I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
Admission procedure
"I'm going to school."
Orange Sound, who returned to the Kingdom of Credale, first joined Leila and the others at the Inn and said that he had come to see the school for now and made up his mind.
The orange noise continues even further against the layers with a decent face.
"No, actually, I couldn't use that big library. Apparently, I have to be a student at school to use that library. I also met the Great Wizard, but it's like I still have to be a student at school to talk."
In the end, orange sounds I found out I couldn't get to the knowledge I wanted to know unless I went to school. Then it would be self-evident to go to school and try to gain that knowledge. I want to know the art of crossing from different worlds to different worlds, some danger is ready to bear, and it's a hassle, but let's try to get caught in a fence called school.
Besides, even with regard to the Great Wizard, Orange Sound thinks that she was angry at what she said, so she hung on to kill her, and that even if it happened next, she would not suddenly be killed. More importantly, she said she would forgive you for activating metastatic magic. Her vessel should not be so narrow as to overshadow the word.
Nevertheless, as an orange noise, it is a point of admission with regard to the fact that she was in a bad mood, and I understand that even if we meet again at the moment, you won't even be able to listen. I'm wondering what's going on there.
"In the meantime, I looked into the minimum knowledge of that school on my way back. I just asked people."
Then the orange noise said so and cut it out first. Orange Sound speaks about that school - the place called 'Earth Varrell School'.
The person I heard was a brief story, a student attending that school, told to a noble boy who said he was peppering his brag. He told me if I praised him so much, it would be easy to handle, but Orange Sound got the information.
Apparently, this school is currently a time to recruit prospective entrants and is open to them in various locations. Earthvarrell School Affairs is the main thing, but there are times when nobles don't like being in places with civilians, and they also do reception in adventurer guilds and in facilities built specifically for exams. Essentially, the civilians will apply for admission to the guild and its dedicated facilities and, for the first time in the day, will take the exam with the nobles at the Earthvarrell School main building.
The application is simple, and if you put it away when you accept 30 gold coins per person, all you have to do is fill out a few simple documents. The documents and money will be sent to Earthvarrell School and registered as an exam taker. All you have to do is take the exam and wait for it to pass or not.
Exam contents are different in the Knights Department and Magic Department, and the contents are very different. It is basically a meritocracy world, and it seems that the content of the exam is also heavily involved in the acceptance or rejection of the practical exam, but that exam takes place through three processes: a written exam, an interview exam and a practical exam.
As mentioned earlier, the score is 50% for practical skills and 25% for writing and interviews. The acceptance threshold is that it takes roughly 80% or more. In other words, if you get the highest rating of 50% in practical skills, if you score 15% each in writing and interviews, you can pass.
Although I'm not so anxious about practical skills, I'm not sure about orange sounds either when it comes to writing and interviewing.
In the first place, this party doesn't have a decent educated person but Liesche. Even so, the anxiety of orange noise is not that I can't solve the problem. All you have to do about it is use Noel to canning or whatever, so it doesn't matter.
No, the problem is I can't write about orange sounds. For orange sounds where letters cannot be read, writing a letter has the same difficulty as reading. In writing, he can't score a single point.
"I mean, I'm trying to get a full score on my practice exams and interview exams... and if I drop all my notes, I'm gonna fall for sure"
"So what are we gonna do? I can tell you the letters, but if you're going to school, we're going to have to take the exam, right? We can't all pass, can we?
"Finia and Leah are fairies, so you don't have to take exams to get into school. It's a species of thought, so you can get inside this thought product... I'm not so worried about Leishe, and I think Lulu will get to the pass value enough if you study now... the problem is me, Leila and the corpse sounds..."
As far as orange noise has examined, the recruitment period for the examinees is due in about a week. From there to the exam, it seems to be about a month free. The only thing left to study is a month or so. It would be tough inside to learn the letters and the necessary knowledge in that time.
Orange sounds are fortunately smart, so I don't think it's that bitter to learn knowledge as long as you can remember the letters. But Leila and the corpse sounds demonic, so they wouldn't have that kind of knowledge at all. Orange noise was worried about that.
"In the meantime, why don't we buy a reference book or something to study... in the end, the only way to break the status quo is to study it"
"... well, then I'll teach orange sounds... and Leila and the others will have to remember the minimum amount of knowledge they need."
To Liesche's words, the orange noise nods. Lulu has lost his memory, so he doesn't really have much combat experience. You will also need to ask Liesche to do an audition for the practical exam. Originally Lulu has acquired his former strength as a result of his own instincts and inquiries into our martial arts. She said she was talented with brave men... it won't take long.
