Headache is splitting.

This was Quan Zhiyong's first feeling when he woke up.

Swinging and supporting the wall to climb up, Quan Zhiyong sat on the bed and felt that the body was extraordinarily heavy.

It seems to be wearing a layer of invisible shackles, turning the body makes the muscles aching, and the abdomen is like a knife.

People who have been drinking for a long time have stomach problems. Quan Zhiyong feels that he is used to stomach pain.

But this is not the first time I have experienced a hangover. This time I feel bad for Quan Zhiyong.

Quan Zhiyong shook his head after he recovered, and finally realized that something was wrong.

this is……

Quan Zhiyong squinted his eyes and looked at the strange environment.

Broken mirror beside the bed, dirty clothes on the floor.This bed, this chair, the desk next to it, and the phone on the table are all different.

Did someone pick him up from the bar? Quan Zhiyong frowned. He clearly remembered that he went home last night.

Quan Zhiyong was frozen, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead, this level of pain...

Ambulance, you must call an ambulance!

Quan Zhiyong staggered out of the bed and fell on his knees, clutching his stomach, the pain in his abdomen continued to impact Quan Zhiyong's nerves.There was no way to move, Quan Zhiyong was curled up on the ground, suffocating him with pain after another.

I'm only twenty years old, so it can't be this way...

Quan Zhiyong gritted his teeth, twisted his forehead, struggling to stand up and rush towards the phone.


This time, Quan Zhiyong fell to the ground as if exhausted all his strength.It's near, but I still haven't got the phone.

It's over~

This energy vented, Quan Zhiyong was completely powerless to struggle.Time slowed down. The ticking of clocks in the living room and the sound of water pumping in the fish tank seemed to be Quan Zhiyong’s urging talisman. Quan Zhiyong's consciousness became increasingly blurred. Suddenly he heard the sound of the key opening the door. With the sound of the key twisting, the last string in his brain broke, and finally his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.


Quan Zhiyong had a long dream.

Dreamed of a guy with the same name as him.

In his dream, he was a bank executive, married a beautiful wife, gave birth to a lovely daughter, and was a proper winner in life.

But everything changed in the second half.

He is obsessed with gambling.

From wealthy family gambling to small wealth, gambling from childhood to poverty and poverty.

The job is gone, the house is sold, and the wife is divorced.

My daughter became an idol and was lucky enough to become famous, and then helped him pay off his debts, but unfortunately he did not change, time after time, finally, a gambler ushered in his final chapter.

He owed a full thirty million, which was a debt his daughter couldn't repay.

People often turn to repentance when things cannot be undone, but reality will no longer give him a chance to compensate.

Quan Zhiyong sold the TV, washing machine and computer that his daughter bought for him in the rental house.

Take the last sum of money to the law firm.

The payment of taxes and debt repayment is limited to the actual value of the parents’ inheritance, and the heirs who voluntarily repay the part that exceeds the value of the inheritance are not subject to this limit.

Quan Zhiyong saw him leaking a long-lost smile. He sat on the bedside and wiped the family photo over and over again, swallowing a whole bottle of rat poison.

With a trace of nostalgia and guilt for his daughter, he left, and Quan Zhiyong came.

The picture fell into darkness, and Quan Zhiyong still felt very bad. I don't know how long it took before Quan Zhiyong vaguely heard a woman talking.

"When does this go on like this?"

"You have to think about it for yourself. Idol has such a long lifespan. It has been four years since we reached the peak. Maybe it will decline next year, don't you know?"

"An idol that is popular in Asia. It has been popular for six years. I didn't even have a house. I finally bought a set and mortgaged your gambling father to pay off his gambling debt. Is it worth it?

"Why are not you talking?"

"say something!"

"It's impossible for you to repay his debts forever, right?"

"I will pay the money."

"You know I didn't mean that."



When Quan Zhiyong heard this and the three words'I'm sorry', a heartache suddenly came from his heart.

Quan Zhiyong couldn't bear it, so he woke up with a tear in the corner of his eye.

Quan Zhiyong looked at the two women in front of him.

A person's eyes are full of indifference.

One's eyes are full of confusion.

Quan Zhiyong wanted to speak, and as soon as his sullen voice sounded, he coughed because his voice was too dry.

