"Ha... ha... ha...!
Unexpectedly, I jumped out of my room.
Things are happening today and my heart is messed up. I can't get my thoughts together, my body doesn't move as much as I think, and I hesitate to do what I want.
When a man like that brave man took the Phineas, I didn't think anything of it when I saw you as a depressing tough guy. Oh, I just thought you were depressed. That's why I didn't say anything, and I acted like I always did.
And yet, you wanted to cum, lick, that kind of thing, but you've been in a strange physical condition since you fought that white one.
I'm kind of hesitant when I try to touch you tightly. It should have been easy before to hug, but now I don't know how.
My chest is pounding when I talk to you. [M] Not even at night, my face gets hot and I get irritated by the feeling that the back of my chest is tightened cum. What the hell happened to my body? A little scary.
'Cause earlier, the corner was tight, and you told me that you'd been moping twice, and I closed my eyes, and I put my face close to yours, and the thrill stopped as soon as I could. My face got hot, and I couldn't seem to do anything wrong with Chiu, and I kind of couldn't stand still on the spot.
That's why I ran away. He jumped out of bed, opened the door and jumped straight out into the hallway.
I can't even move that much, but I can't breathe. I can't stop my deviant heart beating. My face is hot and I'm about to burn. What is it? Scratching my chest like this sprout... feels uncut... I don't know, I don't know this.
"Ugh... I don't know..."
I have a tight head full of you. What happened to me...?
In the end, that night I couldn't contain the thoughts that filled me with tough things about you and the disconnected emotions I had, and I spent all night running around with my head in my arms.
And this is the only day I've ever lived, and I've never had a second to lust.
◇ ◇ ◇
I fell asleep again after Leila left and woke up the next morning.
Though a little heavy on her body, she was able to wake up properly this time, and when she looked over at the room, Leishe looked nowhere, and Leila didn't seem to have returned.
For once, I have Leishe's weapons and luggage, so maybe she's going to take a bath or something, but Leila doesn't know where she went.
In the meantime, I got out of bed thinking.
"Mm-hmm...! Ha... well."
Put in one stretch to make sure your body is in good shape. Although fatigue remains, this should go back to normal after a short rest.
My arms and legs move properly, and my visceral organs, which were quite damaged by the blow of the Apostle, are moving unhindered in any way thanks to the 'imminent death experience'. Full, not, but we will be able to act as normal.
This is where we find out for sure.
"Qi Manipulation" creates similar Qi as Leila, forming a knife. It won't break if I swing it, and the sharpness seems better than the sword there. I also tried to make this yesterday and can tell. It just works the way I imagined it, and it seems to be user-friendly inside.
Next, I diffused my temper and scattered it fine all over the room. Then, even if my eyes are closed, I generally know what's in the room. Chairs and beds, Liechet's weapon, vases placed at the window.
I don't know what color it is, what design it is, but I only know what shape it is. Is that why you're so angry at the enemy? You're right about Leila.
"Yeah...... if you ask Leila, she'll know better, but it looks pretty convenient"
I let go of my temper and squealed like that.
And now I'm going to activate The Devil's Eye of Foresight. He apparently activated it on his own yesterday, but when he was conscious, he could also deactivate it.
I looked in the mirror and when it was activated, it would have a jade iris, but when it wasn't activated, it would have the same red iris as Leila. Either way, I got my left eye back, and I think it's going to be iridescent (odd eye), whether it's activated or not.
Yeah, isn't that a little cool?
They say he's got two diseases in the middle, but nobody in this world says that except for bravery, and I think it's cool to blah blah blah. I secretly thought Leila's red eyes and all that was cool with me.
"Hehe, you mean visually I grew up too"
With all that said, I grinned with satisfaction.
"Ah... tight, good morning"
"Hmm? Good morning, Lieche!
Then the door opened and Leishe, who wet her hair, returned.
I knew she was going to take a bath, and when I saw her moist, wet hair wrapped in a towel, it was still a little colorful.
But her eyes were a little red. Did you rub it hard? Or were you crying...?
"... left eye, you're cured"
"Yeah, there's a little bit of stuff going on while Leishe's passed out"
"Oh... while I was passing out,"
To my words, Leishe said that with some self-derision.
I lean my neck wondering what's going on, but Lieche just kind of leans down to sadness. What? What? I'm not well, I'm worried about you.
