I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
Hate Spearhead
Stella confronts orange noise. The dress doesn't change, but seeing you weave a long sleeve white long coat from above makes you feel like you've grown just a little bit taller. Dewgrass colored eyes are the same, and you can't even read the inside out of an emotionless look.
More surprisingly, however, after the release of the earlier pillar of light, "Keraunos", it did not appear to have worn out at all. Compared from the last wear and tear, I can honestly tell it's a surprising growth. You've got quite a bit of training, she's probably consuming a lot more magic. And even with regard to "Keraunos", we are able to successfully concentrate a vast amount of natural energy and our own magic, which will greatly reduce the load on ourselves.
Her magic with the nature of defensive piercing. She was strong enough to make me think that maybe with this magic, she could also pierce the Orange Sound defense.
"Let's say it again. I'm inviting you to our base, because apparently, he wants it too."
To Stella's words, the orange noise lurks her brow gently. If "that person" is the person who modified Metis, then that person wants to meet the orange noise. Even if you don't want to, there's no choice but to be vigilant.
Besides, even the orange sounds of fighting Mary, fighting Metis and winning streak of battles made this stellar in front of me lick numerous spicy acids. Unlike the peculiar powers of Mary and Metis, she has an honest super firepower as a weapon.
Straight and highly skilled, ultra-fire armed is, in a sense, quite incompatible with orange noise today. Because super defense and super firepower collisions are purely the loss of those who push and lose. If you can prevent it, you can win, but if you can't prevent it, it's a losing battle. I can't get a little distracted.
"I wonder if you'd let me hear it before then"
"What is it?
"Are you - No, are you... otherworldly?
But the orange noise threw such an inquiry knowingly.
Metis was an interracial man. Mary disappeared, so there's no confirmation, but maybe she's a remodeled otherworlder. If the sequenced girls are different worlds who make orange noises and roots the same - they can be undone just like Metis. Both Stella and Maria, by doing so, might make us one of them.
So check first. Stella decided that she should know how they perceived herself, leaving aside whether she was originally from the other world or not.
Stella, who was asked that question, tilted her neck just wondering why she said that, but answers.
"I'm not from around the world… I'm the one who brought Metis here, so I know she's from around the world."
"... Then why did you become an 'apostle'? How'd it go?
"Come on... because I lived as an 'apostle' when I realized it"
I was already an 'apostle' when I realized it. Orange sounds suspicious to me that's her perception. When I realized it, I guess I questioned the way it was said. When you realize it, you don't know when you're talking about it.
If that's what you've been doing since you were a young girl, I wouldn't use words if I realized it in the first place. Normally, you should say, "Since I was a man of conscience." What a strange way to say it when you realize it.
Well, let's just say the moment I realized that...
"When I realized that... how old were you?
Find out how old she was and what time it was in her perception. Her perception alone cannot be ascertained, such as whether she is a different world. Then I can see if it's doubtful just to ascertain when she recognized herself as a 'messenger'.
If she realized she was a 'messenger' at a time when she was growing up quite a bit, then Sole would obviously be strange. I can see that there is something totally applied to my memory.
You must have noticed that. Stella also gave me a slightly strange look. And I answered after just a little thought.
"... is that what you mean? Well, it certainly would have been somewhat younger than it is now at the physical age... but you were at a strange age not to have a heart attached at all."
"I can't guess your perception. Do you remember when I was little in your memory?
"There isn't. I was already an 'apostle' when I realized, and my physical age was about younger than it is now... I don't know what I was talking about before that."
Stella also notices. to the heterogeneity of my perception.
I don't recognize myself as a otherworldly person, but this perception of memory makes me look fake everywhere. What I wanted to say about the orange noise was passed on to Stella. Really, I think orange noise is a remarkable person in strange places. It's something Stella didn't really want to recognize, but if she did, she wouldn't be distracted.
Stella stares into her own hands and then exhales loudly. And as she turned her gaze back to the orange noise, she opened its mouth.
"... Sure, you can't deny if I'm a different person myself. But you know that too... if you go to base, you'll figure it out."
"I don't know... ma, no. Okay, well, maybe you should take me with you."
Question is behind us. Let's just say that the question now is good enough because Stella has come up with the possibility of being an otherworlder. It's after two straight fights with Metis and Mary in the first place - I'm not going to set up a fight with Stella. I don't know if I can withstand that ultra-wide annihilation attack, Keraunos.
But orange noise can't leave this country with Stella like this. You can't just leave Leila and Lulu, and leave school on your own in the first place. I also feel that if I let Stella see the corpse sound, it would be a breeze of immediate purification, but then, well, that's the time.
I also have a slight bad feeling about killing the corpse sounds, but Stella is also going through one of Leila's cases. You shouldn't have come to kill me without asking questions.
"... may I join my people first?
"... good, then I will wait at the outer gate of this country. Please rendezvous as soon as you've packed your bags."
"I get it. I'll see you later."
Orange noise turns his back on Stella and returns to the entrance to the school.
"Yeah... I hope you change something"
Stella said that behind her back, but the orange noise waved not to hear it.
◇ ◇ ◇
The junction was on the verge of collapse, but somehow it's safe. Then the students who were inside should be safe - human beings from all over the country have died, but Metis, the culprit, is no longer there. Here are the otherworlds who were Metis saved by orange noise.
