I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
The bond between the two
When orange noise visited the mansion in the Kingdom of Luxhide and set up a battle against the ghost daughter, the brave men had already arrived in the Republic of Zigvelia, after spending the night.
And when orange sounds passed through the Lukeswaid kingdom, the braves ordered the production of weapons.
At present, the purpose of the brave men is to be strong for the Crusade of the Demon King... For this reason, "meet the orange noise and apologize for everything" is a priority.
For that reason, the brave men have now decided to be ready. Not as a brave man, but as a human being, as Serizawa... he decided to settle with the orange noise.
Is that why? * * He was now feeling that he would grow. I wonder if the difference in consciousness makes the world look different.
Honestly, it's not like I'm not feeling guilty about Lulu and Finia. If it's true, I'm thinking I should apologize right now. I also understand that this is not a dungeon. Still, he doesn't apologize to them, just in case you can forgive me - no, if you didn't forgive me, if they blamed me or beat me... * probably makes it easier. It makes it easier.
So he still doesn't apologize to them. I can't apologize, because it would be easier if I apologized.
The orange noise should still be sad, it should be hard, so it would make me feel better without the sole. I still can't get any easier. That's what I was thinking.
"So, Tight, do you know where the senior is?
"I don't know the exact position, but... apparently he's become quite famous among adventurers"
And now, they were gathering information on the orange sounds in the Adventurer's Guild of the Zigvelian Republic.
As a matter of fact, in the absence of orange noise, he has become a fairly well-known figure among the adventurers.
That would be true too, there are many reasons for that, to name but a few.
First, he appeared as an adventurer in Miniera, bringing into his company Leila Vermillion, then a C-rank adventurer.
Layla was routinely invited to a party because of her appearance, but she kept turning it down because of her personality. A lonely adventurer who looks beautiful, has strength, and hates partying… that's how many adventurers perceive Leila. A pompous new adventurer has easily drawn that into his peers - there can be no rumors.
In hindsight, it is customary among adventurers to call powerful adventurers' two names'. This is not particularly the guild's system, but someone somewhere just adds something like a street name to a powerful adventurer with admiration and respect.
This is what Leila was called according to that custom.
- "The Red Princess in Black Paint"
It's two names that I attributed to Leila's appearance, who had dark hair and red eyes at the time.
More importantly, Dran, who recently became one of us. He is no stranger to the powerful, either. He also has two names. A giant warrior who ran up to B-rank with hard work and skill.
- "Front Dance"
Contrary to its enormous body, it is so called because of its speed produced by technology. It's like cutting enemies apart as if they were flowing, as if they were fighting. He is certainly a man of strength among adventurers.
Layla and Doran, powerful adventurers who are certainly making a name for themselves among adventurers. An H-rank adventurer who drew it into his fellowship...... 'Tough'.
Though it feels exactly like riding the name value of Dolan and Leila, the name of Orange Sound is known to a number of adventurers without their knowledge.
That's why they were able to get information about the orange sounds through the adventurers.
"I heard that you are currently in the Kingdom of Luxhide. Probably headed from the kingdom of Grandir in a different direction from ours."
"I see... how far is it from here?
"Probably... about a week in the carriage"
Of the guilds, only Cecil and Cecil are on the table. Silfi, Sieg have both gone to the request, and Lulu and Finia have also gone out on another request. It's not that I couldn't think of an idea of whether I could set Lulu and Finia free, but I decided to believe Finia's word that I'd be back before sundown.
In the first place, it's not weird that you got away with it, or that you're to blame.
In the meantime, Cecil has gained information on orange sounds. I'm not sure about the rumor that I'm in the Kingdom of Luke's Hyde, but it would be information flowing from an adventurer who recommended the Kingdom of Luke's Hyde to Orange Sound in the Kingdom of Grandir.
Leila was still the only companion in the kingdom of Grandir, but the battle against the Apostle Stella and the battle against the brave spread the name of the orange noise. In fact, it is assumed that this information would be quite credible, given the fact that some witnesses have turned to the Luxhide Kingdom side.
It was only then that the orange noise was known to be "tough" on the matter.
"Even so, what is that?" The Red Princess of Black Paint "and" Front Dance "are adventurers...... strong?
"I don't know the details...... Both" Red Princess in Black Paint "and" Front Dance "are currently B-ranked together. Besides, it's C-rank, but he seems to be an adventurer who has crusaded the Demons, so it's probably pretty"
"Well... tough seniors, are you working with those people..."
As a matter of fact, although I've met Leila face to face, Leila didn't notice because she heard that Leila had dark hair. You'll see that Leila is the one who gets to know Leila well, but Leila has changed quite a bit from atmosphere to appearance now. You won't know it first at first sight.
"Hey Cecil... if I meet a tough senior, he'll kill me..."
"I hope we don't see each other."
"No, I'll see you..."
"If you, the brave one, die, who will defeat the Demon King?"
"No, I don't know... you have to apologize properly to get there, right? I can't give up there."
Aside from that, I look a little blue when I hear information about orange sounds. An orange noise with two similarly powerful people on their side is certain to resent themselves. If I showed my face from myself in that... it would definitely kill me. That should have hit me without getting my hair in. There is also the possibility that he will be killed in the darkness of Ningro.