Leila never disagreed with the conclusions that came out. If it's school life, if orange noise is going, Layla will go, and if there are exams, she will study to pass. Love is a tremendous energy that helps.
By the way, the corpse noise was pretty ridden with the corpse noise. Studying stinks and I don't want to, but she wanted to confront the Great Wizard again, inspired by that Great Wizard who came after herself just before she died. Therefore, even if there was an opinion that it would be cumbersome with regard to the examination of orange noise, there was no objection.
"So, suppose I go and file an application for admission for now"
That's why Orange Sound said it was going to stand up.
The Adventurer Alliance is on its way. A high-ranking party led by S-Rank Adventurer Tight, Death Faber, prepared to enroll in school in the Kingdom of Credale.
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I came to the Adventurers Guild with you guys to apply for admission.
Going to school was something I didn't quite understand, but if it's tough for you, I'd like to go. They're gonna have to study, but it looks like Leishe's gonna teach us, so maybe we can figure it out? As far as I can tell, I don't think the kids who came with us to file an application have that much strength. I don't feel the smell characteristic of a strong person, so I guess I'm a child.
Right now, Tight, you're in a long line of snakes to get paperwork to file a petition with Liechet and the Demon King's daughter. Looks like there are a lot of exams, and the Alliance has a larger number of exams than adventurers. But since no one has a disgusting face, I thought it was probably the usual thing.
The rest of us, like the other adventurers, arrived at the table and waited tightly for you. There aren't many women adventurers, and it's pretty remarkable because we're about the same adventurers who aren't wearing protective gear.
Um, my gaze is depressing, but tough, because you always ignore it...... I'll put up with it, but it's still sloppy and depressing. It's a famous tax. You were laughing... famous tax, right?
"Hey, Leila Vermillion, right? It's good to see you. You're better than I thought."
My gaze was depressing, but so is the adventurer of the man who talks to me.
As a matter of fact, it looks like my name is still better known than your name. Even though I became an S-rank adventurer, I still vaguely only pass on my name. Unlike you, my face is somewhat familiar because I've been rumbling around quite a lot, including two names.
Besides, being a woman as an adventurer seems to be a factor in the spread of her name because of her rarity.
"I heard you had dark hair, but that white hair is beautiful too. How about me and dinner?"
"Shut up, huh? Will you stay away from me?
"Haha, well I guess so...... but I was a little surprised to hear you partied with that other guy. You were famous for piercing solos."
I said out of the blue that I wasn't going to listen to you, but I didn't seem to get it. Is this guy stupid? It stinks... it's getting kind of closer than just now. It's hot and painful.
"Even so, what surprised me more than that is that 'Reaper' has been showing up at the head... who the hell are you? The tough guy... he's famous for his rapidly growing adventures, huh? It all of a sudden appeared, starting with Dran Gressfield of" Front Dance "and drawing you into his crew, making a lot of noise in Grandir and Luke's Hyde... Honestly, you wouldn't be as hostile as I am, but you want me to ask you one thing... why you became one of the" Reapers "" "
"If I told you that, would you go somewhere?
"I hated you...... ok, I'll walk away if you tell me"
I don't remember why I followed you around so tight... but I thought maybe you wanted to eat... I was a monster hungry for my appetite. But to be honest with you, there are troublesome rumors again, and this place is a good place for me to stick with you right now, right?
Even so, "Reaper"... apparently you have two names too. I know why, but I think it's the right name. At least I think it's more decent than the two names I've been given... I don't know.
"Because I like you tight ♪ That's all ♡"
"... Hiu, I was expecting you, but that's surprising... why did you like me? Could it have been a dramatic encounter?
"You answered the question, didn't you? Go away. ♪ And... ♪
"... and?
"Um, nothing. ♪ ♪ Well, disappear?
Oh man, shook his head and the man's adventurer left like he'd given up. What the hell is that guy?
Though I didn't say it because I thought what I was going to say and what I don't remember, the feeling that I like it is mine, one of the few things I had in common before and now. So I'm sure this is what I once thought too.
Besides - you need some dramatic story to like people?
Because I like it, I like it. So anything more than that is snakefoot.
"I got it, application papers. Look, fill it in... what's going on, Leila?
"Mmm, it's nothing. ♪ Tight you ♡"
I hugged you like I always do. Sometimes my lack of memory makes me wonder if I can feel your warmth. [M] I think from the bottom of my heart that I really want my memory back. I like you, Tight. I want to know what the hell I know about you and what we've been doing together.
I want to know what you did to me and what bonds you made with me - me and Tight, where you came from.
That's why I'm here with you. When I get it back, I'm sure your warmth will envelop me as a certainty.