I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
Threats coming at Zigvelia
- The story of seeing a black comet had been passed on to various places, mainly in the Republic of Zigvelia.
- The story of being struck by white thunderstorms had likewise been passed from the Republic of Zigvelia to various places.
The white and black demons appeared abruptly. The difference between these two demons is the difference between the victimized beings (things). Black terrorizes only the Warcraft, and White kills those who stand in their way irrelevant to man and the Demon tribe. Nevertheless, it was suspected that either way the existence of these two demons might be a new demon tribe.
Is the Black Devil a presence called 'Red Night' or something similar?
Isn't the white devil a new species of demon not found in previous history?
Such rumors are being transmitted from Zigvelia to Grandir, Luxhide and another country.
But the problem is that those two demons are approaching the Republic of Zigvelia at the same time…
The Republic of Zigvelia, an industrial state specializing in creating objects that make it an industrial city and go to the cutting edge of weapons making. All of the craftsmen in that country are first-class… that's a country with enough talent to make history famous, and enough talent to call it promising in the future.
The adventurers will all visit this country if they rise to the middle ranks and order weapons worthy of themselves. Then, the weapon can be used, and a talented adventurer can step into the outer realm (S-rank).
So many quality weapons craftsmen. It also greatly affects military supplies in various countries, as well as adventurers and knights, when it comes to weapons.
In other words, the collapse of this country is… to lose the craftsmen who are responsible for the bulk of humanity's weapons. In that case, sooner or later, mankind will not be able to beat the Demons and the Warcraft. And in the end, many humans will be destroyed by warcraft and demons. Or you'll live a life like garbage treated like livestock.
That's why
Countries moved to the emergence of this black and white demon.
The kingdoms of Grandir, Miniera and Luxhide put their forces into the defence of Zigvelia by all nations.
This country, the Republic, has a treaty whereby instead of waving its weapons manufacturing technology to every country, other countries will protect their own crisis without force. So many countries move to the point that Zigvelia will be in crisis with these black and white demons.
Besides, you put in the highest power (...) of those countries.
Yes, I mean - more adventurers and knights than A-rank.
"... what is it?
Currently based on that story. That black demon Ten Himself, Tsubaki Orange Sound was very confusing.
Because when they finally arrived in the Republic of Zigvelia with their thoughts while using the "Genome Confusion", a large number of adventurers were pointing their blades at the orange noise in a state of imminent war before the gates to enter the Republic of Zigvelia.
That number is roughly over 100. It brings together the most powerful people in every country right now. Perhaps we can't work together. The individual powers are enormous. With this number, it would be possible to defeat even the A-ranked Demons.
The orange noise, for now, relieves the temper that was wrapped around his body. And I showed that. Then the strong men guarding the gate intensified their vigilance.
Well, the Demons are all human shapes. Like Leila, there are many demons who look like humans. He was disguised when he fought, but so was the Demon King. You won't be able to lift your guard.
Then came out of the ranks of the mighty ones (Reid) … on behalf of one adventurer. Probably the strongest of those.
"- If you're intelligent, let me ask you an answer. What are you doing here, Black Devil?"
Poking a sword with a pale brilliance, the man who came out said so.
But even if they say that, orange sounds honestly don't make sense. Who are you talking about, the black devil? Though such an idea came to mind and I looked around for a moment, I still just knew the reality that there was no such thing as being said on this occasion other than myself.
And give it a rough idea with a little thought.
(Could someone have seen me in "Genome Confusion"? So, the black devil? Well, to be honest, 'creepy physique' stirred up my fears... maybe they thought I was a demon or something?)
Well, it was a hit.
Nevertheless, the inquiry of the man who came forward is also a matter of wondering how to answer. Even if they say they're human, they won't be easy little people to believe. But even though it's only Alicia's guess that we can't break through here, we can't meet the brave men who could be in the kingdom of Zigvelia.
What to do when - …….
"... can't you answer that? If you're a Demon, is your intelligence a high probability?
"Hmm... sorry. I'm human."
"You think you can believe me if they say that?
"Haha, I don't think so. But, honestly, you're right."
"... but there's no proof you're not a Demon, is there? Well, that sign of yours… I don't think it belongs to humans"
Why do you always treat me like an outsider? And with an inner thought, the orange noise scratches his head. I sighed and figured out how you could believe me.
