"My blood?"

"Oh, I've been losing power for a long time, but I think I can regain my strength if I have your powerful blood. "

Lisa Haruna's proposal was amazing.

"Lisa Haruna-sama's power !? Then it's for them too!"

The episode suddenly starts to get excited.

I wonder if the epis who know Lisa Haruna's past can say that much, relying on the original power of Lisa Haruna.

In any case, we have to say that the win is quite thin at present.

If , is there a better chance to fight with three people, including the power-up Lisa Haruna?

"Okay. Lisa Haruna, suck my blood. So let's power up and beat them."

"Thank you. One thing to watch out for is that, as you look at the fight against Demirich, you're resistant to curses and magic, and you have a very high base ability. Defend the curse, because the vampire's vampire has the power to make the target a relative. "

"Oh, that's what I heard. Um, is that okay?"

"Your strength, if you go against my magic with all your might, will be able to stay as a person even if I suck blood ...."

Didn't you just say it now!

Is it really okay, I won't be undead !?

―― But can you afford to worry about low probability now?

Even if you become a vampire, you feel like you're better than dying, and jump off the stage of Shimizu.

"I'm prepared, I'm not good at injections ... Lisa Haruna, please smoke."

"Thank you. Don't worry, it's just the first time."

Lisa Haruna stands in front of me and squeezes with both hands.

When I stare at my eyes with blue eyes, I bring my face closer to my neck.

The soft blonde tickles her cheeks, and Lisa Haruna whispers sweetly.

"Then, let's go."

The moment I swallowed my saliva and decided to come, the sharp pain pierced my neck.

Remember what was said and open all magic and magic defenses.

Immediately after, blood sucking started.

Uhh ...

This is this ...!

I can't see the tusks protruding.

But you can see clearly.

The sensation that blood and some kind of hot energy mass are sucked up with it.

No more pain.

Rather, there is even pleasure.

The sense of security and openness that seemed to leave everything to myself seemed to spread from the base of my neck.

The sigh of Lisa Haruna, occasionally heard from the ears, and the sensation of dry hair give a sense of happiness.

First-great, this feeling.

Heads up to the intenseness, and his sight flicks.

Your legs and feet become less rugged and you lose power-but do not fall. Lisa Haruna is holding me strong with her arms holding me.

At that point, I renewed my skills and strength.

It was dangerous, and if you keep your consciousness as it is, you will surely be undead.

While it seemed to be swept away by the rush of pleasure, it may have been only a few tens of seconds to stay on.

But the dangerous ecstatic time that I felt for more than a dozen minutes was finally over.

Lisa Haruna slowly releases her mouth from my neck.

Its mouth is stained red with blood.

"Oh ... I really smoked. That was my first experience."

While the back of my head is numb, I somehow twist the words.

Lisa Haruna rounded her eyes astonished.

"I'm surprised and able to talk. It's incredible tough.

"No, it seems that I can really take it any further"

"Huh, we're kidding. You worked hard, you were still a person, even if I was sucked by me. Even if I got enough blood to regain my strength."

Lisa Haruna slowly releases her hugging hands and turns toward the demons.

"Then, you succeeded!

As soon as I tried to embark loudly, my legs got tangled.

The episode catches me.

"Oh, what are you doing? You can't move decently with the blood sucked by Lisa Haruna. Rest quietly."

and force me to sit down and lie down.

And Epi sat down, resting my head on his lap.

"Cho, why the knee pillow in this situation. I'm glad, but in that case."

"Huh, are you happy? I'll do more. Well, I can't move anyway, so there's nothing in that case."

"I can't move, but I have to stop them!"

"It's okay.-Oh! Gigantic!"

The episode suddenly raised a joyful voice.

Lisa Haruna is ahead of that line of sight-no.

Yes, this vampire is higan.

"I feel so good. It's like I woke up from a comfortable slumber. It's thanks to your delicious blood."

There was Lisa Haruna, who glanced at the breathtakingly beautiful long silver hair in the sun and stared at us with mysterious crimson eyes that seemed to be inhaled.

"Oh-Gigan, it's time to see that beautiful figure again. Episode, inspiring!"

Lisa Haruna responds with a smile to the episode that raises her excitement.

"Thank you for the episode. You've led me this far and I've had a sense of fullness in my body after a long time.

Then, one step closer to the herd of monsters.

"Yes! Thank you for your compliments! Eishi, leave everything to the epis!

"You are high tension"

I tell the episode while being on my knee pillow.

, than that

"I'm okay, Lisa Haruna. How strong it is, I'm too alone to be alone."

