I just want to be quiet

Chapter 270 The Passion and Convergence on the Track

"You don't talk so much, are you here?"

"Step aside."


Qu Hanyue pulled over with the turn signal without saying anything. The moment he opened the door and got out of the car, he attracted all the eyes of the surroundings;

Qin Ming did the main driving: "The space in your car is too narrow, won't you hit your hand when you turn the steering wheel?"

"No, you will call me back later."


With tens of millions of sports cars, Qin Ming was also a little bit emotional when he came into contact with it for the first time.


After closing the car door, he kicked the accelerator and went straight to Jiangbin Avenue.

Jiangbin Avenue is the most suitable place in the magic city. There are no pedestrians, there are few vehicles, and there is a special track for racing cars. You need to pay for the experience in advance, and the cost ranges from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

According to the position given by Qu Hanyue, he went straight to the destination after navigating; after leaving the city, the traffic on the road became scarce and he raised the speed with a kick of the accelerator.

Qu Hanyue really enjoyed the experience of pushing back, and said mockingly: "When I drive, I keep slowing me down, but you drive so fast by yourself. You are really a double-standard dog."

"I'm keeping the speed limit, see for yourself."


The corner of Qin Ming's mouth rose slightly. After his'car skill' was upgraded to an intermediate professional level, the moment he held the steering wheel, the familiar feeling surged. It is instinctive to step on the accelerator, and it is good to go through corners without drift.

Like a dog sees shit,

Can't help but want to smell,


This analogy is not appropriate. What he meant was that after the inner turmoil was aroused, coupled with young and vigorous and strong firepower, he always wanted to find something passionate to do.

such as,


There must be no chaos on the road, but it is possible on a legal track.

His speed was very fast, and it was only 1.50 when he arrived at the'Jiangchuan Circuit';

This racing track is the longest in Asia, and also the most exciting track with the most corners. It is built in full accordance with international standards and difficult tracks, and it is very popular among young people who seek to stimulate.

The main track is in the shape of "up", with a total length of 8.6 kilometers, consisting of 21 turns with different turning radii. It is also the most imposing and dangerous track in the current F1 event.

This track is also one of the most exciting, thrilling, difficult and challenging tracks in the world.Combined with the auxiliary track, there are a total of ten combinations, which can hold various levels of motorsports.

In the area, in addition to the racing track, there are also karting courses, racetracks, golf courses, etc...

There are many high-end entertainment projects here, which are very popular among the upper class.

"Is it here?"

"Well... this is it."

Qu Hanyue pointed to the service area and said, "Go there and pay for registration."

Qin Ming parked the car in front of the service desk. There were several cars running at this point. He took a closer look. There was a BMW M series, and the more expensive one was a Porsche.

It's not that the people who overtake here are the rich second-generation and the like, and there are also white-collar workers who are under pressure in social work.

There is a big screen at the front end of the track. In front of the screen is the auditorium. At this time, there are some people chatting, men and women.

"There are so many rich people."

"What a rich man..."

Qu Hanyue sneered. There is no car on the track with more than two million dollars. The money is going to be much more. Driving a Porsche 9-11 is not at the number.

"It's definitely not comparable to you."

"You lick the dog too~"

Qin Ming laughed and said nothing. He was telling the truth. At the age of eighteen, he drove a Porsche 9-18. It was a toy that was unpleasant.

The first is September 18, and the next one will only be more expensive when you get tired of it.

The waitress at the reception desk smiled and said, "Sir, how many hours do you need to experience?"

"Two hours."

"Okay, I will charge you four thousand yuan in total."

After paying the experience fee and driving the car into the stadium, he narrowed his position and got off the car.

Qu Hanyue geared up after getting in the car, and said with a chuckle: "Let you see my real skills."

"Come on, I'll wait."

Qin Ming fastened his seat belt and looked casual as if letting her ruin it;

The young people who are good nowadays do not learn from bad ones. What can you call a racing car? The uglier point is the drag racing party; I am not your father, or you will not get out of bed for two days.

Do not misunderstand,

Simply smash her ass!

When the Porsche 9-18 appeared on the track, the sound of the engine appeared out of the ordinary 💢, which naturally attracted a lot of attention;

The golden body can brighten the eyes, and the elegant curves and shapes make people unable to look away, especially the women taking pictures and chatting in the audience.

Of course, men are no exception.

This kind of luxury car is not always everywhere, even if it’s drunk, and it’s all rich people who can come here to play. The young ones are definitely the rich second-generation, not to mention tens of millions of sports cars. Dead.

Qin Ming glanced at it while sitting in the co-pilot. The audience was full of beauties of about eighty points. The average score of eighty points was already very strong. In fact, all of them were little beauties with charms higher than seventy.

