waved his sleeves, and Wu Siyi's figure disappeared into the angel temple out of thin air. The next second, a tall shadow walked in from the entrance of the angel temple.

"The law enforcement officers are coming here, I don’t know what to advise." The divine light surrounding the angel god dissipated, revealing her delicate and beautiful face. If Wu Siyi was still there, he would scream out because of the angel god’s The appearance is very much like Qian Renxue.

The man in red, who was called the law enforcement by the angel gods, glanced at her. His deep blue eyes were like the boundless sea, and his long light blue hair was scattered on his shoulders. The cold temperament exuded from his whole body was similar to his soft appearance. Some are out of place.

"You cheated." The man slowly said, his tone was very calm, as if he was describing a very common thing, but still full of the majesty of the superior.

"Master Shura is exaggerated." The angel face said as usual, "This is just a coincidence. Wu Siyi's third test brought him here. I didn't give him any clear reminders. This is just an illusion. "

"Okay, then treat it as a coincidence." The man turned and walked outside the Angel Temple, "But, Qian Renxue, don't forget, the God Realm Committee has an appointment in advance..."


Suddenly being enshrined by the Teleportation Society, Wu Siyi was in shock. He didn't know what happened during his assessment, but all the signs showed that this did not seem to be a bad thing.

When Wu Siyi was wondering, the gentle voice of the angel god sounded in his mind.

"Don’t be confused, White Night Fantasy. Passed the test. Passed the test. Break through the White Night Fantasy with the heart of not being confused, and enter the deep test, complete the human experience, and increase the reward. At the end of the third test, the angel’s affinity increased by 20%. Forty-one percent."

"Ah... this." Wu Siyi was stunned. The end of the third exam for his angel was inexplicable. He had never really broken through the fantasy of White Night, but the increase in angel affinity was even no less than the excess of the second exam. reward.

This... Is this what it feels like to walk through the back door?

Wu Siyi was still immersed in puzzlement, and the voice of the angel god sounded again.

"Angel affinity has exceeded 30%, and the right to use the angel's divine light is specially granted, and the fourth spirit ring can be obtained in one year before the angel assessment can continue."

The voice in Wu Siyi's mind ended, and the Seraphim brand on his forehead lit up.It changed from the introverted and peaceful appearance of the past, and the dazzling light flickered, as if there was an extra star on Wu Siyi's forehead.At the same time, Wu Siyi also felt that his spiritual world seemed to have an extra door. Pushing this door with spiritual force, he would immediately enter a golden world.

Subconsciously, Wu Siyi drove his own spiritual power into this new world.Suddenly, the golden seraph on his forehead flickered, the light was not strong, but it still covered the entire worship hall.

Qian Daoliu slipped away for the first time, and somehow, under this golden light, he actually felt like he wanted to bow down. This was a shame for him as an Extreme Douluo.At the same time, he also secretly decided not to show up where Wu Si intended in the future.

Slowly retracting the golden light, Wu Siyi was shocked to discover that most of his mental power had disappeared.This ordinary light consumes a lot of spiritual power. If it weren’t for the three-eyed golden eyebone that provided one with the effect of mental power cohesion, the spiritual power consumption of the soul-sovereign level would not be enough for the angelic light. use.