Quan Zhiyong saw'his' daughter trying to pour water for him, but was stopped by the man with sunglasses next to him.

Quan Zhiyong didn't want to speak anymore.Perhaps the emotion left over from this body just affected him, and now he has calmed down.

Quan Zhiyong was silent, staring at the ceiling of the hospital ward blankly: Is this a crossing?

"Look at this person, take a good look at your father, wake up without even looking at your daughter, is it really worth it?"

Quan Zhiyong continued to look at the ceiling as if there was nothing.

The woman who was held back just returned, watching Quan Zhiyong's reaction, the hope in her eyes slowly disappeared.

After a while, she spoke:

"After this time, we are not father and daughter."

Quan Zhiyong didn't respond, and the two people beside the bed did not speak either. After a while, the two left.

To be honest, Quan Zhiyong didn't care what the two men said.

Even this daughter may be his only support in this world.

But Quan Zhiyong didn't think about it. It was the first time he traveled, and he would not immediately seize the opportunity to save his daughter who gave him pension.

Quan Zhiyong was in a state of chaos at this time and passed through.

After a while, when the nurse came to deliver the meal, Quan Zhiyong's almost impossible to think brain recovered.

While drinking the porridge, Quan Zhiyong felt like...

A twenty-five-year-old young guy, a greasy uncle who crossed into forty-three.

Forget it, the wife is separated from her daughter, notorious.

What and what!

Quan Zhiyong took a few sips of porridge, and put the spoon in the porridge fiercely. He didn't care about the splashes of porridge on his clothes.

Quan Zhiyong feels very tired, he wants to sleep, he wants to sleep, open his eyes and return to his world...


It's been a few days since I traveled into this world. Today is the day Quan Zhiyong is discharged from the hospital.

Quan Zhiyong has been rationalizing his thoughts these days, but he has not figured out how he should survive in the future.

Just arrived in the sophomore year, without professional skills, and physical work...

Quan Zhiyong looked at his 43-year-old body, smiled bitterly, and pushed his daughter away. No, it was the house that his former daughter rented for him.

The whole house was filled with a musty smell.

Quan Zhiyong was silent for a moment and began to clean.

Almost busy, Quan Zhiyong boiled a pot of water for himself and wanted to make some tea, when the door rang.

Quan Zhiyong was stunned and walked over to open the door. It was the woman who accompanied his daughter that day.

With pale pink hair and petite figure, Quan Zhiyong only felt that he was truly an idol.

"You are the……"

"I have been teammates with your daughter for 7 years. It's ironic that you don't even know my name."

Quan Zhiyong actually absorbed the memory of the original owner, but the memory needs to be read, and he can't remember the name of this person for a while.

The emotion remaining in the original body forced him to refute. Quan Zhiyong was silent for a moment and asked:


"The bank card limit issue, the money can only be transferred in batches. After we paid a few times, even an assistant would not want to go to that place anymore. The rest of the money is in this card."

The woman handed an envelope, and Quan Zhiyong took it in silence.

He does not currently have the ability to repay the remaining debt.

"Follow the instructions inside to pay back the money. We have negotiated."

"Also, it doesn't matter if you don't know me, let me introduce it briefly."

"The company where your daughter and I's team are located is our brokerage company, which is owned by my uncle, and my father also owns some shares."

"So you may not understand it, it’s okay. Let me put it another way: the company’s patience has reached its limit. This is the last time. The next time you have no chance to pay back, the company will choose to cut the meat to heal your injuries and expose these things. Then kick your daughter out of the group, understand?"

Quan Zhiyong opened his mouth, but still did not say anything.

The pale pink-haired woman left without looking back, and Quan Zhiyong's envelopes returned to the house.

Turning on the lamp on the desk and making himself a pot of tea, Quan Zhiyong put two envelopes on the table.

One was just sent, and the other was written by the original owner. It should have been busy sending to the hospital at that time so I didn't find it.

Quan Zhiyong first opened the delivery, glanced at it, and put it aside. It was just a repayment procedure.

Then he picked up another envelope, the letter that existed in his memory.

To Yu Li:

You are a good daughter.

And I am not a good father, I am sorry.

The world is big, you should enjoy life instead of being dragged down by me.

I hope my departure can lighten your burden.


Quan Zhiyong sighed, this may be the best outcome for dog betting.

It's just that I left the mess to me.