Eighty points is considered exquisite, and ninety points is really one out of hundreds of thousands.

Qu Hanyue adjusted the seat, holding the steering wheel about to move; in fact, she was contacting her friends with her car skills recently, and she has improved recently.

She can't pretend to be in front of someone better than her, but in the eyes of a layman like Qin Ming, it is simple;

Cups are the essence of human beings,

No one is exception.

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

"I'm not afraid, you can drive."

Qin Ming shook his head. For him, as long as he is not the car god Schumacher, everything else is pediatrics, and he doesn't think that a person who has just entered university can be very popular;

In his eyes, Qu Hanyue was just like playing a house when he was a child.

"Don't do it."

Although there is an incentive to pursue excitement in the human bones, once something goes wrong, he has to take responsibility. He doesn't want to talk about the big things, otherwise he won't come.

Buzzing 💢💢💢...

The roar of the engine sounded, and the eyes gathered around.


Qu Hanyue's face was reddened, a catapult started and rushed onto the track, flicked his tail to adjust the body, and then the whole body rushed out like a wild horse.



Are you scared?

Qu Hanyue was fascinated by her own pull-out start, but she glanced at Qin Ming and found that the other party's expression was very plain, and what was the matter with that smile?


"Don't worry..."

Qu Hanyue increased the throttle.

Qin Ming was sitting in the co-pilot, enjoying the feeling of pushing her back. This courage was greater than that of ordinary people, and it was completely different from Yue Xiong, who could not get on the table.

This feeling is a bit like when a roller coaster rushes down, the feeling of pushing the back makes people instantly feel a little weightlessness and discomfort.

But with his psychological quality, he was able to adapt to it completely in an instant, and it was even a bit slow to abandon it.

Really slow,

Replace him,

Yueyue stabilized, I'm going to sprint on the accelerator!




After the initial feeling of pushing back disappeared, Qin Ming looked at the corners and remembered every corner in his mind as if it were a brand;

The riders of the magic city often come over, and I’m afraid they’ve been familiar with the track for a long time. Those who come from other places really focus on participating, let alone the huge reward of 5 million...

It's not so much a reward as a black box operation.

You think about the probability that five million will fall on you, the lottery;

And it can only be a club member and a member without any racing history can participate. Compared with other old fritters, it is not enough.

They have the chance to win, but people are not as good as the sky. They absolutely never think that they will conspire for five million. Although it is not much, who doesn't want five million for nothing?

Don't be a fool!

His current car skills, even professional players have a vertical middle finger, not to mention a group of amateur entertainment players, do you know what it means to be a newbie at the full level?

Qu Hanyue's driving skills are average, and he can see the leopard from now on.

Feeling her slow and pulling operation, Qin Ming couldn't wait to pick up her double ponytail and step on the accelerator fiercely.


The Porsche 9/18 turned into an arc, like a wild horse that broke the string;

Qu Hanyue's heartbeat was like a drum, and his concentration was as if he was hitting adrenaline.

Qin Ming secretly took a few glances, and was sure that she really shook her head at A, slightly disappointed.

Sports car,



Fast & Furious?

Enjoying the feeling of pushing back, Qin Ming is like an old racing driver who has been on the battlefield for a long time, and his eyes are full of contempt and vicissitudes of looking at the unsuspecting novice.

With his current technology, the super-level racing driver's license is easy.

A racing driver’s license must be trained and qualified to have it. The racing driver’s license is divided into six levels: E, D, C, B, A and super (for F1 drivers).

Only those who are above the c level can participate in international competitions. Such players are already masters. They cannot reach this level unless they are really talented.

"Master, is it cool?"

Qu Hanyue didn't squint, grasping the steering wheel, and couldn't help but provoke.

Qin Ming said with a light smile: "The technology is not at home, so work harder."

Humph, the dead duck has a hard mouth.

She continued to step on the accelerator, and her speed became faster and faster, reaching a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

At 200 kilometers per hour, the thief is fast, and it is a killer on the road, but on a professional track, he does not find it strange, and he has not reached the real speed of the car.

The car god Schumacher once said that every racer may die on the racing track, but you have to know that the profession of racing is your own choice. The speed of 280 kilometers per hour can be regarded as drag racing.

"Cross the corner faster, slower, will the grip be good?"

"Say as if you would..."

To tell you the truth, I really know how.

Qu Hanyue slowed down honestly, drifting requires courage, and she only dared to drift just a little like a splash.

The corner of Qin Ming's mouth raised, that's it!?

Qu Han Yueyue's mouth was ups and downs fiercely, as if she scared the baby to death.



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Going to worship on National Day, not at home, two beasts, forgive me.