I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
Uses starting to move
"Mary, do you know what a ghost is?
"Yulai? What's that? Is that the name of the item or something from the sound of the words?
"No, it's fine if you don't know. Because it's like I'm paranoid."
Now that we've finished our conversation with Mary, we were leaving the inn for that haunted mansion.
Along the way, I continue to have insignificant conversations to explore the purpose of Mary, who is still unknown. Both Finia and Lulu were listening to my conversation with Mary.
I told Finia I was trying to sneak up on Mary's purpose, and I let Finia pass it on to Lulu. Therefore, Finia is sitting on Lulu's shoulder now.
So the first question I asked was if she knew the concept of 'ghost'. I didn't know the result. My senses say she's not lying, so I guess she really doesn't know.
Then she doesn't see that ghost daughter. You'll naturally see Leila and the others, but let's just be good because her presence as my enemy is unpretentious.
Mary is in a good mood walking in front of my right diagonal. Platinum hair reflected the sun's rays to reveal a silky golden color, adding to the innocent smile.
He was about my shoulder height, and the hem and sleeves of his shaker coat swayed like a dance. Strength man. Position and trunk are therefore firm, so the sleeves and hem will also move constantly and beautifully.
"Hmmm...... well good! By the way, you... um, this one's a little distant... yeah! I'm going to call you Tight!
"Whatever you want"
"Tight", huh? Kind of tongueless, bad slippery tongue, hard to say, kind of a way to call it all plain pseudonymous, but okay. Leila's a tough one, too.
"What are you going to do to that mansion?
The question from her was, that's what happened. Speaking of which, I asked her what she was going to do, but she didn't say what I was up to. But she properly stated her tentative initial purpose, albeit a lie. Then I would be obliged to speak my purpose properly, too.
Well, I'll give it back to you for lying. There was something about Alicia, and let me use it.
"I had an interaction with the princess of this country, and she asked me to do a little research because that mansion is part of the country. Not a favor, but a favor as a friend."
"Heh! The boulders are 'tough', it's amazing the princess has a handout!
"Well, that's why. I approached you to see if it would hinder our investigation."
Negative. What a gavel, she seems satisfied with my answer, and Mary skips again in a good mood and seems to sing out her nose.
There have been fewer signs of people around because of the approaching mansion. I've been there about twice already, so I know there aren't many people around here.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The rotten smell of the mansion drifts all the way here, so I don't know what else to do.
Remaining silent for a while, all I could hear was a nose song sung by Mary along the way.
"Mr. Tight...... what are you going to do with that kid?
"Well... I don't know if I need to talk to the ghost... but Mary's presence is in the way to compete."
"But you'll find out about Leila and the others, won't you? Are you sure?"
"That's what it is."
Then Finia, who flew out of Lulu's shoulder and moved in, walked into the face of my head and talked to me.
The story is about Mary. She can't see a ghost more than she doesn't know the concept of a ghost. I mean, ghosts and I can talk to her in hiding. We don't have to panic any more than we have a one-month limit... we just have to talk to ghosts and get through Mary.
The party's just for when we go to the mansion today. If you do it just once, that's fine.
"Ah! I'm the example of the mansion, right?
"Yeah... that's right"
And we came to that haunted mansion. In my case, it's back... is it?
◇ ◇ ◇
The gates of the mansion were opened only if they did not reject those who had come before as well. A mansion wrapped in spooky mist, a haunted mansion standing atop a decaying ground, and a mansion inhabited by the first queen.
We walked through that rusty gate without being afraid of its creepiness. makes a noise and the gate closes. Mary looked back at the gate closed on her own and alerted herself to her surroundings. I guess you're thinking about that, whether there's someone, a warcraft, or another demonic dispute called the undead.
But her identity is an invisible enemy, called a ghost she cannot perceive.
Oh, come to think of it, she's also a human and intelligent opponent, and classified as belonging to the Demon Nation? Or like the Beast Man, will it be classified as subhuman? Spiritualists, like?
Either way, it's not strange to be told what a ghost demon is. Besides, I take the S-ranked (viral) Demon clan in my hand with the same Demon clan... if I'm a Demon clan, I'm sure it's top notch.
Mary, looking around for a while, tilted her neck, making sure no one was there. Well, no matter how good she was at S-rank, she would have no choice but to be an unrecognizable opponent. In the sixth sense, you may be feeling some kind of creepy sign, but you still can't find someone you can't perceive or touch to scratch.
"I'm coming, Mary"
"Um, I thought you were here."
