I’m a NEET but When I Went to Hello Work I Got Taken to Another World (LN)
96 Stories Elf's Inside Defense Battle (7)
Take a breather after the discussion.
He comes out shopping at the fort in the morning and goes straight into war. I used up my magic once, and as I sit like this, my fatigue pushes me closer and closer.
Especially Satie. She's been shooting at the bow for a long time. Although he says he's fine, there's no way he's not tired.
I'd love to roll over to the futon and relax if I could. Then you can hang out with your wife. I didn't do it with Anne yesterday, and it's been a while. During the journey, I lived an abstinent life, and it was this noise of arrowheads that I thought I could finally make a home and settle down.
Let Anne have plenty of opponents when she gets home. Absolutely.
"Princess! Total enemy attack. The West Gate!"
Elf's orders rushed into the room for a report. To do that, we have to get through here first.
"We're going to the rescue!
Flying to the west gate on Master Lili's fly was a bit of a mess. A group of harpies are attacking the walls, mainly at the West Gate.
Descend on the walls of the castle, quite far from the west gate. Remove the bow immediately and intercept a group of harpies who have discovered and attacked this one.
Thunder or flames twinkle around the West Gate. A fierce counterattack by Elf's magic has taken place and so far no harpy has been donated, but the enemy has been attacking all over the walls of the castle. The defensive hands are thin, and there's a lot of harpy flowing to those of us. Is it because it hits Harpy? Fortunately, no arrows have flown in.
"I'll do it! Wind, wind! Come on, come to me!
Ellie started chanting. Wind range. I'm willing to shoot magic.
"I'll do my best."
That's what Ellie tells you as she chants.
The elves are also fighting back, but are being pushed into too many enemies. The decision to reverse the situation at once with a massive range attack is not a bad one. I might be willing to use up all my magic, but I can replenish it with Anne and me.
You sensed a huge concentration of magic, and a bunch of harpies are coming this way.
It is still difficult to target enemies who move quickly with bows. But calm down. I'll be fine. I'll carefully aim for one at a time. I'm not in a hurry to remove it.
Satti is also shooting down Harpy with great momentum. Ann, Tirica, and former elf soldiers are attacking with harpy donations. Harpy gets shot down without even being able to come near us.
I remember Harpy knocking me down with Satie a little bit, but I'm fine. I won't let that happen again.
"Roar! Terrastorm!!
Ellie's chant was completed and the top magic of the wind activated.
A storm covering a wide area appeared on the battlefield, at once. A swirling wind rips the earth, the trees, the demons, and the harpy that was in the low sky. Aftermath storms also push against the walls, forcing them to lay low.
The spell activation is a little close to the walls, but it is also an exquisite distance. Harpy, who was flying near the walls, was also in havoc due to a strong breeze that blew away for a moment.
Ellie, who has finished activating the magic, is dropping her knees disappointingly.
"Yes, it's okay. But I used a little too much magic."
I almost ran out when I checked Ellie's MP. I need to refill it right away.
"Me," Ann said, buying me a magic replenishment and leaving it to me.
"Hey, that's not good. The walls are breaking through!
With a bow in place, Master Lili called out as he tried to sweep away the remaining enemies.
A large number of oaks are entering the walls from a position not so far from here. Climbing out and checking, there was a large hole in the walls of the castle that seemed to pass slowly on the oak as well as on the troll, from which a large number of demons gushed.
Soil magic. The enemy Magee... is not here. No, he's got to be somewhere.... No, I can't find it in detection. I can't afford to look long. Hole first.
The crime scene is a riot. Under attack from the sky, the ground and both, the elves and demons are intruded and not in a situation where magic can be unleashed.
Ellie's magic has reduced the number of demons and only slight salvation seems to confuse the enemy side.
"Block the hole!
Get over there and make a hole with dirt magic... No, you can't. Me and Satie, okay, are we gonna take Master Lili and the other members to the scene of the riot?
Or just leave it... just leave Satie alone...
"The concubine also fights. I've kept it warm, so I've recovered a lot of magic. Don't worry about the escort. With the protection of the Spirit."
I guess you found out I was lost.
Honestly, I don't care about Master Lili. No, it doesn't matter at all, but my daughter-in-law is the one who worries me the most.
"Since I got back inside, I'm ready to die. It's no longer a situation where you're wasting your life."
"Don't worry about us, Masal. Because I can protect myself."
"I can get you out at any time"
Ann and Tirica's words cemented their resolve. I'll get it somehow at the moment.
"Okay. I'll take the lead. Satti, Tirica. I'll take care of everyone."
Satti replied in a temper and Tirica nodded with a serious face as well.
I thought about putting out a golem, but that thing is dull and distracting to manipulation. Pull out the back sword and remove the shield from the item box. I'll give Sati an extra bunch of arrows. I wanted to preserve my magic with a bow, but I'm afraid of mistakes in combat style that I'm unfamiliar with.
Again, I checked around the hole. Elf magic has blown around the hole many times, but at an overwhelming rate, demons are gushing out of the hole and breaking into it. On top of that is Harpy coming from the sky. The elves were gathering to prevent the intrusion, but the only way to deal with it is by hand, unable to gather the strength to do something about the hole.
The assembled elves are also gradually pushed and retracted inside the interior. It was protected because of the walls. Elves of ranged attack subjects and the skill of melee combat should never be elusive. But in physically inferior elves, the difference in power from demons is difficult, and the elf soldiers are small. Now that the magic is exhausted, the front will collapse in no time if it becomes a melee and is brought into a war of attrition.
