I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
Starfire Plains
"Wop!? Mm-hmm! You're going to use your weird powers just now!
The orange noise asked the ghost to create a gap in Angel Mary. Everything she does is not recognised by Mary. Thus, if attacked by a ghost or subjected to some act of obstruction, Mary mistakenly identifies all of it as' some power 'with an orange sound.
At that time, because of the lack of commonality in orange noise action, I think Mary is setting a trap between movements, but it is still more than a misidentification, so I can't discern the imaginary measures ahead of me.
Sole is the aim of orange noise. Use the fact that Mary doesn't see ghosts to create gaps. This fact remains the same, even if orange noise has now explained to Mary about ghosts. Only if you know the concept of a ghost and understand it properly. Sole is no better than being born into this world.
"Here it is!
I don't know how, but the ghost stuck behind the orange noise until earlier, and now it's stuck perfectly on Mary's back and won't leave. In that condition, she hit Mary in the face with the dust and ashes that were rolling on the floor of the mansion.
It gets to the point of nocturnal sight, and the orange noise closes in on Mary with that gap.
But not to that extent with Mary.
"Oh, that's sweet!
He reacted instantly and tried to beat the white wings to an orange sound.
"Haha, that's sweeter"
But the aim of orange noise lies ahead. Recirculate the wing with its tolerance value and beat that fist into Mary with a counter.
"Fortress Brow"
Make it the strongest and greatest move of orange sounds and arguably the top power in the world. Like the Apostle, you won't just be sorry if you eat with Mary. Even hardened wings have limits to the power they can withstand.
Wings were diverted, to the impending fist...... Mary felt 'death' not saying whether or not.
If you hit it, you'll die... killed by a toy... and to that feeling, Mary did everything she could to wing it. Orange sounded fists and rose heavily into the sky. Because it was an aggressive decision, she ran away from the orange noise... but it would have been the best decision for her to make.
"... interesting Good, good! A little rebellious would be just fine!
"I'd rather be honest and pure."
"Haha, you can make him my pet as long as it doesn't break because you like it tough, okay?
"You must be honest and purely broken."
To Mary's words to Orange Sound's words, Orange Sound said so with cold eyes.
Then he kicks the ground again, and the orange noise approaches Mary. At the same time, Lulu, who was waiting, kicked the ground towards Mary. Orange sounds and lulls bouncing up towards Mary in the air, like pinching, but naturally Mary succeeds in creating a gap between the orange sounds by descending directly below.
"Here -" Rugged Ascension Dragon "!"
The magic of light is worked up in Mary's hand, and a dragon of light made of magic towards the orange noise and lululu that jumped directly above her approaches the sky. There is no better way to deflect this attack than by not being able to change direction in the air...... but there is a way for orange noise to do so.
A scaffold was made in the air with air and kicked further into the sky towards Lulu. Accelerating in the air, the orange noise takes off from the air while holding the coming lull. Moment after moment, the rising dragon of light went through the back where the orange noise passed.
Mary laughs innocently again, as she is stunned that the orange noise stunned her. It seems to be the type of game you can enjoy as hard as it is.
The rising dragon of light struck through the ceiling of the mansion so that the sky could be seen from within the mansion. The fog that was covering the outside poured in, accelerating the creeps in the mansion. And the orange noise lands with a lull.
"Let me go!
Then, at the same time as the landing, the orange noise called Finia's name. I didn't give you any instructions, but Finia knew exactly what she wanted me to do with the orange noise.
Towards Mary, who was gazing at the orange sounds, Finia used her skills' Fast Manoeuvre 'and' Reinforced Thoughts' to knock her body around, not a move or anything...
If magic doesn't work, it's more effective to hit your body with skill support than any other magic Finia has.
"Ha-ha-ha... this!
Mary, who ate a body hit on her back, broke her body as she leaned back, but waved her hands around to quickly shake off Finia. But Finia scolded it to pass under Mary's crotch.
In addition, orange noises chase there. At the moment it hit Finia's body, she had activated "Genome Confusion," and stepped under Mary in a straight line. As soon as Finia passed under Mary's crotch, Orange Sound slammed her fist into the back of Mary's head by releasing "Qi Run" Genome Confusion ".
"Fuhihihihi ♪ Haunted prank ~... Fuhihihihi!
