Life and death are a one-way street, and there is no reversal. Death never turns into life, and life knows no end point but death. The dead shall surely continue to die, and the living shall surely go to death. It cannot be overshadowed, and the art of overshadowing it produces further death. It's a strange story to have even though you're dead, but that's the absolute law for an organism.

So, to the sight in front of me - I imagined he might be seeing a miracle.

I couldn't wait to dispel the doubts that arose about the sight rather than proceed with the earliest exam.

Why isn't he dead? Why are you alive? Why, how, what to do - such one question after another that arose floated his hips on the chair. A gaze in space gathers on an impulsively guttural and noisy rise.

But against that gaze he could not afford to respond. His eyes, which are concentrated and subjected to several gazes, are directed towards the merely creepy and strange being in front of him. The colliding gaze casts one confidence in his doubts rather than scattering sparks.

Creepy beings laughed. He laughed thinly that he was delighted with his stunned expression. It proves that its existence is not an aerial likeness of others, but a person as genuinely thought.


He remembers the situation, trying to say something with a stunned look on his face. The words are over. I pushed his hips back into the chair without being released from his mouth. As his hips attached to the chair with the sound of something heavy falling, the gathered gaze fogged with confusion.

And he drops his eyes on five documents spread out on the table in front of him. There are interview papers written by the five examinees who are sitting in front of us right now. One inside belongs to a boy sitting around a creepy atmosphere... written by a boy who was convinced he couldn't possibly be alive.

"… Now we will begin the exam"

He was able to take a big, deep breath and regain only a little peace - the Earthvald School Director said so in front of a boy named Orange Sound with the alias "Reaper", a presence that overshadowed the death that appeared in front of him.

"(I live with my limbs clasped, my eyes choked off... and they're back as if there wasn't such a fact even though they should have been erased... how the hell...?)"

The school director is still unable to hide his inner consternation. The upset was, but most importantly, he had a glimmer of fear about the lack of orange noise specialty. While reprimanding myself for failing to confirm, confirming the date of filling in the fearful interview documents...... the date that was written there was after that day.

I mean, what if the reason for Orange Sound's aspirations is revenge for being nearly killed?

Just thinking about it makes me have to be vigilant as a schoolmaster. I can still live under the magic of the Great Wizard - I mean, it's equal to that Great Wizard... at least it proved to be a being who earns the title of S-Rank Adventurer in the true sense.

Then there is the possibility that it will be a battle that could possibly die, no matter how long you have lived as an elf as a school director.

"Dean of the school?

"Oh! I'm sorry, just a little thought... Now I'm going to ask you some questions from the end."


However, if the exam is currently in progress... then priority should be given to moving forward with the exam. Besides, it was thought that orange noise would not be a bad imitation either if it was during the exam. It was the civilian girl sitting on the edge who turned her gaze. Seeing, all of us on this scene are civilians except for the heterogeneous orange noise, which was only a little rare that it would be a random sort, such as not one nobleman out of five.


But I usually say that I could only do that rarely, but the heterogeneity of orange sounds just mixed up, and I suspect that even orange sounds might be something. The school director was so shaken up by now.

"… So can you tell us why you aspired to this school?

"Yes! Uh, uh, I, uh... Um!

A girl who is asked questions and has no words at all to say if she is nervous.

Is it because of the presence of orange noise, the school director felt that the girl's appearance was wearing with her present self... so smiling that it gave healing to her heart. The appearance of a girl who is obviously more in a hurry than herself gives him a temporary calm.

With that gratitude too, he tried to speak up to relieve the tension.

But that's the moment.

"Come on, it's okay."

A large stone was thrown into the water of the mind, which restored calm.

It creates great ripples and scratches the mind of the school director. I don't know if they prepended the action or if it was a coincidence... but orange noise took away what he tried to do. The schoolmaster looked as if an orange noise had hung his hand around the girl's neck. It's an illusion, of course, but the presence of orange sounds didn't make me think of it as just kindness.

The orange noise, seated next to the girl in a seated order, grabbed the girl's hand and gently hung her voice, almost crying next door but desperately trying to spin the word.

"Relax? Don't worry, you just have to answer slowly."

"Wow... yes... thank you..."

The girl, whose hand was held by the orange noise, thanked her in love as she tided her cheeks like she was fascinated by both eyes of the orange noise. Looks like the girl managed to calm her mind with the warmth coming from her gripped hand.

Orange noise grinned at such a girl, then stroked her head pounding like she was doing to Lulu and let go of her hand. The girl stared pompously at the orange noise as she did her hand to the head stroked by the orange noise for a while, but turned to the school director with a hack.

And although I still had some tension, I answered my motive firmly.

"... thank you"

The school director turns his gaze to orange noise as he returns that to the answer.

And the moment orange noise and gaze met - I got the illusion that my neck was cut off in an instant.


The physiological aversion of a large number of bugs on his back, the clear image of death that kept him killed many times, the overwhelming fear that erupted from the bottom of his mind as if it were a geyser, and at the same time the unwanted sweat erupted from his body in an instant with a zowa.

"Or... ahhh!?

I don't have a voice. I even see hallucinations that are dyed black all over the room, feeling like I have my neck tied up. Orange sounds smile and look at the school director with both eyes of different colors. I'm not caged in anything, I'm just looking at you, I'm shooting through the school director.

