I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
The princess, mostly.
The knights who were in the Knights' quarters died, but the knights who were not accidentally in the Knights' quarters were still alive. Though suddenly stunned and stunned by the killings that took place all over the country - they move quickly. Suspension of thought is synonymous with defeat in battle. What they need to do now is reduce the number of dead by one.
To that end, they stun the runaway people who were nearby. He beat his neck with a pattern of swords, beat his dovetail to faint, and tried not to kill him by doing things differently but first by inaction snacking. Doing so also reduces the number of deaths. At least we can keep the pace down. That will also give you more time to slap the culprit.
But there were a lot of them anyway. There are people who try to argue with each other, that is, people who are attacking the knights. To say why the knights are not under the power of Metis, the force of Metis' power falls inversely proportional to the expansion of the range of effects when they leave Metis. And if you have some strength, you can resist that power.
That is why knights who were away from the Knights' Stuff are able to take such action in resistance to weakened influence. But if you go close to the Knights' Stuff, they will put you under her control, depending on Sole. That's no different from the rest of the people.
"Damn... if the captains were here at a time like this...!
"Don't make weak noises! Now that we don't have those captains, we just have to do it! Save one more people!! What are we!!?
"-... a knight, you bastard!!
"You barked, you idiot! Then just wield that pride!!
The knights are aware. I realize there's something interfering with our spirits. So if we don't inspire each other, they're going to take it right away. The captains who aren't even there, they want to talk to the dead Knights captain.
With pride in my chest, I still live in this chest. You can still fight it by desperately stopping the will to be taken.
"Ugh... guh, guh...!! Haaaaaa!!!
Resist interference in the spirit that strikes. That's what they think as knights as they stun the people, just one thing.
If you run down the road towards the people, specifically close to the Knights' Stuff, the kind of impact you get beaten with a blunt instrument runs into the spirit. It's the end of even a headache. But I won't stop.
"Oh my... wake up fool!!
But Metis is not weak enough to resist by will alone. This is still a force that counts as one of the funeral armies, so you can't stand them being ordinary knights. Naturally, even the captains who stood above them could not bear it.
One, and one, and be conscious. I try to respond to my attacking coworkers and get slaughtered as they are. If you see any gaps, they'll take them.
As such, the remaining knights who were running around the country will also be under the control of Metis one after another. Rip off the people around you and your life is crushing more and more. A knight, a protector, was killing the people with his sword. He who stuns him also kills him, and at the end of the sentence he even comes out to the one who harms himself.
If humans are perceived as enemies to be killed, they will themselves be among them. The terrible thing about Metis' power is that he makes himself perceived as an enemy.
The killing will not stop. Madness is contagious, fear kills people and goes. A shiver of cowards crawling around irrationally destroys the country. It was the earliest second reading...
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The door opens. The only light in a dim space is a small fire on a candle. The light that enters with the door open there. It was the little girl whose light stretched straight and illuminated.
As Goslori's clothes lit up, she slowly turned her face towards the door. Then there was the boy. He is a boy with black clothes, pitch-black eyes and creepy air.
When the girl looked at the boy, she smiled at the look on her face. The boy laughs a little bitterly at the reaction as if he had met a distracted friend. But they're not friends, they're hostile now.
"Yes, there you are, tough one...... what's up?
"Hey, Meti, I'm here to talk to you for a second"
It was the girl who uttered the word - Metis. Engaged in an atmosphere like a captive princess, she calls out to the boy who came in - the orange noise. Light conversations were exchanged, but Metis sat on a large table, shaped like Metis, who was inherently shorter than an orange noise, looked down at the orange noise.
Orange noise that should have fought Mary until earlier. An end was struck to the battle earlier. Whatever the details, this is how the orange noise appeared before Metis when he beat Mary.
The orange noise said he wanted to talk, so Metis sat back as he turned his body back towards the orange noise.
Tilt your neck and say, 'Go ahead?' But I look like I've said it. Orange noise dropped her shoulder saying she still didn't like this kid in an attitude that was like talking to the public. I don't see orange noise as an enemy. He thinks he's the one to protect.
If you were single with no offensive orange sounds, it would have been difficult in itself to stand up to Metis on this occasion. Next to the orange noise now is Finia. It wasn't affected by mental interference because it was stuck to orange noise, but I still felt a little bad.
"Still hard to do, this kid."
Noel says that, but honestly I do think orange sounds inside. This girl can easily be defeated as long as she can do physical damage, but orange noise doesn't know that. Even if I knew, it would still be hard.
With the orange noise now, you can win by just stabbing her with a knife. In the meantime, just ignore Finia's magic attack on Orange Sound and tail Metis. Anyway, I guess I wouldn't say that Finia's magic works with that defense, etc., even if the heavens and the earth flipped over.
But orange sounds don't dare. It would be more beneficial to use her to get behind it than to kill a girl named Metis in the first place, where the story still works. I think so, too, because of one incident that hit Orange Sound earlier - Orange Sound approached Metis before thinking about it.
"Hey, Meti."
"Hey, what? What's the matter with you? Are you still scared? It's okay, I'm on it..."
"Hmmm... right, I need to ask you something"
"Mary told me you were doing this for me about the peer-to-peer thing that's happening in this country right now... is that true?