Words don't make you believe me. I don't even have a weapon to throw away. Even bare hands are suspected of having skilled weapons. Whatever you think, I couldn't think of a way to do it in a calm way.
So the orange noise abandoned the convenient way.
"Then let's risk my life."
Make them believe in a way that's not convenient - that is, they decided to make them believe by risking their lives.
When the orange noise said so, all the fierce gathered up, starting with the representative man who came forward. Because the orange noise came floating by, one step closer, one step closer, and closer without weapons or anything.
The representative man urges you to stop, but the orange noise doesn't stop.
But the orange noise further moves forward.
It's full of gaps, it's not distracting, and it's not activated 'Spooky Physique'. With such a really round waist, the orange noise moves forward without fear.
But the adventurers, on the contrary, thought such an orange noise was creepy. The vigilance went up every step of the orange noise… when the orange noise really approached me, I was in a position where everyone could attack.
"... I'm human"
That's what the orange noise says, letting him step into the sight of the representative man and stick the sword tip of his sword down his own throat. If the man applied just a little more force, the orange noise's throat would be pierced. So much distance. Perhaps few can fight back from the A-rank Demon Nation and the situation.
Still, I approached myself until I was in this state. I risked my own life to make him believe he was human.
How many of you can do it?
"... let me ask you one thing, if you're human... who the hell are you?
That's what he says and asks, poking his sword tip at the orange noise throat.
Then, I take out my guild card just to show you the orange noise. And I introduced myself again. As usual, with a thin laugh.
"My name's tough, I'm an H-rank adventurer."
To introduce themselves, the fierce became noisy.
It's that 'tough' thing right in front of you. A heretical adventurer who has drawn the black painted Red Princess (Leila) and Front Dance (Doran) to his companions, revealing his mechanical and headlines while being H-ranked.
Or some of these gathered fierce men knew the orange noise. Vais Lumiera, head of the Knights of Miniera. Yes, Leishe's father. When I saw the orange noise, blah, blah. He was surprised. Because he was a tough guy, the adventurer who took Liesche.
From him, who knows he's not a demon, he's the only one, he should have defended himself, but he didn't. The reason is because I wanted to know how much of a man the orange noise is now.
The results are:
"Huh... it's not what it was back then"
It was more than I imagined. The unknown remains the same. But the courage was vastly beyond the normal human realm.
Win trust by risking your own life, the courage to risk your own life if you need it. And the spiritual power of being bladed by all these powerful men and being able to float with a thin laugh. More importantly, stand and behave differently.
When we first met, we were as fragile as humans, although we were creepy beings like Reapers. But how about now - you look exactly like a monster without support when it comes to reapers.
Weiss laughs dandy and fun and, unlike his surroundings, has already laid his sword on his sheath. Although I rushed to hear of the crisis in Zigvelia, I would decide that there would apparently be no crisis if this were to happen.
And that was apparently the same with the man in the rep...
"Hmm, Cheng Cheng... good, apparently the guild cards are real too. I'm sorry."
That's what I said and drew my sword. When he laid his sword on the sheath, the fierce men behind him also laid down their weapons.
"Fine, I don't care. I just want to ask you, don't I look so human?
And Orange Sound says so even though the tip of the sword is a little relieved away from itself. Honestly, I'm getting a little nervous with all the people who treat orange noise outdoors, such as Dolan, this representative guy, starting with Weiss.
As for the orange noise, I don't remember stopping you from being human. They don't expose you to being treated like an outsider.
Or would you be rude, calling people monsters? With that in mind, he sighs uncomfortably.
"Let's apologize for that. I've never seen anyone like you in minutes."
"Well, that's good, won't you dare let me through there? I came to this country to find people."
"Well... then let me just ask you one last thing"
That's what a man says when an orange noise tries to pass beside a man. To the words, the orange noise stopped his legs and tilted his neck. Orange sounds themselves showed that orange sounds are human beings. So my guard against orange noise has already faded.
But the man and the fierce ones behind him were again different from orange sounds, and his vigilance for something else didn't seem to fade shards either.
An orange noise surprised Sole waits for the man to ask.
"We are you - that is, a being called the Black Devil and one more thing. These are the powerful men sent against the White Devil."
"White... demon hey..."
You're not Apostle Sole, are you? Though, the orange noise deflects his gaze. I felt too familiar to say anything.
But the orange noise opens its mouth, wondering if there's any reason not to say it.
And -...
"Found it, boy"
- That voice hung from the rear before releasing the word.