"... hey tough, I wonder what the hell I followed you for"
"Come with me, what have I done for my people... you haven't done anything. I know Finia and Leila are strong... still, they took away the missouri Finia and Lulu... and I couldn't even move to get my face back. Yet suddenly someone raided me and passed out... and when I realized it was tough and Leila was doing something about it...... I feel sorry for me!
That's the kind of leachette you blame yourself for. Speaking of which, you're not helping this kid. Well, if you're referring to Sole, I'm not in the fight, so I think Leishe was more helpful during the escort request.
But it kind of seems like she's lost in her need. It must be regrettable for her not to be able to fight her enemies in front of her.
Well, that's not what I found out.
"Sure, you're useless, and your strength is way inferior to Finia and Leila, and you're not family like Lulu. There's not much point in being honest."
"Ugh... I knew it, but to be clear, don't come too far..."
"But, Liesche. I didn't have to. I didn't choose my people."
Blah, I'm not thinking like I'm worried because I don't have my strength. If you're weak, be weak, but I'm the one who eats you to survive.
If that's what you're doing, you're going to have to face that brave man, and the Demon King is going to take him down with a round waist. It's not silly to deal with Leila, and it's easy to sell fights to that apostle for everything.
"I know what you think of your people. I'm not here, but I'm counting on Leishe. So you can't do it?
So it's not a relationship to think about whether or not you need company, and I'm strong, weak, and I don't trump people. I can't believe you're weaker than me. I'm not at this party.
I'm one of them because I trust them to be enough people to keep my life. I'll take the latter, if you ask me which one to take, Leishe, who worked with Leishe for a week with the same strength as the brave.
I don't need a guy who's just strong.
"... oh, okay"
"It's not even been a week since I've been one of them. You just have to work hard, me and you."
"Right...... yeah, I'll do my best"
Leishe smiles bitterly. I hope it's encouraging, but, well, it's up to you, isn't it, Lieche?
Now, is it time to move? Let's go find Layla first.
◇ ◇ ◇
I'm leaving the room. I'm leaving the room with weapons and luggage, too, looking at your tight back.
Walking behind him, I had a deep respect and admiration for him.
I was originally helped by tough luck in a situation where I had not found the possibility of being a knight and was often abandoned by my father and by all knights. Well, it was more like finding another possibility than being helped, but still I appreciate it.
I didn't know for two years that I had found a reason why I couldn't wield my sword in just about two hours, and that observational eye, and the guts to push myself through against the character, and the brave man, who was both powerful and powerful, seemed to have won the push spiritually, although I lost.
I think his strength lies in his rare spiritual strength and his guts not to be cowered by his mighty enemies.
Now is the time to show greed in becoming stronger to get Finia and Lulu back, but until a little while ago, I had no intention of becoming stronger.
Yet he had not escaped from fighting. I do think he has something of a different strength than the art of fighting, as my father put it.
"Phew Phew Phew..."
You're tough walking forward singing a nose song. Apparently, he's in a good mood today.
It's been a short while since I've been with him, but there have been quite a few intense events in that short time. Encountering Leila, fighting the brave, and a mysterious raid.
- With all of that, I'm of no use.
I don't know anything about what happened with Leila myself, but still, when I was a brave man or during a mysterious raid, both of them turned out to be tough out front and seriously injured.
Even though I was one of them, I cowered in front of the mighty. Strength is stronger than I am.
"Hey, tough, what are you gonna do now?
"Hmm? Yeah, I'm leaving this country for now. 'Cause apparently there's a perfect country for me."
Walk down the hallway and have that conversation. The conversation didn't last, and I ended up silent again.
Tough guy told me he didn't need it and didn't pick a buddy. For him, he doesn't need so many strong people. I can keep my back, I said that the trustworthy are my people.
And that's what he told me when he relied on me for nothing.
"... tough"
"Hmm? What's going on, Leishe?"
The words got into my mind.
Then let's be strong if the tough guy is counting on me. Be stronger than anyone so you can stand up to the brave.
"I'll be strong, I promise."
So keep an eye on the tights. I'm sure I'll try to live up to your expectations. I swear by my sword, though I'm no longer a knight.
I'm sure I'll try to be strong.
"Oh, suddenly what? I'm scared."
It's ruined. You're not always tight... at all.