I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
Angel slaughter
In the dorm of the school. The students were forbidden to go outside by instruction of the teachers, and they could not go outside the school by virtue of the bond created by the great wizard who remained in the school. That does not just mean inhibiting obstacles from the outside, it also means locking up those who are inside.
Besides, it's the magical junction created by Ashley, the 'transcendent'. Even Leila and Lulu, who were inside, can't destroy that bond and go outside. The trapped Leilas first joined the orange noise and then tried to make a decision - the orange noise was nowhere to be found in this situation.
I'm a little nervous about not seeing her, but there's nothing more Leila and the others can do than not get out. I tried slapping him with my fist, trying to rip him with my sword, tried everything but it didn't work. I can determine that it must be extra strong magic. If Finia was here, maybe she'd know something about this magic, but Finia wasn't here either.
"Dear Leila......!
"Oh, Lulu and Liesche?
"You're tough, aren't you with me?
"Yeah, tough, I can't see you... ♪ I looked for you, and I haven't found Lulu, which means I can't smell you... maybe you're out there... ♪"
Lulu and Lieche join Leila, who was at the front door of the dorm. And at that point, I made the decision that the orange noise was out there. We can't get out of the dorm, but the orange sounds will mean they went outside before the bonds were tied. Layla smiles troubled and shows her shoulders flaunted.
Worried, but the fact that orange noise is out there, accidentally or deliberately, indicates that he is himself a free man. And the fact that this space was closed due to an emergency means something happened outside the orange noise.
Then there is no problem.
"Tight, if you're out there, you'll be fine ♡ Maybe you'll be able to get out soon ♪ Finia's on it too ♪"
"... well, maybe you don't have to panic too much if you say so... well, maybe you can do something..."
"... what do you want to do now?
"Hmm... tight for now. I can't do anything until you get back... I guess I should just wait."
To Lulu's inquiry, Leila said so. I told him clearly that I could only wait.
That's a little hard for Lulu and Liesche as a buddy, but seeing Layla calm down, which isn't anything else, could calm her down a bit. On the contrary, it's about wondering why Leila stays so calm.
"... you're calm, Layla"
So Leishe throws that kind of question at Leila in half the surprise. I like it as much as I like it Alle. Why is Leila so depressed by the absence of orange noise when she said she likes it? To know its true intentions.
Then Leila answered plainly after a moment of neatness.
"Huh? 'Cause tough you're strong. ♪ And tough you can't just leave us to die ♪ I believe you,' cause I love tough you ♡"
That's probably the part where you stay calm because you don't remember. But the feeling was real, and the trust was real. Because I like it, I can believe it. Because I believe, I am at peace. Various reasons can be given, but it all comes down there. In the end, Leila likes orange sounds so she can believe orange sounds.
Perhaps this feeling has become completely unshakable. No matter how much they erase their memories, they can be physically painful, but that doesn't change where they crush their wombs.
What's scary is that they think they don't like themselves for orange noise.
Otherwise, I can tolerate how painful it is at the earliest. No matter how humiliating, how abusive, how humiliating, Leila will continue to like the orange noise.
"I'll be right back ♪ Tight you're strong ♡"
Leishe initially thought Leila was horrible. Leila, a demon tribe and a monster who easily came to kill humans, was still a very scary presence for Leishe, a human being.
But it gradually turned into trust as a companion, and it seemed to me that the presence of Leila was a girl who cared so much about orange noise. Having found out about love, she began to think that she was no longer the monster she once was.
But Leila, who lost her memory while retaining so much love as it was unusual - it was different than before. After all, all the memories of the past are what shaped "that" Layla. So I thought "this" Leila was just a little scared.
Once Leila would have been able to say cordially and politely when and where and how she liked orange sounds. But now Leila can't explain when and where and how she became fond of orange noise.
I just kind of like him because I remember "it seems" and I do think I like the orange noise thing. The deep love that Layla once had is turning into blind faith by losing her memory.
"... right"
Leishe glimpsed Lulu's thoughts and thought she had the same will as Lulu once did. But when I heard what Leila liked, I thought she had another emotion with her former Leila.
But I don't talk about it. Even blind faith will surely bring you back to love if your memory returns, so now you don't speak.
- I hope you're home safe...
Looking across the line, Liesche had unspeakable anxiety.
◇ ◇ ◇
"... oh, I wanted to"
"Oh, it's been a while since you've been tough... it's been a long time, huh?