Seeing the orange noise approaching with the inquiry, Metis takes the orange noise hand with both hands connected to the handcuffs. The hands are thin, cold, and small. As for orange noise, I think it's a delicate hand that's going to crumble just like that if you grip it all the time.
Metis put his orange noise hand over his head and smiled like he was out of strength. And when I shake my head to rub it against the orange-sounding hand, I drop my eyeballs again. Metis showed the cuteness of a small animal, but after that, he laughed at Nicole with his orange-sounding hand over his head.
And say.
"Yeah, that's why I have nothing to be afraid of anymore. It's okay, Tight. I'll protect you."
For a long time, I was pulled with force that was still weak but wondered where in that thin arm there was such power. As a result of being struck by surprise, the orange noise was to approach Metis as he embarked on the table, and he was held in his arms as he tried to regain his posture.
"All the time, all the time... I'll stay with you tight. I'll always lean in with you when you go anywhere, when you don't go anywhere, when you do something, when you don't do anything... so - you don't have to be scared of anything... I'll turn off everything that I think you're scared of."
"So, what can I say instead... I wish Tight would compliment me. I want you to stroke my head and say thank you... and then I... I'm not afraid of just Tight..."
Hold the head of the orange noise and stroke it as if it were your sister. While doing so, she says that to the orange noise.
The orange noise was sandwiched by the stuffed rabbit she had originally held and her arms, somewhat wrapped in the same smell as the handkerchief the other day. Though it feels somewhat comfortable, orange noise thoughts are going somewhere else.
- Yabe, Yandere was born.
Yes, Metis is getting yandered for some reason. To protect the orange noise, the world's greatest cowards began to face fear of what kind of mood changes. And for that reason, I began to say that I would be with you forever beside the orange noise, and instead I praised myself and asked you to stay beside me.
I don't know where I've maximized her liking. I don't know where I did something that involved her liking.
The only thing I can tell is that her heart has become even more distorted as a coward.
I stood up to fear even though I was timid and had a blind strong sense of duty to protect the orange noise in order to stand up to it. As a result, she recognized herself as a fearful being and pushed her cowardice to orange sounds. And by protecting Sole, he created a situation where he unconsciously protected himself.
So to speak, dual personality using two flesh.
By recognizing others as the same beings as myself, I created another self in the world in my own perception. Metis' cowardice is enough to involve another being in the earliest possible time to turn his fears on the world.
"Hey tight...... praise me? Because I'll erase everything you're afraid of...... why don't you stay with me the whole time? You'll stay, won't you? He'll stay. It's strange if you don't stay. It's natural to be there."
"Why aren't you calling me Metti? Call me Meti, not Metis? I hope you can call me gently in your ear...... eheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh Metti."
She let go of her arm, which was holding the orange noise, and now she spread her hands just wanting her to hold herself. Orange sounds away from Metis by waking up her torso just staring at Metis with her hands wide open. I tried to say something, and the words didn't seem to come out.
That would be the case, too. Bad statements to her now are counterproductive. Words have to be chosen more carefully than not knowing if anything is right.
In the meantime, we have to get out of the way and put the pace of the conversation back on track - that's what I thought, Orange Sound made the wrong choice.
"... it changes the story, but Mary is - ugh!?
"What's Metty? - Call me, okay?
The moment Mary's name came out, Metis crawled on all fours and dived right in front of the orange noise. Pupils that open both eyes and look up at the orange noise, making them even feel hateful, stare at the orange noise.
"Why" Mary "? My name is Metis... you have to call me Meti, because I can't, I can't... I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm so scared... Tight doesn't scare me, Tight protects me from the things I'm scared of... that? Tough girl is scared......? So, we need to turn off Tight? No, no... that? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
"Meh, Meti?
"! eheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh I love you"
To be honest, I thought it was so horrible.
I can't tell at all whether this is genuine love for others, self-love due to my projections, or asylum love for the subject to be protected, or all of it. That's why it's scary. I can't tell if you reacted now because you gave me the name of another woman named Mary, or if you can't at the point of other human names, not just women, either.
Feels like you're forcing yourself to establish the mental instability that's breaking within you. The cowardice in her, which she originally had, collapsed into its nature when she met the orange noise. And when that collapsed state is normal, the mental state that is forcing it to be established.
Totally Metis was broken.
I wonder if this is just what I met more cowards than myself, and I don't know if I could possibly say that I was fortunate to have done this - but Metis' spirit is dangerous enough.
"... Meti, I mean Mary... okay?
"Eh heh...... yes, that's good. What's wrong with that kid? Ah... scared? So, shall we turn it off? I'll turn that kid off, too, okay?... Kiki, if it scares you tight... Yikes, you don't need it... right?
Metis suddenly starts to follow suit even though he talked hard until earlier. The spirit of excessive instability is also evident in the tone. Besides, I met Mary, my own mate, just a few days ago, at the beginning and end of the day, asking me what kind of hesitation to turn off for the orange sound.
- I don't know what to do...
The orange noise sees Metis holding his own hand in an uneasy mood. And a person who really doesn't like orange sounds feels more like a natural enemy on his chest. I thought so.