I know what you're trying to say. Fight me now, but if you see me holding my fist, that's how I feel. I've been eating deposits and putting up with her, her willingness to fight is already on the verge of exploding - no, it's already overflowing. So much hegemony and intimidation that I think you're shaking the ground lightly, if you're a regular person, you'll just be barometric and faint facing each other.
Orange noise sees the thing that her fist was a smashed rich, and understands that her consciousness has no more rich in it. Her orange eyes only show orange noises anymore.
Orange sounds activate 'creepy physique' for now by looking at her fists like that. She makes a garlic and grin at the intimidation of the reaper emanating from the orange noise. Apparently, I felt signs of a strong man from the orange noise intimidation. I like it, that would be the right thing to say.
Orange eyes intersect with iridescent eyes. A girl holding her fist and a boy twirling a pitch-black stick to create a blade. It was activated by 'The Martial God (Myolnil)'. Perhaps - no, because surely in 'Sick God (Dorothy)' it loses its power, and 'Reaper (Pruitt)' knows that fist will beat itself before the blade hits it.
The first blow always defeats the moment you launch an attack other than 'Myolnir'.
Jiri, and the girl put her leg forward a little while. Zari, and the boy lowered his legs one step back. We stood half-hearted from each other, but there is a clear indication of a huge difference between the girl and the boy at this point. It means the girl has no gaps and the boy is full of gaps. I'm not deliberately inviting an attack there to make a gap...... the boy was full of gaps in the true sense.
Therefore, the girl lowers her rating on the boy by one. But still, being S-ranked means you have a lot of strength. It will be full of gaps, but there will be no alarm or insult to strength appreciated as strong.
She is a lion. The lion does everything in her power to bring down the raven... if she could shake her strongest, no matter how weak the orange noise was - smash it with all her might.
Both at the same time, kicked the ground.
Orange sounds activate demonic eyes and align their body movements with foresight footage. At the earliest, the foresight footage and the girl's movements were almost simultaneous - the orange noise activated the demonic eye to at least capture the movement alone. And shake it off to match its mighty blade against the impending fist.
If you didn't have the demon eye, you couldn't see the speed. But fists and blades that collided because they had demonic eyes.
Nothing has prevented a girl from fisting since she took her strongest seat. Undefeated, that's why you're the strongest. That fist has never been defeated before.
But now at this moment the orange noise resists that fist. Take your own strongest blow and fight it. Collision, impact and impact. Boom, that's raw and warm. The sound that existed on the spot disappeared after the earliest huge sound. Everyone on the spot's ears temporarily shut down the function to the sound of an extra explosion.
Visiting silence, but shockwaves constantly destroy the surroundings. Originally, with the blow of "Myolnir" and the girl's fist to the ceiling, the cave was hunted down until just before it collapsed. The cave collapses with the addition of explosive shock waves, which resulted from the collision of the two.
The ground breaks, the ceiling collapses, and the road fills. In a world without sound, shockwaves swallow everything. The leashes and drans were moving their bodies in that shockwave. With a thumping hail and shockwave of pain, Doran runs in the shape of a hug Lulu originally carrying on his back, and Leishe, Leila and Finia each rush down a still safe passage that collapses to lead Doran.
And the real people...
- Huh... Huh...!
- Huh...!
In a world without sound, it showed a clear form of victory or defeat.
It was the orange noise that beat and lost.
The blow of "Myolnir", which shook off with maximum power, defeated before her fist. Collisions between shock waves resulted in smaller shock waves being swallowed up by larger shock waves. And the orange noise was blown away by the excess power. Rolling vigorously down the ground like a bounce, the orange noise destroys the walls of the collapsing cave and erases its appearance into the earth mass.
Conversely, when the strongest girl grabbed her fist and gutted poses by beating her, she ran along the path taken by the Phineers with satisfaction, already blocked but blown with her fist. Only one fight... but only one hit took the win or loss. Just one blow was enough.
The result is historically...... orange noise lost and girl won.
That's all we're talking about. And in a world where the sound came back, the cave completely collapsed.
Outside the cave. The finers who escaped safely understand that the orange noise was defeated due to the absence of an orange noise and the appearance of an orange girl. And in view of the complete collapse of the cave and the fact that no orange noise has emerged, the Phineers immediately begin to dig back into the blocked cave.
Leila's temper stitches through the gaps in the ground to look for orange sounds, but the place where the orange sounds and mightiest fought originally was quite deep and wide in this cave. unlikely to be found.
But the Phineers use magic, skills and flesh to dig back into the ground. I mean orange noise, so I wouldn't be dead... but no, I might be losing my worst temper because I got the strongest fist. If you were heavily injured on top of that, you could die of a lot of bleeding before activating 'Primary Crossing'. However high the resistance value and high self-resilience, the ability value that can be exerted is greatly reduced if it is passed out.