Some time after the orange noise left the guild. Orange noise walked through the city - and found Mary. There's no blood on that body, but there's a ton of bodies rolling under her feet. All of them, dead bodies without necks. My head is rolling all over there and I have no idea which body had which neck at the earliest, etc.
I know you don't think killing him is a bad thing at all, but then he knew that orange noise would appear. Not surprised that the orange noise appeared, Mary swayed her hands flickering to welcome Ning Ro.
"So, what are you doing?
"Mm-hmm... Metti made me cower by example. I don't know what you did, but apparently I'm doing it for you, right? Half for myself, I guess."
"For me?
"Something tells me you're scared of yourself, but you can't be scared of anyone else."
What is that, and the orange noise sighed loudly. It was a pattern I honestly didn't really want to think about. Apparently, when the cowardice of a girl named Metis goes hand in hand with her personage to think of people, the conversation moves in a mostly nasty direction.
Orange noise regretted a little saying he was cheaply scared of Metis. Somehow, I thought I'd found the best way to handle it - but it seemed like this was a mistake too.
If you think you're more of a coward than a coward, you try to act for that coward. As a result, it is natural for that coward to be afraid of what he thinks he is afraid of. I mean, I try to erase everything I think I'm afraid of.
This is the result. Metis is trying to kill every human being that exists in this country.
"I really want you to give me a break... did I tell you I can't go home without killing people in this country? I don't mind the sole, but killing someone so full takes a lot of work, doesn't it? It's a pain in the ass."
"No, well, you can't kill me,"
"Huh?... Well, I don't know what you're talking about, but that's why I'm hundreds more? I have to kill him. Oh, yeah! Tough guy, help me! It's easy to snap your neck, but this is just doing that to reduce the time to kill. I'd like to tear it apart and try something like a cross sectional puzzle, so it won't take long for it to be over if Tsukuru-kun helps. If you do that, I'll have a little more fun killing you too!
What are you talking about? This idiot, what an orange noise, turned a jito eye on Mary. Mary, who was seen with pitch-black eyes, fell into the neck of a woman who was frightened as she tilted her neck. From out of reach, it suddenly feels like a woman's neck has flown. If you didn't know what the power was about, it would be a really pointless attack.
The inability to save a woman today is somewhat regrettable, but Orange Sound couldn't do enough to save a woman today, and there was quite a distance to play that knife in the first place.
Well, I don't think orange noise is particularly sad where others die. I'm not the brave one around here, so I'm putting a distinction around it.
"So, what do we do?
"I guess killing is a hobby for now"
"Hmm... well, either way, I want to fulfill Metti's wish to kill every human being in this country, and the goal is to get her home - and for now, I want you dead, too."
"Oh, no."
That's what Orange Sound said in a nutshell when Mary said that the house beside her was spun off to a horizontal giraffe with that knife. Zuzu, and as the top half of the house fell, there was a family whose necks were similarly strangled from the open place. Seeing his neck snapped brilliantly, he apparently slashed the house to match the height of a person's neck. Getting that much space grasp just with the signs is scary inside. The boulders are only traveling in 3D with wings.
Nevertheless, it wouldn't have made much difference if orange noise had embraced killing. Eventually, the battle against Mary unfolds sooner or later.
"Then you'd better hurry up. - Call me."
"Haha, I was a little surprised before... but not this time, huh?
When the orange noise provokes with a thin laugh, Mary makes that knife and makes a smile. Pure, innocent, malicious smile. Madness and creeps collided with the illusion that one side of the area had dimmed. Mary with wings and angel rings points that knife at the orange noise.
And at that moment when I tried to swing it down in momentum,
The battle between orange noise and Mary begins. In an instant, the orange sounds bounced back at Mary's knife, and the orange sounds again played the knife that she tried to shake up with a knife to return. I thought it was Mary's ability activation condition in orange noise to shake it down, but apparently Mary's hand knife also activates her ability in shaking it up.
Seeing as both handknives played ripped the ground and the house apart, Orange Sound decides so. When that happens, it is better not to let the knife move at least. Probably no problem considering that all horizontal and diagonal giraffes will be activated.
"Well... what shall I do"
"Still sturdy...... you split (apart)!
Orange noise and Mary play super melee. The earliest people died in large numbers - can orange noise stop her here? It was clear that it would be the division between whether or not it would prevent the demise of this country.