I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
Where to stay
Orange noise understands that Fran's anger is an almost irrational inverse guile.
In the first place, no one has spoken of the orange noise being meant to be a knight, and that's just what Fran had assumed on his own to beautify the orange noise. Trust me on my own and call me on my own that I was betrayed because I was different from what I imagined - that's exactly what Fran was now.
As for orange noise, I thought so at the time it was disputed, so I could argue with it. But I didn't do it because I have a feminist argument that orange sounds better if I make a girl cry. Fran was crying. I was crying because I resented him but thought he was betrayed by orange noise. That's enough, it's a reason to apologize for orange noise.
But once I apologized, it was a good thing that I left the room to sort out her feelings - there was no such thing as an alternate bed for orange noise.
Whether you're going to Leila's, her room currently has that perverted lily girl. Whether we go to Lieche's, Leila, who has already fled from Lily Girl, is in her room to look after her. I also noticed that I was going to Lulu's. The corpse noise room hasn't been a candidate since the beginning. I keep my head down wanting that girl to stay because the tiny pride of orange noise doesn't allow it.
"Well... I wonder what's going on"
"Sleep outside? I don't know the temperature, but it's not the cold weather yet, is it?
"Sure, I can sleep outside... but if I sleep outside, see. It's hard when other students see you, isn't it? Honestly, I just told you I'm not going to stand out any more, and you want to avoid me."
When that happens, we have to make sure that there is no stranger to sleeping as an orange noise. The school building would still be open after school, but it's impossible to stay there. The school can be locked after the final drop-off time, and if you are in a classroom or hallway, the guards will find you.
I can't do it in the school building, in which case it would be best to stay in an off-campus inn, but unfortunately if you find out that you used an outside inn in uniform - that's what stands out. Students who are supposed to be all in the dorm will be using the inn outside.
Then the only place you can sleep on the bed is in the school. School buildings and dormitories cannot be used inside. The gym, the athletic field, has students practicing swordsmanship late. Also, the guards will come around securely. If you are asleep, you will normally be reported to the school director. I want to avoid any trouble.
"Which means... I guess there's one place left"
Thinking of them all, the orange noise came up with one place. And start acting as soon as you can think of one. Orange noise hit the place for now. If not, let's think of a different place again, and I walked out.
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"So you came to me? That's bullshit."
"I don't have a body or lid when they say that... well, there was something I wanted to talk to you about, and it was just fine"
Orange sounds came from the lab of the Great Wizard Ashley, present in the library. Here it is in the school, it is not in the eyes of others, and the guards and teachers are not involved. It was the most convenient bedding for orange noise.
In the meantime, I talked to Ashley about her obsession with Fran and the orange noise she told me about if she could stay. Ashley's face was squeamish against such an orange noise as she narrowed her juicy eyes. I guess I heard the story and found out that she, too, was kicked out of Fran's reverse gillet. Not that orange sounds have nothing to do with it, but still, the cause of this situation is mostly Fran's unsolicited paranoia.
Totally crap, even though I thought - I decided that if the story I brought with the orange noise was something that would interest me, I wouldn't even think about it.
"Just sit down. Let me tell you what you brought me."
"Well, if it's funny, you can stay."
"It's up to you."
Orange noise faces Ashley as she sits in the recommended chair. I'm not nervous, but what I'm talking about is probably top notch in this world. If you're bad, it's a world-wide story, naturally.
Well, it's naturally about Metis that orange noise speaks there. When I used to talk to you, I had no information and couldn't talk to you about "The Divine Princess". Anyway, Orange Sound speaks from how he met Metis and tells him all the information he can have, from how he predicts his appearance, personality, his characteristics, and the nature of his powers, to whether he is the power of 'betrayal or peer-to-peer'. And finally, I told her that the murder of her and the Knight Commander was probably intertwined.
Also, although it is not Metis' information - I will tell you that Metis and his companion, "Angel" Mary, currently exist in this country.
Then Ashley thought silently for a while before she could organize her thoughts - gazing at the orange noise.
"Perhaps your predictions are true. That Metis child's power is definitely the first thing to think about is the nature of" talking to each other. "That's what he says, and even if you look at the scene left behind by the Knights Commander... that power will convince you."
"What do you mean?
"As you know... first of all, there was no blood on the Knight Commander's sword. Considering that this must have kept the fellow attackers from getting hurt, I'm convinced. And the fact that there were several cuts to the body of the Knights Commander must have been an attack by the captains who were all manipulated… If you think that each captain slashed each other after the death of the Knights Commander, it explains the situation. Besides, the captains were alive because they were both manipulated, unlike the Knights Commander. If we were to slash each other, not unilaterally, we'd know it was done with serious injuries. Neither of them could have killed the other because of the damage they did to each other."