Looking around, there were equally puzzled exams of teachers leaning their necks towards the school director as if they were unaware of such overwhelming signs.

- No one has ever felt the fear of killing you!?

Exactly Reaper, a existence that spreads death in two names. Hallucinations, though illusions born of fear, nevertheless the school director was dead in all manner of killing. He was strangled, strangled, shot through his body, crushed - the image of him being killed in every way he could.

"What's up? Mr. School Director?

"Huh... Huh...!

And at the same time as that word of orange noise, its overwhelming fear disappears like a lie. Stopped breathing resumed and the school director desperately took in the air as he wiped the sweat that was running sloppily.

"... aspirations, motives?

"Yes, there are knights and wizards from this school who were also called heroes, so I aspired to this school because I wanted to be able to protect people that way too! I love people's smiles, so if anyone is in trouble, I want to reach out to them, and if someone is depressed, I want to push their back! If that's how you bond with everyone and put your hands together...... I wonder if we can all be happy!

This fox, the school director thought in his heart. That's what I thought the mouth of a man with a cheerful face would say, especially if he planted so much fear. As the name suggests, I felt like I was being turned into a fox. No, should I say that I am forced to realize what is being made of me in this case?

Only I notice discomfort and fear as my surroundings are turned into that figure without leakage. I'm saying it with an understanding of how much mental pressure it can be.

Moreover, if you look where you speak gently to the girl earlier, there will surely be no one to doubt this word. Helped a girl who was also a competitor in the exam but was nervous and unable to speak. That fact makes him credible enough to back up his words.

Even if one of the deans said something, you wouldn't believe it. Well, things haven't been right since I saw the orange noise, so they must even think I'm tired.

"(They did...!)"

More than a great wizard, I thought it was troublesome. Ever since we confronted each other, we've been rolled over the palms of orange noise. He said he lived longer than orange noise, but he was taken by a boy who lived only 18 years.

It's an overwhelming presence and the fact that he was killed, as well as a prep to decorate himself with verbal skill, that arm that kept shaking the mind of the school director all the time, a psychological warfare technique that you won't get in your normal life no matter what you think. I didn't know how many lives I could have had this kind of person in this year.

"Really... thank you"

But the dean could only say so. I can't say it back, I can't run into any questions about the orange noise. The exam situation protected the school director, but the exam situation took Orange Sound's side.

I don't think I can win - the school director moved his gaze from orange noise to the next student early.

And until the end of this set of interview exams… the school director was to be tormented by the feeling of being held in his heart.

Meanwhile, at a mid-level interview exam venue, corpse sounds were being interviewed. Apparently, the middle part is the last with a corpse sound, and the corpse sound, which was just a fraction, is only one interview in the last. In front of several interviewers, the corpse sounds are sitting in a chair with good manners. As an adorable, courteous lady, she had a strangely good posture in these details.

Well, I'm devastating the definition of that lady in terms of her personality, but she doesn't think Sole is a mistake.

The interviewer tosses the question with a little admiration at the corpse noise, which is not looking nervous.

"What are your motives?

"I had no choice but to come to you because my parents told me to go. So be glad."

"Um... what do you want to do in school?

"I wonder if you want to kill that parent."

"... don't you make friends?

"Otomodachi? Oh, you're a being who listens to anything I say, aren't you? Make, make, about 100 people"

"............... will you seriously answer me?

That posture The correct standing and the adorable appearance were back to back, all the corpse sounding responses were self-centered and selfish. Just because you're a young girl, that value seems like it's been around for a long time, and what you're saying is still saying something similar to what a corpse sounded like.

But you don't really think you're saying that, the interviewer says so with a cramped grin.

But there's no such thing as a dead body noise.

"Are you serious? Ning Lo, I'll answer your question, okay? What if I asked you a more interesting question? If you can only ask questions that follow that format, I don't think it makes sense to be here? Even children can ask such prepared questions. Besides, look, corner, I'm telling you I'll give you an answer, so you have to try to entertain me more, okay? Common sense, right? There's nothing to teach anyone who doesn't even know that, and it's not worth living, is there? I get it, don't I? Whatever you want, I can kill you with this hand... but I'm sorry, I'm supposed to make you promise not to hurt a human being, so I'm afraid you'll give up on me killing you? You can kill yourself instead! I'll see where I die for you! Glad to hear it, huh? 'Cause you can go out of your way to see where I'm going to die, right? I'll die in tears, and I think I'll enjoy laughing! You know what? You're much nicer and happier than asking questions that bore me! So, look, crawl over there and bow your head to me? I got some great advice, so I have to say," Thank you, Dear Corpse Sound, this will make you feel safe to die, "right? It's not worth the livestock. You know that, don't you?

A corpse sound that says so with a very cute grin as she tilts her little neck. No malice whatsoever, something I can say because I really think so. The world is revolving around me, and my words are absolute. I really think it's something I should be happy about because I gave it to you, even in words that I can't even take for advice.

The ultimate system of self-centered. As the daughter of the demon king, the culmination of the demon clan, the madness of the corpse sound... still exists in her today.

And the examiners who caught a glimpse of the madness were going crazy at the end of the day, but they were able to endure the death that had brought them back to childhood. If it was a once corpse sound that fought orange sounds, its madness could have broken my heart.

But for now... it goes without saying the results of her interview exam.