I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
I don't know what we're gonna do.
The role of the aristocracy is to work on the political side and to ensure that ordinary people can live in peace and order within their aristocratic territory. There are other things you can do in your own home, like run your own business, take control of the military, etc.
In other words, nobility and common people are in the relationship of grace and public service: those who lay order so that ordinary people can live, and those whose nobility pays taxes and works to lay order.
Pay the money and work as orderly as possible. Create an environment where you can work and create order. That's the kind of role sharing relationship.
And while it is the foundation of that environment, the aristocracy is therefore endowed with a wealthy life and some kind of power. It's a right to get rid of those who disturb order, it's a right to try the sinners, it's a right to copyright and tax where we say it on Earth, and so on.
But still, there are limits to that authority.
For example, excessive taxation for abuse of such authority, or punishing innocents (somnoes) who are inconvenient to them by wearing wet clothes.
There will be no more disturbing order than a nobleman wielding power with his own emotions alone. If the foundation breaks down, those who stand on it will not hesitate to break down. Completely, the act is worthy of sin.
The problem is that the aristocrats, who should be on the side of judging sins, sin. If you say it in the global wind, the police who are supposed to be in a position to capture criminals will be criminals.
If a sinner has sinned, who will judge it? Above the aristocracy is the only one, the 'royal man'.
But there are quite a few beings called aristocracy. If the royal family is to deal with it one by one, it is only then that the enormous costs and the wide horizons required to be able to monitor the rest of the world become necessary.
To conclude, it is not so uncommon for a nobleman to rub away his sins and be buried in the darkness if he sins.
The skirmishing, crushing and towing between the nobles takes place every day under water unknown to the common people. The higher the nobility in its territory, the more greed-driven it is, the more disorderly the order is. The foundations will collapse, and the common people who stand on them will not be able to live.
The order and peace that is made up of grace and public service is that it is immediately disintegrating in one of the actions of the nobility.
And it is good to say that it is precisely the city with orange noises now, this city under the refuge of the Kingdom of Grandir, 'Anex', which is also in danger of doing so.
If I looked at the information gathered by Orange Sound and Nico and the information gathered by Leila with indifference, I could only say yes.
First of all, the nobleman who is a lord in this city is the Duke of Olba Fonnes.
He was a senior nobleman called the Fonnes and a nobleman who originally existed in the kingdom of Grandir, but was born in a powerful house there in military territory and has contributed to numerous countries during wars and aggressions.
But he made a little mistake during a certain war and was ordered to move from royalty to this city as atonement for it. He has been Lord of this city ever since.
By the way, the position of nobility, like that of the earth, has come from the higher ranks to the Duke, Marquis, Count, Viscount, and Baron.
That said, just because you are the Duke at the top, you cannot say that you have an official position - that is, a political role.
The title and official office are completely separate. Simply put, a title is like an individual's possible property, and an official position may be considered as the status of that territory.
- gossip (aside from that).
It seems that the Duke of Orba, from the common people, cannot be described as a good lord. I didn't listen to you when you said taxes were high, and I have had unscrupulous policies in the past. That has nothing to do with common aristocracy.
Capture whoever you didn't think you'd like, collapse a rebellious aristocratic home, or do whatever you want. Besides, it's cleverly rubbed off. Around where the royal family goes unnoticed, though it seems to be around.
"From what I hear, the people of the city don't have any good thoughts about the Duke of Olba, do they?"
"Besides, there's obviously something about the guy who was looking for Nico, and I don't think Nico's house was probably the only reason he collapsed because of unpaid taxes."
Based on that information, Orange Sound thought there might be a different reason why Nico's house collapsed.
On the face of it, the knights were on the move to capture him, but Nico's father was caught. The knights are still moving to capture even a young girl named Nico, regardless. The man who named himself a servant of that aristocratic house, as well.
"What's your harvest?
Orange noise asks for information that Leila and the others have gathered.
Then Leila stepped out of her body before Leishe could say anything.
"Yeah ♪ I've been collecting them properly! Anything, the knights don't seem to know the purpose of why they capture the kid there. I can feel it chasing young kids around, he said... maybe only know people like that Orba and the aristocrats close to it?
"Hmmm... then the line of unpaid taxes gets thinner and thinner. You don't have to keep your mouth shut."