To Ashley's words, the orange noise nods one by one. Even as an orange noise, the conclusion had been drawn in view of the information gathered. What Metis is involved in came out of her own mouth, so if you look for the power to explain when it happens - all you can think of is an argument.
Because of the funeral armament, perhaps the ability to argue with each other has another special character - but Ashley doesn't seem to be able to grasp it to its true identity either. Unlike Mary this time, I didn't see her using her powers or moments, and it's an uncertainty because of the lack of information.
"Whatever it is, we're not sure it's just likely to be peer-to-peer. I think that line is probably the most likely one too, but it's a force beyond common sense... keep in mind that there's another possibility."
"Right... well, as far as I'm concerned, I don't think she's going to turn her back on the enemy if she can stand around."
"As far as I can tell... well, I've never been more vigilant. The most mysterious being, Angel, is in this country too, isn't it? It's unprotected, so honestly, it's a project I want to clean up soon."
Nevertheless, the current problem is not with Metis but with Mary.
As for Ashley, it's no big deal where Metis' peer-to-peer funeral arm stripped her fangs. In the first place, she doesn't have anyone to talk to.
Then the most dangerous thing at the moment is the presence of Mary, who neither understands nor understands the details of her powers. Arre is a conceptual arm capable of killing a person at once with a handknife wave, and even if he could fight, he has no means of confrontation. That force, which generates only the result of slashing, is defenseless.
Exactly, a blade that doubles everything.
The only thing that can prevent sole is orange noise at the moment. An orange noise that showed a hell of a defense of playing a knife, but that doesn't mean you can always do that.
In the end, danger remains dangerous -
"Oh, yeah, there's one more thing I'd like to talk to you about."
"Heh... isn't that what I've been talking about?
"Yeah. Maybe it's just me and you and... the strongest thing I know."
Tingling, Ashley's eyes moved lightly on the orange noise words. To be common to myself with orange sounds, and even to the strongest. Speaking of things that come to mind when you hear that, there's only one. No, it won't come to mind. Should it be what you can imagine and anticipate?
However, if it is as expected, the orange noise in front of it is nothing more than "it has become so". But if that's the case, the orange sounds are coming up to the same area as they are. That is something that cannot be left alone for Ashley and for the strongest.
"- I've met a woman named God or something."
And Orange Sound convinced him in its words that the prediction was being met.
I met a woman named God. Hearing the words, Ashley makes a rattling noise and gets up. The look is stunningly stained, and the word comes without saying it's incredible.
"... I knew you meant the orange kid that she was talking about"
"... you really say you met that woman?
"Yeah, and she sent me to this world."
Orange noise describes the fact of the shock as insignificant. She is even more stunned to round her eyes knowing that Teng himself, who has thrown humans from different worlds into different worlds, is what she knows. Ashley, who never broke her spare attitude, showed upset for the first time. To that fact, the orange noise only smiled a little bitterly.
"Ahhh... I mean, you met that woman... and you got something. I don't know what you paid for... but then you became a transcendent."
"That's just what I call it for convenience, but so far it's just me and that most powerful daughter... and you three. I'm talking about the one who went to her and gained the power to transcend man."
I think Orange Sound is getting good at hearing the words. Nevertheless, there are only three "transcendents," the orange sounds that have gone into it. Lined up in two of the most powerful adventurers and wizards - Ashley and the strongest - is like frightening inside - but now I know it was Ashley and the strongest who went under that god. That would be enough.
"Cheng Cheng... Is the power you have gained a magical power?
"Well...... in my case I got all the magic knowledge. I was confident in terms of magical aptitude and amount of magic, and it's been a long time since I've been able to use my knowledge. I tried so hard."
"I think I saw some pretty side"
"I've been trying pretty hard to hide...... fuhihi"
Anyway, in the form of a report, Orange Sound told Ashley that he was transcendent.
"... so can you stay here today?
"... haha... I can't help it, I prefer the same situation. Do as you please."
"Thanks! I'll sleep now, then! Good night!"
"Hey, it's my bed there,"
"Shh, shh, shh... hmm, it smells kind of good. I don't know, you smell so murky... Shh..."
"Hey!? Stop! Here, get away!!
And, well, like that, Orange Sound decided to stay in Ashley's room. It is an orange sound that makes me feel fresh, in a reaction different from that of Fran.
Because of this, the orange noise was curled and I was supposed to sleep on the floor - Ashley's face turned bright red, so it was good.