"Let's go!
Fire arrows in a row and advance. While eliminating the harpies around the walls, he reached directly above the hole in the hole.
And he threw large quantities of large rocks toward the hole, a dozen large rocks falling from a height of 50 m, jumping, breaking and not blocking the hole as much as he thought. If I add more, some of the holes were blocked, but this way it seems impossible to block them completely. However, the exit of the hole was stacked with rocks, which interrupted the passage and caused the demonic invasion to be somewhat slow.
"I'm going down alone. Ask for backup. Don't give me the harpy."
There's danger up there, but if we just pay attention to Harpy, then the high walls will protect us all. It should be a lot safer down there than it is in turmoil. That fits me too. Though it's a riot downstairs, if only the harpy was stopped at the castle wall line, the rest would be the demons of the oak subjects. It's not hard to deal with.
The blade of the wind blows and cleaves the demons around the Great Rock. Make sure of that before jumping off the walls and landing at Levitation. Immediately a large quantity of large rock was removed from the item box and stacked to block the hole.
I used to keep secrets, but that's just what I noticed. An oak that was nearby hits me. Behind you seems to be trying to move a big rock, there's a sound of cancer and slamming rocks,
Cut down a few oaks and turn back to the big rock. It touches the Great Rock directly and activates earthly magic. Smelting brought the big rock together and completely blocked the hole. Keep further curing. Unless you're also Maggie to your opponent with this, it won't be possible to break through first.
Looks like the Saties are active on the walls, and all the harpies are gone around me. Behind the walls of the castle, the firearrows are shot with cancer and the oak is reduced. Because of the magic boost, the oak has fallen recently with a blow from the fire arrow. Level 1 magic can fire in a row, and some number of oaks can definitely annihilate more than using range magic. Many of the demons that broke in seemed to have headed straight for the interior of the interior, and the orcs that were around the hole could be wiped out.
There's a lot of dead bodies rolling around there, and it's not just demons, it's lots of elves mixed up. How many elves on earth were defeated in this battle?
It sounds intermittently intense and I can see the fighting going on. Should we go inside to help the elves? But I'm also anxious to stay away from everyone for a long time. There is plenty of magic. It might be more efficient to leave the intruded demons to the elves and even shoot Meteo at the demons outside.
Just a few strays lost my options. A few oaks emerge from the shadows of the building towards us. I checked to see what it looked like. One in the rear. A figure equipped with metal armor in the midst of many naked similar oaks. And a body that's big once and twice. It's definitely oak king.
The giant stick in my hand is already blood-coated and bathes my whole body of returning blood, but at a distance but clearly visible in the eyes of the eagle. And then a lot more oak came this way.
There's still a distance, and it's easy to escape. But there are stairs nearby for climbing the walls. Regardless of the miscellaneous fish, it's too dangerous to let Oak King go wild.
It floats in levitation. If this one is out of reach, Oak King can't get his hands on it. I'm afraid of harpy, but so far I'm nowhere near it. The Saties seem to be doing a good job.
Rise along the wall for about 10 m. In the meantime, the orcs gathered at the blocked hole. Looks like he's trying to drill the hole again, but the big rock is integrated with the wall, and hardened to a metallic hardness. Even Oak King shouldn't be able to destroy it.
Forecasting where they gathered, they threw a set of 99 large rocks overhead, all at once. At its heart is the oak king.
Oak King raised his face and noticed the big rock falling massively, but it's too late. About half of the oak was crushed by the big rock along with the oak king after a roar.
He descends to the ground, survives and ends about ten orcs in turmoil in turn with fire arrows.
I swept the oak and suddenly the big rock in front of me was turned upside down as I tried to recover the big rock I threw down.
The oak king that I thought was crushed by the big rock popped up and attacked me.
Shit, I'm alarmed. The oak king is scratchy and has one arm plumped, but he still has a giant stick in his hand, desperately pulling me down.
It was close to an unintentional blow, but I managed to do so because of the injury or because of the blunt motion. But the power is alive and well. It's either me or the meat just to blow it off. Gathered magic on the Black Sword and activated the Magic Sword of Fire while he was dealing with two and three shots.
He furthered the blow of the oak king, slitting it like butter with every metal armor, hanging from the bottom as he dived into his nose.
Dow and Oak King fall.
"Ah, I'm scared..."
He won't be here anymore, will he? Make sure the fallen oak king is completely desperate and look around.
There just doesn't seem to be enough surviving an oak crushed by a big rock, and there doesn't seem to be any demons within sight. I don't even see a harpy over my head. It would be time to go back. Extinguish the flame that was letting the sword put together. When I checked the sword, it spilled a little blade, but it cut through the oak king opponent intact. There is no way to do this.
He still holds a black sword with heat in his back sheath and collects large rocks and oak. Oak king in particular is a good price. The fallen elf...... decides not to see it. He's so completely dead that he's not even willing to make sure he's breathing. There is nothing more that can be done against the dead than there is nothing like resuscitation magic. I can't collect it in the same way in the item box, and I don't know how to handle it.
By the time the recovery of the large rock and oak was complete, a group of elves came out of the internal passage inside. Apparently, it's over inside.
"You blocked the hole for me?
"First aid, but well reinforced by earthly magic. There should be no more breakthroughs."
That's all I told him to activate the Levitation, waved at them and headed over the walls.
Come on, I'm getting worried about what's going on up there.