"And it looks like the kid's father got caught, but he's still alive. ♪ You said he was hanging on interrogation and torture to make the kid throw up ♪"
I see, and the orange noise nods.
The fact that I was also able to confirm Nico's father's life and death, which I was concerned about, seemed to bring a little bright color back to Nico's expression.
But as far as Leila's story is concerned, the fact that she's hanging from interrogation torture would have really done nothing for her father. It would hurt your body somewhat if it were also torture, and it's not strange that they've taken one or two of the worst arms.
Speaking of what I want to hear until then, I guess it's still Nico's place. If you're going to Theory Street to see where you hid it or to whom you left it, you can be sure that the house where Nico's house interacted is being looked into.
"Nico's house is probably noble..."
"You're tough, you're tough."
"Mm, what?
"I gathered information, didn't I? Praise and praise ♡"
Leila snorted muffled and said so with a confident look, sparing the orange sound of spreading her thoughts. I have no heart or just a little bit of my face to the orange noise.
The orange noise looked at it and pointed Leila at her frightened eyes. But still, I wonder what no thanks are for gathering information for me, sighing and stroking my protruding head.
"Yes, yes, thank you, Leila"
"Ugh, uh-huh ♡"
It was a fairly cluttered stroke that sneezed and disturbed her white hair, but still Leila broke her sloppy, fuzzy look with a satisfying look. It's like a cat I've missed.
And Layla just says more praise, rubbing her head off of herself into the hand that strokes her head. I had the feeling that orange sounds were like marking.
"So, what are we going to do? Tough."
While doing so, Leishe opened her mouth as she glanced at Layla, who was in a good mood.
It also includes the meaning of moving on. Orange noise also figured that out, making the thought that had stopped at Leila's response work again.
"Right...... luckily Nico has her stature over here. Besides, we're adventurers, and from the other side, we're people in a position where it's okay to forcefully eliminate... and my face was found out over there - then there's a good chance that some kind of assassin will come from the other side without having to do anything."
"... oh"
"Do something about it, and I'll pay you back. The best thing you can do is not kill him, but retreat him."
Have such a conversation with Lieche as she leaves Leila to follow her sweetly to the orange noise.
Though I gathered information, I can't even do anything from here. Then it would be easier and best to wait for you to come out of the other side.
And if that assassin, be it belligerent, be it negotiating, can be returned and withdrawn, it will surely be transmitted up there.
If that happens, it's a fool's business to have an assassin equivalent to the first assassin. Unless the Duke of Olba is stupid enough to make the same mistake.
Eighteen or eighty-nine, there will come out a man of high standing close to that Duke of Olba... or someone of such strength as to serve as a caution stick. The best thing for the orange sounds is that the Duke of Olba is coming out.
"So first, to get rid of that first assassin... I'll focus on raising the level as much as I can. I haven't really understood the skills I've gained since I got my left eye back. Besides, Leishe and Leila aren't always together, and they can come at me when I'm alone, and I've never been able to increase my ability to fight at all."
"... I see. So what are we supposed to do? When the tough guy does, he stays in this city for the time being, right?
"Yeah, I want Leishe to go to the guild and come and get a request. Because there seems to be a guild in this city as well. Even so, I don't think I can sell any other materials as much as I ordered."
That's what the orange noise says, and gives instructions to the leachet as well.
The idea is to get a request from the Alliance and achieve it so that we can spend a little more money in the next city.
"Hmm...... right, ok"
When Liesche nods, he now drops his gaze toward Leila. Soon Leila, holding around her hips, had her eyes narrowed so comfortably that she was likely to fall asleep now.
"I want Leila to stay with Nico."
"Me and Leishe are leaving for a while with training and a request, so Leila wants you to escort Nico. Please, can't you?
"Hmm... good. ♪ When you get back from training, knee pillow again, okay?
"... Yes, yes, okay, okay. Thank you very much."
Orange sounds bitter again at Leila's snare. I kind of feel Layla's clamping has soared since that knee pillow.
Orange noise also thinks it's not good to leave Leila alone knowing that she has romantic feelings for herself but therefore doesn't do it for no reason, but doesn't know what those feelings are.
Soon, the time will come for Leila to know that. At that time, I didn't know if I and Leila would be as close as we are now.
"Then let's go with it. We don't know when the assassins are coming, and we don't know if they're coming, let's just do what we always do."
But now I'm talking about Nico.
That's what Orange Sound said, switching his mind.