I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
accelerating madness
There was an unimaginable sight there when the leachet down the stairs put into view the space with the orange sounds, the other side of the earth mass that was probably lavished by Finia's magic.
Leila and the others, who said oh under the stairs, are also confused. There was a sight of their party leader, Orange Sound, and their demon king's daughter, Corpse Sound, fighting.
Kanna, the first brave man, was beside Kanna, the modern brave man, and the witch was awake as well. A junction wrapped in a white circle of light that I have seen wraps three people around it. From what I've seen, he's critical, connecting lives. I would have just said that I don't know what effect that has on that junction, but when I saw where the body of the Xu is wrapped in white light, is it a healing force or another force?
And the battle between orange and corpse sounds was a spectacular thing. The moment they both kick and hit the ground, a huge crack runs on the ground. The walls were blown away and the sky was wide open as if there were no ceilings or anything else.
Hit with the corpse noise, the loud retracted orange noise movement only stops for a moment. At that time, I could see the blue light pulling its tail from the orange noise eyes in Leishe's eyes. This means that God of Orange (Risk) is activated and the status of Orange Sound is greatly improved.
Orange sounds were streaming fast, moving corpse-sounding fists and magic swords with pitch-black bars that revolved around the wrist at tremendous speeds. Shock waves and blood are scattered around the area each time the sound of the blow continues without getting into the hair.
On the orange cheek, I can scratch a muscle. The Magic Sword has been plundered.
From the mouth of the corpse, his breath exhaled in large quantities. A pattern of pitch-black bars entered my belly.
Totally mutual.
But in addition to the life-saving power boost, Orange Sound uses all the demon eyes, spirits, and things that can be used to fight, but Corpse Sound doesn't seem to be using skills now. Magic bullets in addition to magic swords, and they're just using metastases to fight super-fast.
The difference in power was historical. Perhaps it is clear that the gifted talent of the future also possesses unique skills. But the corpse noise hasn't shown the sole yet. Since she was imprisoned by the Demon King, it is likely that the number of skills she possesses is small... but the only reason she still doesn't use skills other than metastasis is that that's all she has the bills to hide, too.
To her invisible strength at the bottom, the orange noise was still laughing.
"- It's time to see the movement, huh?
"Ahaha! Are you the one who's worn out?
Several more collisions. The orange noise takes the fist of the corpse sound with its pitch-black stick, and antagonizes it with impending impatience. As a result, orange and corpse sounds stopped moving in the center of the space...... pale and brilliant eyes crossed each other, grinning at the suspended mouth end.
The orange noise bleeds from the cheeks, and the school runs are torn like they were torn apart from each other. The wound heals immediately thanks to the resistance value exploded by "God of Risk" … the wound increases at a faster pace than it heals in this battle. Orange sounds do not give rise to any painful expressions in the blood that seeps through them.
There were no cuts in the corpse-sounding flesh. Though he was poked in the stomach with a pattern, it recovers quickly while it is moving. Orange noise attacks in the first place are all things that contain so much danger that if you eat even one shot, you will be hit with one blow. The intuition that you can call the sole super sensory, and the corpse sound that you are attacking is quite strong.
If slashed, the spirit will surely be terrorized - "Reaper (Pruitt)"
If slashed, it will definitely break down, the blade of infected temper - "Sick God (Dorothy)"
The Hammer of Destruction, which, if slashed, will surely be extinguished - - "The Martial God (Myornil)"
If slashed, the katana of regression will surely return to existence - "The First God (Arcadia)"
Many of the redecorated blades of Death Hand (Death Size) exist more if combined. All of them are blades of skill, blades that maximize the effect of skill. If you take a blow, how can it be a corpse noise?
That's why we continue to flaunt ourselves with our monster stained hazard detection abilities. Speaking of, Orange Sound had established a style of combat that could be described as a special mass of blows.
More importantly, the battle style of orange sounds is now unquestionably controlled, sublimated, and used by the 100% brain activated by the "Goddess (Risk)". Normally, orange noise could not be used, and relative to the corpse noise, it would have definitely impacted the birth gap.
But what makes it possible is the skill of 'Goddess (Risk)'.
Therefore, the corpse sounds want to fight with unprecedented concentration. Honestly, the battle of different dimensions of orange sounds was stained and understood.