I got a little scared. I know you did something that wouldn't be forgiven for dying, but you'd still be scared to die. If I can, I really want to live until I defeat the Demon King.
"What do you want to do? It will take about four or five days even for the craftsmen of Zigvelia, this industrialized country, to be able to do the weaponry… we have quite a few moments before we leave."
"Hmmm... it doesn't look like there are so many problems in this country, and basically there doesn't seem to be any contention... there aren't so many adventurers. This country doesn't have a king or anything..."
"Do you take the request?
Nevertheless, even if orange noise information is available, it takes a lot of time to leave. We're going to talk about what we're going to do in the meantime. Accepting the request would not allow other members to leave the country more than they were asking, and it was difficult to move inside as well.
"In the meantime, I'm training on my own at the training ground behind the guild."
"Really? I'll be with you."
But I can't believe you decided to brush yourself up in the time between.
◇ ◇ ◇
The black mood was running like a comet. That would have been such a mistake (...) at a glance by the adventurers.
- "Red Night".
But no. Sure, the red eyes are brilliant in that temper. But that's just one eye. Its speed, which runs at fierce speeds, was completely beyond human speed.
And most importantly, one thing is absolutely different from the former 'Red Night'.
Swinging around, signs of death. It's such an illusion that the sickle of death is accompanied by a neck, a direct eagle at the heart, that it will later die with just a little bounce.
All the warcraft who were in the passage of that angry comet flee frightened. Even if he can't see the comet of Qi, he runs away to escape from death.
After the comet passed, the grass that was on the ground had disappeared. The brown ground is peeled out. This is the result of all grasshoppers being 'converted' by Qi Qi. Sole stirs up more fear of the surroundings.
All you can be in a comet of temper is orange noise, more than Leila being caught in that haunted mansion. I don't know why the orange noise is running like this... that's because I remembered what Leila was like when she first ran into her.
"I knew it... this state, if it's going to work in a straight line, it's pretty fast"
The orange noise squeaks.
If you try it, this condition halves the air resistance by wrapping it around, and you can also grasp the surrounding space, and by creating a diagonal scaffold when kicking the ground, you can kick it out with the force of your entire foot. So I can run considerably faster than normal.
But only when you run through it in a straight line. If you try to make complicated movements, your manoeuvre drops gushingly as soon as possible.
More importantly, there is a rather heavy risk to this condition.
"- Huh...! I knew it wouldn't last long... I had to take a break..."
I had a headache and the orange noise distorted my expression. The red eyes of my left eye shine worse than usual. Soon after his consciousness faded, the orange noise scratched off his temper.
"Ha... ha..."
I took a rough breath and the orange noise squeaked and scratched my head.
The risk of this condition is the disappearance of the self. As Leila once was, in this state, her self disappears step by step. Simply put, you start acting as your instincts go. Leila, who was a Demon, was eating up creatures, but I don't know what would happen in the case of orange sounds.
Therefore, I cannot stay in that state for long periods of time. You won't even be able to use it for combat, and I'm using it now because I'm really in a hurry. The orange noise stays in this state while remaining rational for about 30 minutes. I suppose the high tolerance value is also involved, but I can't think more gradually.
It traveled fast, but it was still a slightly overloaded move.
"Phew... It's good to try to remember Leila, but she might be a little harsh..."
If you want to name it, it should be called "Genome Confusion", but if you continue to use it continuously, you will also be somewhat exhausted. You're about to lose yourself, so I guess that's natural.
The orange noise stays activated 'creepy physique' and sits on the ground for a moment to rest. In this condition, the Warcraft does not come by, and even if it strikes, it is a highly resistant orange noise, against which there is no damage.
"... su... ha... it's still a long way to the Zigvelian Republic... something like this reminds me of when I was going through the woods for a mini ella..."
Whimpering, the orange noise looked ahead.
"All right... do you want to go then"
The break is there, too, and the orange noise rises. High tolerance orange sounds have different resilience in the first place. Although the healing power of wounds is the main thing, the rate of recovery of fatigue is higher than that of people. Although it is not out of standard, if you are exhausted to the full extent of your disease, you can get back on your feet immediately. In the case of combat, it takes as long as a person.
And now he runs out normally without using "The Genome Confusion". Lower muscle strength values can run as fast as carriages. You have a higher agility value in the first place, so if you have someone with the same muscle strength value, you can move faster than that person. Well, I can't deny the movement is amateur.
"I'm coming now, Finia......!
Whimpering, Orange Sound made the power to kick the ground, stronger.
◇ ◇ ◇
"What's up? Dear Finia,"
"............... Mr. Tight?
"No... it's nothing. Achieve the request quickly!
At the time the orange noise was rushing beneath the finers... Finia felt signs of an orange noise somehow.
But Lulu has a decent look on his face, and he says so while he thinks it must be his fault.
But if, maybe - I felt clear enough to think so. Signs of nostalgia and gentle creepiness.
"Mr. Tight... Pick me up soon..."
With a small voice that didn't sound like Lulu, Finia muttered so.
No matter how far away you are, orange noise and finia...... the bond between the two is
- Not even a little bit has changed.