I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
That I give you a name.
The lunatic fairy stopped turning as the orange noise approached and turned her gaze to the orange noise perfectly. Although I honestly didn't want to be very involved with each other, the orange noise also confronts the mad fairy because I didn't think I would go home unless I understood what this crazy fairy was with orange noise.
Honestly, I'm not going to fight the Mad Fairy after I've fought the corpse sounds, and I don't want to. Anyway, I wanted to know how this fairy showed up and why it came under the orange noise.
The face of the mad fairy doesn't even know whose thoughts it really came from without remembering seeing it somewhere.
But by now, I'm pretty sure I've come from someone with something overwhelming, more than I've come from an emotion of madness, more than Level 1 but with this much status.
"Yeah. This kid's like me, you're an ideologist."
"That's right. So there's one thing I need to know about this child... can you tell me a little more about the species of thought?
Among the rendezvous Phineas, place Phineas next to each other and confront the Mad Fairy together.
As you know, first of all, the fairy of the moment of birth doesn't have a name. When Finia was just born too, she didn't have a name. For the first time since orange noise gave her the name Finia. Therefore, the madness fairy, whose name is not visible even after peeking into the status, may not have already existed the Lord of Thoughts at birth.
Fairies of thought species do not die even if they lose the Lord of thought. In her case, mediation was the ring, but as long as the item of thought that mediated it is not destroyed, it can continue to live without life expectancy.
Also, there are no mental distortions, and the fact that the Lord of Thoughts is gone does not affect them in any way.
Finia therefore shook her neck to the side, questioned by an orange noise.
"... I don't want to say much, but I think maybe this kid got so distorted... because he was born in an unstable way. Too strong a thought drives people crazy...... you can tell that by looking at the demon king's daughter there, right? So maybe she was so distorted because she came from strong thoughts..."
"… is there a troublesome past involved here as well"
Orange sounds gain to Finia's words the possibility that the madness fairy in front of her is a fairy born in incomplete form. Incompletely, therefore, unstable. Was she born with her spirit not firmly established, or were her thoughts too strong destabilized as a result... who the hell is she?
"Ugh. Huh. What did you do? Where did you go? Fun or sad? Cockroach! Cockroach! Ugh huh."
"I don't care where you came from or where you were born. Maybe it was a real coincidence that you met with us... I don't know, a weird roundabout, maybe a strange encounter"
"Uh-huh. Poison mushrooms, hi-chu. A meaningless letter got gnarly in the ground and married a mole! Uhhhhhhh."
"We can't have a conversation... or... well, okay... just one thing I want to ask - what happened then, did you call me? How did you get your voice to me?
The fact that I heard her voice, the sole was doubtful to the orange noise. I don't know why I heard her voice then... I don't know why I could hear her voice before Noel then... that's all I couldn't figure out. Is it because of her intrinsic skills, or because she used some special force... because she was closest to orange noise... I don't know Sole.
So Orange Sound wanted to ask herself Sole.
Ugh. Hands in hand. Mr. Warcraft's stuffing his throat with mud! Ah! The child! Is that the kid from earlier? Ugh, same, same, same as me, fairy fairy! Hey, hey, Mr. Human! The corners of the stairs are stretched and the clouds rolling down the meadow are lowering their heads to stone, right? I don't know. "
I don't know what to do, I think orange noise. The Mad Fairy is insanely swallowed but therefore incomprehensible. Makes me wonder if the part that grabs the language is damaged, it doesn't make sense. It would still be a better way to go mad than a corpse sound, but as an orange sound, both were troublesome additions and subtractions.
And look at her like that... if it doesn't make sense, I don't know what else to do.
I slowly took out the ring. It is a beautiful ring that shines demonically, the object of her thoughts. The madness fairy stopped moving when she saw it fit. He shuts his mouth talking to the perky, staring at the orange noise.
For the first time in that transformation, the orange noise puts a little doubt on her face, but I still felt in her eyes staring at me that I didn't want to lose the object of my thoughts. After all, he feels a more instinctive crisis in his life than he was born as a willing one. Orange noise is staring at the whereabouts of what Orange noise will do with this ring, and he understands that he will probably attack with all his might if he tries to destroy it.
"... what do you want me to do with this ring?
"... this, wah... scary scary scary scary coy... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I don't want to die. Nanai, i...!
To the words of orange noise, a ragged and trembling madness fairy. I can see that the item of thought is important to her. Though I wondered what was going on, this fairy said she didn't want to die for the orange noise inquiry. In other words, we can also say that a conversation was formed with orange sounds. Standing at Setouchi, wondering if the ring could be destroyed, her madness seemed to have disappeared into a life-threatening crisis.
Not that there was any decent reason back, it was unstable but the madness just pulled off so much that the conversation could be established, but I could say I was fortunate to take it to orange noise.
"What do you want to do now?
