I'm a God in an Online Game

Chapter 108 playing the martial arts

"Who is looking for my son ?!"

A scorpion came out of the cane, and there were more than a dozen people who wake up seven or eight.

The expression of the fierce, and the scorpion took the lead in the face.

If there is no accident, this person is Liu San's father, Liu Laoyi!

Liu Fan scanned the other's realm, the two paragraphs of the martial arts, and the Qin Meng was still low.

This person is a small angry in the wind city, but it is also a notorious, often listening to it.

In such a person, I actually made the Qin Meng in the three paragraphs of Tangwang, and Liu Fan is really not understood.

I saw someone called my own son, and my son happened to be hit, and Liu Lao was on the air.

"Good guy, I didn't look for you, you have taken the initiative to find the door, give me! I killed the fish in the sea outside the city!"

With the hand of Liu Laoyi, more than a dozen people in the realm swarmed.

Liu Fan does not say that he is coming to Liu San, these miscellaneous soldiers are directly in seconds!

"Chen Wu, awakened the throwing soldiers below five paragraphs to you, let me come!"

I have fallen, and Liu Fan is jumping out!

boom! boom! boom!

One meal, Liu Fan boxing photo with their face!

Anyway, I am awakened seven or eight, I will not kill it easily, and Liu Fan will not stay!

At once, wash the footcourse.

Liu Laoyi wrinkled his brow, felt that after Liu Fan's realm, suddenly called.

"A group of people eat white rice, so many people are unchecked for nine paragraphs!"

Liu Fan swept, solved the last person awakened eight sections.

This guy is still able to play, but because it is a mixed body, there is no special practice to practice, and it is still not enough to look at Liu Fan.

Playing them, Liu Fan even didn't even make it out.

Chen Wu is also better, because it is to practice family, deal with it is five or less, and it seems to have a slap, almost simultaneously with Liu Fan.

Liu Fan traveled straight to Liu Laoyi.

Chen Wu took a sweat in the back, and the other party is a martial art. He is going to the front of Liu Fan, but he was rejected by Liu Fan.

"No, I solved myself!"

Wen said, Chen Wu stopped.

Liu Laoyi is a clear laugh, "Hahahaha, a person awakening even, I dare to call it in front of me Liu? When I was hacking people, you have not born!"

! ! !

Liu Laoyi sounded.

Liu Fan windpow, the figure is like a ghost, it is generally flashing to the other party.

Don't read Liu Fan awaken nine, but with the bonus of the skills, it is already able to have a hand with the people in the martialo!

Liu Laoyi is blended, and fighting will only rely on a strong, and there is no other skill.

It's really playing, and Liu Fan can also open it five five with each other.

Because Liu Fan quickly, Liu Lao did not respond.

Liu Fan's self-confidence is also the reason, because Liu Laoyi's cheek is red, and the eyes are somewhat, it is obviously a drunken look.

Playing a drunken man, isn't it easy? !

"No trace two paragraphs!"

Liu Fan took a palm, straight to Liu Laoyi's face!

"Want to attack ?!"

Liu Lao side steps, I originally thinking about the attack of Liu Fan, but the legs are neighing, the left leg is hitting the right leg!

Liu Fan see the timing, and the palm of the palm came on the opponent's face!


Broken teeth! Liu Laoyi was beaten to take a blind star.

Before the other party is awakened, Liu Fan is standing! Directly in the abdomen of each other!



Liu Laoyi retired, followed by a butthand.

Liu Fan is on the front, and a whip leg will swept on the other's sunscution! Let Liu Lao lose the combat power!

Things have to be simpler than Liu Fan, and the people who think that the two paragraphs of the fight will have a lot of effort, but the result is because the other person is drunk to the machine.

Liu Fan is on the front, two words do not say, first abollined the other's arms.

In the scream of Liu Laoyi, Liu Fan got his collar and asked: "Parling your son! Otherwise, I will not dare to be a person!"

"Do you know who I am ?! You dare to hit me, I will let you disappear within three days of Fengcheng!"


Liu Fan took the past, directly putting Liu Laoyi honestly.

"Don't hit, I call, I can't ..."

Liu Laoyi took out the mobile phone, and Liu San was once again.

"Mixed boy, don't study well, is given to me, this time I have given me a monster back ..."

After Chen Wu came to Liu Fan, he sent himself from his heart.

A awakened five paragraphs, actually put the people of the martial arts into this dog, the whole wind city, can do this, I am afraid that in addition to the genius of the big family, there are not a few people.

Chen Wu sighed, consciously walked to the door to look at the wind.

In a short while, Liu San has a dozens of younger brothers.

Chen Wu returned to Liu Fan, looking at the door.

"Operation! Who hits my father ?! I went to me!"

When I entered the door, Liu San broke out.

Sewage, Liu Fan turned back, showing a brightened expression.

At this time, Liu Fan sat on a chair, holding a hand of the hemp rope in his hand, bundling Liu Lao, who is dead, one foot is still on the back of the other party.

"Liu San, I also recognize me?"

"It's you?!"

See Liu Fan, Liu San's consciousness and retreats two steps.

Switch, Liu San slowed over, but I made a disdainful laugh.

"Sliced, it turned out to be your little , dare to go to do things, I admire you is a man. However, next year is your hacking day! Brothers, give me!"

With the order of Liu San, dozens of people joked!

See dozens of awaken runs, Liu Fan is not slowly on the arm of Liu Laoyi.

Suddenly, a pig-like scream sound.

"Reverse child! Give me your hand !!! Do you want to die?" Liu Lao said.

"Dad ..."

Liu San stunned, and those who took place were still stopped.

Here, Liu Laoyi is a real boss, and these younger brother listens to him.

"Don't call my father, hurry! Apologize for people!" Liu Laoyi contained iron in the steel and sold Liu San.

Wen said, Liu San lipped a little trembling.

If this is a kneel, Liu Fan can't fight him?

Thinking of your death because Dad's things are ridiculed, Liu Sanmong is a horizontal: "Dad, you have arrived at the retirement, it is time to hand it over to me, rest assured, you will be disabled, I will hire the babysitter. Take care of you. "