Still, it would boast a high tolerance value, but it's not always safe to be sure.
"Mr. Tight......!
Finia scrapes the soil with a light magic demon bullet, but I still can't find it. Although Layla also has the usual loose look on her face, the cold sweat conveys its cheeks. Doran and Liesche are manual labourers, digging with their hands. Lulu searches for orange sounds with their sense of smell, but it doesn't seem very fragrant if they are scratched off by the smell of dirt.
The mightiest look at the finers like that, and make a stretch. And you feel a little responsible because this is what's happening because of you, and I'll help the Dorans. Ha ha ha ha! and a blocked cave that is dug forward with tremendous momentum, but no orange noise emerges.
It suffocates before all the damage. The finers were experiencing a great deal of impatience.
◇ ◇ ◇
Around that time. Orange noise, on the other hand, wasn't actually choking. On the contrary, it has not been buried alive and has not lost consciousness. Well, the damage was deep, but the wound itself has already disappeared in 'Beginning Heart Crossing'.
I don't know why he was safe, it's nothing more than that there was another space ahead of him being busted. Even in the shock waves there, the space was preserved, so the orange noise was never crushed.
Narrow, but still falling in a calm space, the orange noise was sighing loudly. The ceiling is the same cave, and there is nothing special around it, but still, this space alone cannot be spared from collapse. Orange noise wakes the upper body.
Then a voice hung there.
"... I didn't think you'd come in here."
"... Rich"
"Oh yeah. As I said earlier, it was my Shadow Man who died earlier."
Well, I guess so, I thought orange noise. He can't expose himself to someone he knows is a smart, deliberately losing battle, even if he misses it. Being a ten and eighty-nine influence fighter, orange noise is also much as expected.
Rich was alive. And I'm not going to fight, then I'm not going to force orange noise to fight either. If you won't make an undead around here, the orange noise isn't persistent enough to interfere with him moving to the margins either.
"Ma, no... I want to get out of the cave, can you?
"Oh, it's cheap. With metastatic magic, it's easy."
Magic is worked out of Rich's hands that said so, and the magic formation of the metastasis is created blurry. If you go in there, you can go outside, and Rich points to the magic formation with his white bone jaw.
Was the orange noise tired, walked towards its transition formation without saying anything more, and stepped into the magic formation. And at the moment of transition, I turn my gaze toward Rich.
Noticing that gaze, Rich laughed and said with a callous smile at the orange noise.
"It's true about the earlier story... it's just that I'm talking about all the disadvantages... the title also has its proper advantages. You shouldn't be too pessimistic."
"... well, thank you for taking it."
"Well, I don't want to see you again, if I may."
"Well, then, I guess fate won't fool you - blah blah blah"
Moments later, the orange sound disappeared all the time. The metastasis is complete.
All that was left was Rich alone. Karakara and Rich laugh with the dry sound. It's not because Orange Sound missed it, no I guess there is... it's not a big deal for him where his own life is exhausted. Because I was working out what to do if I died. You can create undead originally, after you die, and so on.
In the first place, he's a ghost. There's no way he could have died a second time.
Then why is he laughing? That's because I transferred the orange noise. In return for a little bit of interest, I moved him inside the Kingdom of Luxhide, not under his people. It would have saved him the trouble of traveling, but seeing the fellows digging in the blocked cave, it is visible that later, when he shows up safe, he gets slapped a lot for making him worry.
Instead of increasing the undead here, it has been greatly reduced. In return, I retaliated that I could do it. It was a human-like return of interest, because he was the one who combined the human spirit.
◇ ◇ ◇
- What is this situation?
Orange sounds were first thought so after metastasis. It was in the kingdom of Luxhide that I transferred... I thought that Rich might have changed his destination - but before that, the soldiers surrounded the orange noise. Orange noise was restrained before asking what it meant. I dared not resist thinking that it was the soldiers and that Alicia and the others would be able to talk... the orange noise could not follow the story that followed.
Orange sounds thrown into the castle and protruded in front of Alicia as if she were a sinner. His hands were restrained behind his back and he fell down on the ground. The Hand of the Reaper (Death Size) is also confiscated.
And more importantly, I don't know that Alicia is staring at herself with really cold eyes.
Though I wonder if I did something, I don't think of anything. Therefore the orange noise waited for Alicia's words. A time of silence persists for a while in the bitter air.
"Tough girl......"
Only Noel, who came with him in the metastasis, was beside the orange noise.
Then, finally, Alicia opens its mouth. Spin the words with a hegemony that this is not a lie, releasing a heavily, king-styled style. The expression is cold everywhere, such cold eyes as if there were not even shards of friendship left between Alicia and Orange Sound at the earliest.
"- S-rank adventurer, tough... I will banish you as the enemy of mankind"
And Alicia's unleashed words made orange noise thoughts... stop.