Mary tried to jab an orange sound fist, but the ghost inhibits its behavior. For some reason, he floated the waste material he had left in the air and hit Mary with momentum. Mary, disfigured by the shock, was to receive a decent orange sound fist.
"Haha! I've never seen someone so annoying!
It's not a "Fortress Brow" attack, it's also a low-muscle orange attack. Perhaps before the defense improved by Mary's magic, Orange Sound's normal attack didn't work.
Probably the best opponent ever, after orange noise, in terms of skill-inclusive defense. I don't know about the future.
'What are you going to do? This kid doesn't work with magic or skills, but he doesn't seem to work with physical attacks, either, does he? Heh heh heh... heh heh heh! With you, with this girl... funny "'
"Shut up......"
To the words of the ghost, the orange noise thinks with his lips pointed. Again, almost all attacks do not work without the increased effect of Attack by "Fortress Blow" or "God of God (Risk)".
If you can even achieve the condition that Lulu's slaughter can also be hit as a place to slash, you'll be able to do damage there, but it's still hard to hit it.
Though I said I would punish you, Orange Sound can't think of a way to break this situation with my current strength. In addition to Mary's unsightly speed of manoeuvre, she has a tremendous defense, more magic than she thinks is inexhaustible, and the unknown "force of slaughter" that she still hides... one step short of breaking through.
"... Dear Tough Guy"
"Hmm...... Lulu? What's the matter, man?
"No, next attack...... why don't you let me go?
To the orange sound of thinking, Lulu approached and said so. Understand that the orange noise is not saying without thought to Lulu's eyes, which had been a little surprised and shifted his gaze.
Orange noise just put his hand on Lulu's head as he looked up, wondering if he had any ideas. I look to Mary, stroking her abusively.
"Yeah... that face, you got any ideas?
"... yes, no certainty..."
"Fine... what am I supposed to do?
"Make as many gaps as I can attack."
Copy that, you can do whatever you want. That's what orange sounds like, creating a knife of temper. Ripping Mary's skin is an unrivaled blade, but her life is lulu... so what orange noise does is create a gap in Mary. Then just use it as a knife and a hand tag.
As Lulu erected his little sword, the orange noise rushed out towards Mary. Tell the ghost to create a gap again, and flesh to break Mary's posture with Finia.
Orange sounds throw an angry knife at Mary, accelerating with "Angry Run" Genome Confusion. It created a scaffold of temper, and the orange noise jumped over Mary's head. Moment after moment, Finia uses simple light magic that produces just a flash to make an eye for Mary.
Orange noise slaps a kick on its flank as it lands near Mary, who has been stripped of her sight by a flash of dawn. It doesn't seem to work very well, but I throw Mary by judo guidelines somewhat where my body wobbles. What lies ahead is Lulu, who said earlier that he wanted me to do it.
Mary trying to stop the movement in the air with her wings flapping, but she couldn't stop in front of Lulu.
"..." Starfire Plains "!!
Lulu activated another 'unique skill'. Not that I've figured out the effect...... but Lulu somehow made some assumptions about the effect of this skill in this fight.
Feel more and more sharpened in battle. This is not just a matter of concentration. I see that there are elements other than concentration.
That's this unique skill… 'Starfire Plains'.
Lulu pulls out his little sword and makes his brown eyes shine like a scorching sun. Lulu's name, eyes that embodied the 'Sun (Soleil)', captured Mary's wings.
"Your sword couldn't hurt me, could it? No use - nah!?
Sword to be wielded. That was even faster and sharper than any slaughter of the former Lulu.
Yes, that's it - enough to rip Mary's wings off.
"Huh... Huh...!"
For the first time, Mary distorted her expression to pain, but her white wing had a linear knife wound. A few slashed feathers fall to the ground flickering. I can't seem to cut off the wings, but it's important that they're scratched.
Lulu puts his strength into the hand holding the little sword as he takes distance from Mary in the backstep. And convinced, what is the effect of this skill?
This skill, "Starfire Plains" … is probably the type of skill that improves one's own abilities.
So to speak, a power similar to Orange Sound's "God of Risk". Overall, Lulu was able to slash Mary's wings because of her ability to improve her talent.
"Don't look sweet...... its wings next, I'll chop them off"
"~ ~ ~ ~! Funny! Good, good! I knew it was funny! The tough ones!
Mary, stared into her eyes like Lulu's scorching sun, said so with an innocent laugh.