"Kaki, Kaki... iki, alive... - I want to see you..."
Orange sounds to unexpected responses, lurk eyebrows. What does' I want to see you 'mean? But it also felt like the first time she had ever spoken the truth.
Then Finia came out a long time ago. I approached the madness fairy in front of her and peered into her face holding her head. And open your mouth to her.
"... what's your name?
name. She has no name, but Finia dared to throw the question away. Orange sounds somewhat inclined to the matter, but I don't speak out because I think there may be something between the same ideological species that I think. I watched what Finia would do.
What's his name? In response to the question, the madness fairy opens her mouth with her cloudy eyes like she wrote and punched him in a mess with a ballpoint pen.
"Me, the name of the eagle, the name...... the name name Namae? Lil? Lil...... Lil, Luli? Ah? Name, no? What? I know, you don't get it............ YES, YES, YES...?
"... well"
Finia gets the response and returns to the orange noise. And I taught that fact to Orange Sound with a look like I figured something out.
A fairy of the thought species is a handover of memories left in the object of thought. In the months between the day the orange noise was presented to him and the time he came to this world, as Finia had the memory in between, she wondered if the Mad Fairy was also taking over the memories left in the ring.
Therefore, I asked him his name. Then, the word "lil" appeared, but it could not be determined by itself. It feels like I don't know if my name is really "Lil" or not.
From there, Finia made a certain guess.
"Maybe... that kid has the memory of someone who had the thoughts that gave birth to that kid, and he thinks of himself as that person from a precarious spirit"
"... as far as completion goes, you mean the lunatic fairy born of the crazy overlapped himself with the crazy and thought it was you..."
"I think this kid was probably alone when he was born. The Lord of Thoughts was likely dead, and that's why she had to decide for herself who she was. I met Mr. Tough, and reasoning was formed because she came from one positive emotion or another, but maybe even that reasoning was rare because she came from madness..."
The possibility that a madness fairy thinks of herself as someone who had the thoughts of making herself. Madness was more than originally born of a crazy person, a crazy fairy that combined enough...... if she started playing such a crazy person - it's not surprising that so much personality was formed that no conversation could be established.
At birth, she couldn't know who she was. So she needed to decide for herself who she was. For this purpose, she traced to herself the memory of the Lord of Thoughts that remained in the ring. That's a huge possibility. It's only a guess, but Orange Sound decided to try to believe that guess.
"... Well, here's what we'll do"
Orange Sound activates the "First God (Arcadia)" and holds a white, radiant, temporal regression knife. And I held my head and slashed the insane fairy that was becoming unstable.
"Until the moment of her birth, bring her back"
Orange Sound decided to reset this Mad Fairy personality once by returning it to the state it was before it was formed. It's a kind of mental breakdown and rebuilding, but if the Mad Fairy wasn't this personality from the beginning, I thought her personality could still be taken back.
And the slashed fairy fell over the body of a pompous corpse sound, falling on her back. Keep staring into the void for a while, and after a few seconds, you'll get your torso up. With a decent look on her face, she turned her gaze to the orange noise. To be exact, on the ring with the orange noise, though.
She tilts her neck when she sees an orange noise because she has an object of her own thought.
"... is that it?
"... my name is tough, well, call me whatever you want"
The disintegrating personality went somewhere, and she honestly asked the orange noise who it was. The orange noise replies with a little relief. The fact that the conversation goes through gives me some relief in the orange noise. Being imprisoned by the emotion of madness is because the corpse sounds natural and the angels smell annoying. Orange sounds are also good from the bottom of my heart that I seem to be able to have a decent conversation because I honestly don't want to face the madman for a while.
"... who am I? So, so... who is it?
"You're a fairy of the thought species you were born with now... you don't have a name yet"
"Name... name... no?... I want it, my name... I'm - who?
Growing up, she concludes the conversation, although the emotionally unstable part remains. It seems born because of madness or unstable speech and behavior. Still, I think it's better if we just have a conversation.
"If you want a name, I'll give it to you."
"Name...... I want it! Name, name, name, whatever... hey?
"Right... Leah... your name is Leah... huh...?
"Leah...... yeah, yeah! Me, I'm the eagle, Leah... Leah? Leah!"
Orange sounds gave the insane fairy the name Leah. Moment after moment, I felt something uncomfortable, but the madness fairy - seeing Leah recite her name over and over as she twirled around, I thought it was my fault again.
But it's not my fault. The approaching first brave man, Kanna, looked at the orange noise with a slightly surprised look. The orange noise I noticed on the sole tilts my neck all the time wondering what it is.
Then Kanna said to such an orange noise.
"... Ki-kun, give him a" name "that easy - was it good?
I'll give you a name. I didn't know what orange sounded like... so that fact, told by the first brave man, would unravel one question that went on from the day orange sounds came to this world to this day - to this day.