"If you look at it, you know. Even to Aishi. There's a red gigante. It's one of the six great demons who once reigned in this world."

"Six Daima-kun ... the first and strongest monster !?"

"Yes, Gigan is one of them. The king of all undead and the undead of the beginning, the red gigante--"

Epi looked straight at Lisa Haruna.

I look at Lisa Haruna with expectations and anxiety about what will happen.

Lisa Haruna does not move at all and stands alone, shaking his silver hair.

Numerous monsters were coming.

Screaming and shaking the ground, we're already close to us. And there is no way to stop the march.

You are just a little overrun.

At that time, Lisa Haruna's mouth slightly moved.


A small voice, but a voice reached my ears.

A word I've never heard of, but somehow its meaning permeates my heart.

"Folding down"

At the moment, all monsters stop moving.

Not only that.

All monsters were kneeling and hanging their heads.

All sounds were stopped.

"What-what ...?"

"Higan, the founder and lord of all undead, can spin powerful words that completely control the undead. All you have to do is say one word, and all undead must obey it. "

what is that.

Isn't it too absurd?

"It's too terrible, that's it, but episodes are normal."

"Of course, you can choose as much as you want. I think I've been the undead here except me."

It's even more amazing.

Unconditional full control without any number of restrictions is allowed.

Or rather, Lisa Haruna, I'm surprised that it was such a big thing.

It was the first strongest monster.

While taking a breath of surprise, I pay attention to Lisa Haruna's next action.

Then Lisa Haruna's lips moved again.

"Let's disappear"

It was spectacular.

At the same time as Lisa Haruna ordered, the undead collapsed.

The body of all demons, such as zombies and skeletons, riches and dragon zombies, which have filled the land, has become cracks, collapses, and ashes.

The swarm of monsters, who thought they couldn't be beaten, disappeared in less than a minute, without a trace.

Leave only the ashes that are blown away by the wind.

Lisa Haruna, who ended everything in a moment, looked back and walked to me, who was resting with Epi.

"I didn't know that the true appearance of Lisa Haruna was like that."

"It's refreshing and good to be a red gigante after a long absence. I thought it was a completely lost power, but thanks to your blood. Thank you. It's very nutritious."

"Is it happy?"

Lisa Haruna laughs at me while saying with a bitter smile.

And then, Lisa Haruna's body began to change again.

Hair color and length change, eyes become blue.

Yes, he returned to his usual Lisa Haruna.

"Oh, I'm back."

"I need to keep supplying energy to keep it up, so I can't help but get you again when I need it."


Pukuku, Lisa Haruna laughs kidding.

I was relieved somehow with the smile.

It has been revealed that he is a great power and a great presence, but Lisa Haruna is still Lisa Haruna I know.

"Well, anyway, this has settled down one thing. We've protected the procay, and we've recovered the peace of Anne Hollywood. The epis and our friends are safe."

Head straight up and call out to the episode.

Episode nodded, looking down at Lisa Haruna, around where all monsters had disappeared, and finally at me.

"Yeah, I was taken care of by Eishi. Not only did I defeat Demirich, but she showed me once again Lisa Haruna in the episode. Thank you."

"Welcome. I'm glad I saw something unusual. Without episode, I wouldn't have been able to win the terrible dungeon that was called Six Wonder for the first time. I'll be able to collect the treasure in the future. And it was an unusual experience. "

I have really sucked my blood.

I guess that really is the time.

The episode laughed mischievously.

"Thank you, Lisa Haruna ... Thank you, Lisa Haruna says that it's so delicious, and if you regain your strength, you're going to want to taste the episode too. Blood. "

"As expected, it's already anemia and it's impossible to ...

Before I was finished, my smiling episode dropped her face.

The fresh lips are approaching.

"Wait, wait, you can't do it, you can't do it now!"

But the episode came closer to me.


And , my cheek was grasped by hand.

"... What do you do?"

"Ah, were you surprised?"

The episode laughs strangely.

Don't laugh at people's faces.

"I'm sorry, joke, blood will be back again this time. But an interesting face."

I've seen the smile of the episode laughing cheerfully so far, but now it looks more and more fun.

Well, it was a look that I could not help but forgive.

And the episode that laughed with tears suddenly changed the kind of smile a little.

"Thank you, Aishi. If you couldn't meet Aishi, the episodes ... really thank you."

Then lower your head deeply.

I felt like I saw tears that were not laughter from my eyes.

The episode that raised her face after a while joked.

"Thanks to them, I've come back to life. Only the undead.

She had a higher tension than usual, and she looked down at me and smiled a bit shy.