A pitch-black stick, wielded with the sound of cutting the wind, finishes the impending impulse, turning it around and approaching the corpse sound. The blade fitted is - "Martial God (Myolnil)".
"Oh, there you go again. Move well."
The corpse sound, kneeling and scrubbing the giant blade, stretches the magic sword to the orange sound, rushing through the gap after the tremendous swing. However, the orange noise had erased "Myolnil" and replaced it with the next blade at the moment of shaking the sky. Besides, it's the opposite of the one with the blade earlier. It was just a stick, so it made full and effective use of the advantages of being able to put a blade on either tip.
By the centrifugal force and the principle of epithesis, the tip opposite the tip of the empty swinging rod comes forward. One spin from body to body, the orange noise was waving the Great Sickle 'Reaper (Pruitt)' towards the corpse noise.
The magic sword is cursed in front of the orange noise. Ginn, and the magic sword was prevented by making a tall sound, and the left eye, which he saw on the other side of his temper, was - stained with emerald. Pre-reading, read in "The Devil's Eye of Foresight".
"Ahaha! Oh no!
But the corpse sounds deal with the imminent Reaper sickle by kicking the part of the pitch-black stick with the orange sound. I have succeeded in stopping the blade of the Great Sickle with a tremendous amount of distance from it in its recoil.
The response of Ningro going to touch the weapon itself, even though he said that he might have been struck in spirit by the Blade of Reaper if he had taken a wrong step, was just a little surprised by the slight orange noise as well.
But the battle between orange and corpse sounds was more a thing of one another than the difference in offense was antagonized.
Nevertheless, the longer the battle prolongs, the stronger the corpse noise stealing orange noise technology becomes, the longer the battle prolongs, and the difference in experience makes the corpse noise movement comprehensible to orange noise.
While corpse sounds get sublimated and become stronger at super speed, orange sounds grasp monotonous movements due to inexperience in corpse sounds that are still oblivious to decent combat experience.
Even in that sense, we were fighting each other. When the antagonism breaks down, it's probably the moment one of them makes a flash of mistake.
"Wow... you were so strong..."
Layla squeaks pompously as she watches Sole. Until now, they had seen the orange noise for real many times... but still, I had never seen the orange noise for all its power. When you activate "God of Risk", it's not all you can do. That's one of the conditions, but after orange sounds activated this skill...
- This is the first battle I've fought with intent to kill (...).
Until now, the will to kill someone clearly was thin, even if "God of Risk" was used. Because orange noise had no reason to just be hostile.
But for the first time since I came here, Orange Sound saw the corpse noise clearly as the person to be killed.
It makes orange noise stronger in combat than ever before. Whatever you do, you run away, you run away from almost all the power... I mean, the orange noise you used to defend you started to use all that power to kill your opponent, that is, to attack you, so naturally. The difference roughly makes orange noise twice as strong as it has ever been.
"Well, corpse noise. You apparently want to kill me, but may I ask why?
"What? Do you care? Ahaha. What do you want me to do?
"Oh, nothing good. I'm not interested."
"Because that's what annoys me! Ahahahahahahahahahaha!
Orange and corpse sounds kick the ground again.
But now it didn't turn out to be antagonistic. What a pitch-black stick with orange sounds is accompanied by a pitch-black sword, the Sick God (Dorothy), because it enveloped the body of orange sounds with a black-black chi.
- "Genome Confusion"
It is a deliberate runaway technique that, in linear travel, has been used to allow for an overwhelming acceleration. Using the sole, the orange noise showed an unprecedented acceleration, diving into the nostalgia of a corpse sound just like instant travel. And because his body was wrapped in anger, he even hid the blade of "The Sick God".
As a result, if it is a cell, its blade of decomposition, which is easily cleaved, is diagonally lined from the left flank to the right shoulder of the corpse noise, which has also been impelled by the impression - cleaved.
"Become... Ouch...!?
"Hooray, you're going to die soon, aren't you?
Orange sounds creepy and thin laughed at the stunningly eye-opening corpse sound. When an orange sound comes out of the disappeared temper, it erases the shaken pitch-black sword and immediately switches to First God (Arcadia).