Some people will still not be able to hold their anger, but even as an orange noise, they already have an excuse in mind. Conveniently, there is also the "Princess of Rebellion (Klau Thoras)" in her hand. I can make as many excuses as I want.
When we reached the school gate, the junction that had covered our surroundings disappeared, as we noticed the orange noise. Then, a large number of students appear at the school gate, even though no one seemed to be from the outside. Perhaps the perception inhibition made it look like just a school from the outside. The moment the bond was broken, the students who were there appeared in reality.
The moment they find orange noise across the school gate, they turn to questions. I wonder why there is an orange noise outside the school that I couldn't get out of in any way, a student famous in a bad way. Besides, I carry one girl on my back for some reason. It must have looked like a strange sight.
'... what are you going to do? Tough girl.'
To Noel's words, the orange noise answered nothing. Instead, close your eyes with a thin laugh. Trying to explore my insides, Orange Sound was trying to activate that skill. Because orange noise excuses needed that skill now.
That skill was the one Orange Sound had acquired from the very beginning and the most like him in this world. He came alive with that skill, and with that skill he was called Reaper.
- You can take my side now.
And the orange noise grabs, feeling the twitchy seeping sweat. Feel that skill. The feeling of that skill that has been activated many times.
The name of the skill is Creepy Physique
That skill, which became the intimidation of the reaper emitted from the orange noise itself, shows its full potential by assimilating it into the existence of an orange noise. There are no more halves to the effects due to misperceptions, etc., and fully activate that effect.
Intimidation struck all the students, and his appearance held desperate fear. As my most horrible being, I recognize orange sounds.
More horrible than the Warcraft, more horrible than the Demon Clan, more horrible than the Demon King, more horrible than death, more horrible righteousness than the Reaper. Scarier than fear, to such beings - the orange noise became. Though thin laughter accelerates fear, orange noise is a sense of manipulation of one's hands, reducing the power of one's skills slightly.
The students, who had fallen from fear and were dying, survive critically. He was only a little free from the heavy pressure and gazed at the orange noise without being able to move a step in a breathless space.
And then after getting there, the orange noise finally opens its mouth.
"All men in this country died just now"
Start making excuses for the upside of things.
"The killer is called 'The Divine Princess', a girl by the name of Metis. She is the owner of an ability that has a wide range of effects throughout this country, and that ability was - to force 'peer to peer'."
"Tough girl...... no way......"
"The people, manipulated by their ability, killed their own friends, their families, the same people, the knights, all of them. The people killed the people, and they all died."
The orange noise explanation obscures the students who had endured fear.
"Heck, you're kidding!! That's why!!
"I do. She was such a threat... if she was within the boundaries, you know what I mean? The pillar of light was an attack carried out by Metis' people... if it was a direct hit, you would have vanished without even being able to extinguish the charcoal by now, wouldn't you? Besides, the fellow can probably do that attack in a row. That's how menacing it is... you know what I mean?
"No... no...!!
"... I'm a student at this school, but at the same time I'm a 'tough' S-rank adventurer. So I went to stop Metis, but I killed him - and the only thing I could save was this" kid "I'm carrying right now. You know, even if I went out there and gave the S-Rank Adventurer a name, the only thing I could save was this kid."
Orange noise tailored the Metis carrying on his back - to the victim of Metis. She is not Metis. Metis is already dead, and it's just another girl here. By doing so, the sins that hang on her disappear.
The students understand. How powerful things were the threats that struck this country. There are two threats enough to drive this country to ruin. That's what attacked this school earlier. A chill runs on my spine the moment I understand. The fear of orange sounds goes hand in hand with the students whose faces turn pale.
But the human psyche doesn't hold my anger to the extent that the threat has left. The threat of Metis has left, the threat of the earlier pillar of light has also probably caused the orange noise to retreat. But it's not as simple as it fits.
So, they say, "As orange sounds would have it."
"Ko, this... heh, you're kidding me, you son of a bitch!!!
"Oh man, if you could move faster...!!!
"Uh-oh!! I'll kill you...... I'll kill you. Aah!!
- I hit that with an orange noise. Anger without a place to go, bumping it into orange sounds is a mistake. I'm sure they know that too. Even if I know, I just have to bump it. Reason doesn't hold back that emotional cry. I can't stop it.
The anger that I couldn't do anything about, the grief of the people of my dear country dying, the jealousy of the orange sounds that I was able to fight, all of which mixed together to become anger at the orange sounds.
Orange noise takes it all.
And as he intended, he made a brilliant attempt to divert the object of hatred from Metis to himself. Plus, create a reason to just leave this school. After that, if we manage to get him out of school, he'll be able to leave this school without any later rot.
All you have to do is take Leila, Lulu, Corpse Sound, Leishe, and later leave this country with Stella. I don't mind if you blame me the orange noise for this country's doom. Whatever, it's good to even strip the S-Rank Adventurer of his title. I don't mind being certified as a criminal.
Take it all - the orange noise will destroy this country.
"I'm sorry, but I can't let them kill you... but they'll disappear from this school and from this country. You may resent as much as you like, but unfortunately, I killed the object of your hatred."
Orange sounds deliberately said so, and she laughed thinly as she stirred.
The hatred thus increased becomes so much to antagonize with the intimidation of orange sounds, but also at the moment when orange sounds are intimidated with all their might.
The students all fainted this time.