Mary follows my call to lead by with a still uninterrupted look. Lulu and Finia weren't so surprised because I was talking about ghosts beforehand, but they're still stunned when they actually experience them. I know you can't help but be surprised because there's no sign of it, and the gate just closed all by itself.
As it turned out, I was the one who knew the ghost best, and Mary was the one who was going to walk in the back. It didn't happen naturally, though, did it?
And when I got to the front of the mansion, I... made a dull and unpleasant noise, opening the heavy door. The slightly warm, dusty wind slipped through our skin.
Stepping into the entrance hall that spread inside, the leashes were asleep on the dance floor of the stairs, just like a week and a little while ago. Because you don't look thin, maybe that ghost distracted you and nourished you for not interfering with your life activities. I don't know how I gave it to you.
In front of me stepping in, a ghost appeared with her tongue out in an upside down state. I get a little irritated when I get my long sleeve swayed in front of me with a flicker to hide my hands. The same dead eyes, laughing delightfully.
But I glanced back, indulging in the desire to react. Lulu and Finia wander their gaze slightly as they look inside the mansion, and Mary is also checking the front door. I guess I'm also checking to see if that door closes on its own.
A ghost followed my gaze and looked behind me. Then, my lips are pointed and I become a gyto-eye. I'm super scared of jito eyes and stuff with dead eyes. It makes me feel awesome and blamed.
"Hmm, I brought you a new girl? Fuhihihihi, and they're all toddlers! Maybe that kind of hobby?
It's not true, idiot. I didn't put it into words, and I appealed to her like that with my gaze.
"Yeah, yeah... well, I generally guessed the situation. ♪ So, what's the situation?
This guy's not good at all.
"Tight, huh? What's the matter with you?
"Mmm, nothing."
"Really? But there's nothing in this mansion."
Hmm? That's weird, if Mary's in position, you must be seeing the leashes... no response?
Surprisingly, I saw a ghost. I send a gaze to ask why, pointing my fingers at the leashes so they don't look like Mary.
Then the ghost, oh! and he explained with a pompous slap of a hidden hand on his sleeve and a laugh at Kerakera.
"Fuhihihihi... I didn't do anything. I just made sure I didn't know the concept of a ghost like you."
Well, that's convenient. But doesn't that mean Leila and the others have become ghosts? Not dead, Sole? I'm a little nervous. Well, it's a promise you won't get your hands on, so you're still alive, but what reason is it that makes you invisible?
Though, if you don't look like Mary, it's convenient for me right now. I hope you somehow look at the mansion as it is and finish what you just do, whatever your purpose is, and leave as it is.
But things don't seem to go so well.
"Nobody's here."
"Yeah, you are. Well, it's a place nobody wants to come, and I think it's proof that there was no sign of people around."
"I'm here, but hey, I'm here! Fuhihihihihi! Ahahahahahaha! '
Don't give me a loud, tall laugh.
- Then is it time?
That's when... I heard that voice.
"Is that it? Did you take it out?
For a moment, I jumped off the scene and stumbled through the place where I was until earlier.
And the presence that did the sole gently leaks like that. Its existence had dramatically changed its appearance. The figure that was supposed to be human had transformed into a very different figure from human. From its body, it emitted sun-like light… and over its head there was a circle of light that floated, even though there was no light source.
Above all, pure white wings stand out over the large, spreading white of its back. The way it looks -...!
Honestly, I thought it was suspicious... and I was wondering what it was for... right, you know what?
If you think about her words, it's not weird to be here. Aside from her, she herself made it clear that she was there.
Even so, you said you'd show up at this time? Read the air, she was an enemy... but she was a good air reader.
"... your purpose - was it me"
Her purpose was me.
A white girl already said... when she 'purifies' me, she said it was the sole purpose.
Then, feathering pure white feathers with a white glow and floating in the air like a ghost, she smiles innocently as she looks down at me. A vicious, innocent smile. Platinum (platinum) colored hair is illuminated by a circle of light floating overhead, sparkling.
Listen to my words and tell her - Mary not to get hurt.
"- Nice to meet you, I'm # 6 in the sequence" Angel "...... My name is Mary, nice to meet you!
She (Stella) named herself "The Apostle", one of the beings who was in the back. "Angel," Mary... one of the organizations whose purpose was to bury God has once again appeared before me.
The figure is exactly what it is, the angel itself. Unlike Stella, her overwhelming innocence has made her fangs peel with a vicious sense of intimidation.
And then she went on... like this.
"I will destroy you for the sake of the world!