And wave it straight down to the corpse sound with the knife to be returned. If it hits, everything about her will be rewound with a tremendous time regression and weakened enough to kill easily.
But is it because you know it's dangerous by intuition, the corpse sounds shifted from the spot to a large rear, ignoring the deeply torso?
"... what the hell... Look, my clothes are totally out, huh?
Hilarious, and the clothes worn by the corpse sound fall off. As a result, the right chest and navel were exposed to air from the mutilated area below...... Her flesh, which was overflowing with dodgy and mutilated wounds but with high tolerance levels, had already begun to heal.
But the wound healing is completely different from before, and the healing rate is slow. The corpse sounds also seem to have noticed the sole, and I see my wound saying why.
Then, the wound had a pink black temper around it. He's spreading his wound. Against the healing speed, the temper did not block the wound.
"Haha, I just confirmed that my temper is breaking down slightly faster than your healing speed... Told you? He said he'd be dead soon."
In other words, until earlier, the corpse sounds had been hunted down so many times against orange sounds, but this time vice versa... the orange sounds hung the crown against the corpse sounds.
If Qi keeps spreading the wound and converting the corpse-sounding flesh onto it into a slight twitch and Qi, the corpse-sounding will die. I mean, it's an orange triumph.
"What's wrong? Did you get scared of things that could kill you for the first time?
The orange noise laughs naggingly and says so to the corpse noise that looks at his wound and leans down. With a slight right chest exposed, the gaze is irresistible.
But the way the corpse sounded, unlike the orange sound words, was the exact opposite of things like despair and fear.
The shoulder of the corpse sounded shaky. And hehe... and a laugh leaks out of his mouth. Slightly bent forward as she held her body tight, she gradually turned that laugh into a loud thing.
moment, the madness intimidation that grows. Orange noise also returned his gaze to the corpse noise, setting his guard fully open and putting up his weapon. Don't miss every step of the corpse noise in case you can create a temper and be at any time.
"... what...?
The corpse sounded fluttering and shaking his body, softly shaking up his hand wrapped in that black glove.
And amazingly - I stuck it in my own flesh. The flesh is torn, the sound of choosing rings in the space, and at the same time the underfoot of the corpse is dyed red with her own blood. The orange noise also opened its eyes to the sight, to be honest. I wondered if you really lost it to reason by madness.
But it's not. She has come to do the deed while keeping her reason firm.
I knew immediately why. She lost the part of her wound - or she lost the part of her nervousness - by sharpening her flesh. And after the decision was taken, his guts were slightly hidden, and his bones were visible.
In the rear I could hear Lulu and Lieche throwing up without being overwhelmed. Finia and Leila also have a disgusting look on their face.
Then, because there is no tension in the chosen part of it, its tremendous resistance value is exerted, and its major injury is immediately healed. The nerves were repaired, the blood vessels repaired, the muscles repaired, the skin repaired, and the sock turned into a beautiful white soft skin.
How to heal wounds that are forceful and not always possible...... the corpse sounds are still laughing.
"- hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
"This is a really bad kind of guy..."
Like crazy...... no, crazy girlfriend laughs. The orange noise shrugged.
Then, Gurin, her neck changed direction towards the orange noise. A blue eye with a fading light stares at the orange noise.
"Funny - Funny - Funny...... oh man - ony sun, fun na ahahahahahaha! More, more fun for me? It's on me. So what? I wish you were sooo cruel, unharmed, and dead like garbage...... ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! What shape is your contents? Ugh haha, wow! Oh, come on! I'm going to fall in love......!! Ahaha If this is true, I mean it too -... so hey -"
The madness of riding words increases even more. Blood-running eyes have so much excitement and pleasure that they can be taken as the peak rather than the earliest. I guess I didn't think that the existence of orange noise had ever existed before.
I didn't even think it was dew to be so strong, so much fun and so horrible.
And that's why she makes her body swing blindly, imagining the pleasure and emotion when she kills orange noises in that excitement. Oh, my God, she was incontinent, in a mad grin and a hot exhale. I can pass on my legs and have a bloody puddle under my feet.
She said this with a grin like the Three Moons in thick madness, with such a tranced look that even the saliva seemed to flow.
"- It's the nicest way to kill in the world, and I'll love you..."
Her madness still accelerates.